《不老木》是Treat Williams、Chris Pratt主演的23集电视剧,于2002年9月16日在美国播出。
Vivien Cardone饰
Delia BrownStephanie Niznik饰 Nina Feeny
Sarah Lancaster饰 Madison Kellner
Debra Mooney饰 Nurse Edna Abbott Harper
Tom Amandes饰 Dr.Harold Abbott
Gregory Smith饰 Ephram Brown
John Beasley饰 Irv Harper
面对一个受到丧母之痛的儿子和一个快速变化的世界,一个父亲怎样应对?世界知名的外科医师Dr. Brown带着一双儿女,从繁华热闹的纽约,搬到这个山头终年白雪皑皑的小镇·
Everwood,他们从来没来过这里,之所以会来,只因为太太生前曾告诉他:Everwood 在我心里就像天堂一样美丽。过去,当他是世界知名的外科医师,他整天埋首工作,逃避自己不善处理的婚姻以及家庭,现在,他得要一个人从头开始学习如何当一个称职的父亲……
After his wife is killed in a car accident, Dr. Andrew Brown (Treat Williams) moves his 15-year-old son, Ephram (Gregory Smith), and 9-year-old daughter, Delia (Vivien Cardone), to the idyllic environs of
to make a new start. In the opener, the relocation sparks harsh words and hurt feelings between the emotionally distant father and his neglected son, despite Andrew's attempts to reconnect with the teen. The good doctor also runs afoul of the town's only other physician when he decides to open his own practice---right across the street from his rival's office.