英 [feə(r)] 美 [fer]
adj. 公平的;合理的,公正的;相当好的;(数量、大小)相当大的;浅色的,(肤色)白皙的,(头发)金色的;晴朗的;顺风的;普通的;美丽的;界内的;<旧>(手段,方法)温和的,非暴力的;<旧>(言语,谈话,许诺)花言巧语的
adv. 公平地,公正地;非常;正面地,直接地;清楚地
n. 集市,展览会;露天游乐场;庙会;义卖会;牲畜市场;美女;职业介绍会
v. 变得晴朗;使(车辆,船舶,飞机)具有流线型
【名】 (Fair)(英、芬)费尔(人名)
[ 复数 fairs 第三人称单数 fairs 现在分词 fairing 过去式 faired 过去分词 faired 比较级 fairer 最高级 fairest ]
fair /fɛə/ CET4 TEM4 ( fairer, fairs, fairest )
1.ADJ Something or someone that is fair is reasonable, right, and just. 公平的
2.fairly ADV 公平地
3.ADJ A fair amount, degree, size, or distance is quite a large amount, degree, size, or distance. 相当大的; 相当远的 [ADJ n]
4.ADJ A fair guess or idea about something is one that is likely to be correct. 合理的 [ADJ n]
5.ADJ If you describe someone or something as fair, you mean that they are average in standard or quality, neither very good nor very bad. 一般的
6.ADJ Someone who is fair, or who has fair hair, has light-coloured hair. 浅色头发的
7.COMB in ADJ Fair is also a combining form. 金发的
8.ADJ Fair skin is very pale and usually burns easily. 白皙的
9.COMB in ADJ Fair is also a combining form. 白皙的
10.ADJ When the weather is fair, it is quite sunny and not raining. 晴的 [正式]
11.N-COUNT A county, state, or country fair is an event where there are, for example, displays of goods and animals, and amusements, games, and competitions. 集市
12.N-COUNT A fair is an event at which people display and sell goods, especially goods of a particular type. 商品展销会
13.→ see also trade fair
14.ADV in a fair way; correctly 恰当地
15.ADV absolutely or squarely; quite 完全地; 直接地
16.ADV really or very 真正地; 非常地 [DIALECT]
17.PHRASE You use fair enough when you want to say that a statement, decision, or action seems reasonable to a certain extent, but that perhaps there is more to be said or done. 说得过去 [口语]
18.PHRASE If you say that someone won a competition fair and square, you mean that they won honestly and without cheating. 正大光明地
fair play 公平竞争;公平比赛;平等对待
fair competition 公平竞争
fair value 公允价值;[经]公平价格
trade fair 商品交易会;贸易展销会
fair trade 公平贸易;互惠贸易
for fair 肯定地;完全
fair price 平价;公平价格
to be fair 公平地说
fair use 合理使用,正当使用
canton fair 广交会
fair enough 有道理;说得对;敢情好
fair share 公平分配;公平共享
fair and square 光明正大地;诚实地
temple fair 庙会
fair trial [法]公平审判
book fair 书展,书籍义卖
job fair 招聘会
international fair 国际博览会
world's fair 世界博览会
fair deal 公平交易;公平政策
最新修订时间:2024-09-01 16:41