soddy karst 覆盖喀斯特
soddy soil 生草土
Soddy Daisy 城市
soddy y 草皮既 ; 草皮的
soddy shovel 草铲
soddy circle 索蒂圆
Soddy Lake Heights 城市
soddy strongly podzolized soil 生草
One of my intellectual heroes, the Nobel Prize - winning chemist Frederick Soddy, put it another way.我崇拜的一个极具智慧的人是诺贝尔化学奖获得者弗雷德里克·索迪,他对此有另一种说法。
The radioactive displacement law of Fajans and Soddy was formulated to describe the products of alpha and beta decay.法扬斯和索迪的放射性位移定律被用来描述α和β衰变的产物。
However, the effect of its permeability and water-maintaining in loam soil, sandy loam and vermiculite was not so obvious as in soddy soil.信德瑞在壤土、砂土和蛭石中的渗透、保水效果不如在草炭土中明显。