Further, users don't have a legal right to their data if it's stored on a company's servers, Stallman suggested.如果数据存储在一家公司的服务器上,用户使用其数据的合法权利将大打折扣。Stallman暗示。
Open hardware is open in the same sense as open software - the free as in speech concept Stallman discussed in his GNU Manifesto.开放硬件中“开放”的意思与开放软件中是一样的—就是Stallman在其GNU宣言中所讨论的“如讲话般自由”的概念。
Some people honor the request of Richard Stallman and the GNU Project, and call the Linux OS GNU/Linux, because a good number of these utility programs were written by the GNU folks.有些人为了对 Richard Stallman 和 GNU 项目表示敬意,他们称 Linux 操作系统为 GNU/Linux,因为大量的这些好用的工具软件都是由 GNU 项目那群人写的。