Vitoria harbor is located between Hongkong island and the Kowloon Peninsula, where the water depth of Hong kong, a unique natural conditions.维多利亚港湾地处香港岛与九龙半岛之间,这里港阔水深,自然条件得天独厚。
Like the Vitoria Secret fashion show, the female models are proud to be one of the angels, because it means they have the perfect body shapes.像维多利亚的秘密时尚秀,女模特很自豪能成为其中一个天使,因为这意味着她们拥有一个完美的体型。
Mr Vitoria said the plan was introduced as a way for farm employees and manual laborers to take a break from work at a point in the day when temperatures reach their peak.市长维多利亚表示,这项计划是为了让农场员工和体力劳动者在一天气温最高的时候停下工作休息一会儿。