circumnavigate /ˌsɜːkəmˈnævɪˌɡeɪt/ ( circumnavigating, circumnavigated, circumnavigates )
1.V-T If someone circumnavigates the world or an island, they sail all the way around it. 环航 [正式]
For this year at least, our race to circumnavigate the globe in less than 80 days is over.至少在今年,我们在八十天内完成环球航行结束了。
The big take-off is planned for 2012, when the two pilots will try a transatlantic flight before attempting to circumnavigate the globe.这项大起飞计划将于2012年开始,这两个飞行员在环球航行前将尝试飞越大西洋。
Fanciers of muscular hounds with big jaws could circumnavigate the law by crossing, say, a mastiff with a pit bull, to create a perfectly legal canine nasty (as, indeed, has happened in Britain).大下巴肌肉猎犬的爱好者们可以通过一只马士提夫獒犬和一只罗威那犬制造一只完全合法的令人讨厌的犬种来绕开法律。