wrongdoer control 自己的名义起诉
nearest wrongdoer 或最近过错人
tort-feasor wrongdoer 过错方
the last human wrongdoer 最近不法行为人说
correct a wrongdoer 责备作恶的人
Is the wrongdoer well liked by colleagues and constituents?犯了道德错误的人会被同僚和选民喜欢吗?
AS Bernie Madoff begins a 150-year prison sentence for his part in a $65 billion ponzi scheme another corporate wrongdoer may get off more lightly.尽管伯尼·马道夫国涉嫌650亿的庞氏骗局而被判入狱150年,但另一个做同样坏事的人可能会被判得轻些。
By counting each E-mail sent by a white-collar wrongdoer as a separate case of wire fraud, prosecutors can threaten him with a gargantuan sentence unless he confesses, or informs on his boss.根据每一封白领阶层罪犯寄出的电子邮件作为一宗单独的电子欺诈案件,追诉者可以用很长的刑期来敲诈他:要么自己坦白,要么就揭发到他的上司。