2009年,美国哥伦比亚大学政治学系博士(导师Andrew James Nathan,黎安友,安德鲁·内森)
Strategic Compliance: Court-Executive Relationships in China and Empowerment of Local Courts, presented in the Annual Conference of American Political Science Association, Washington DC, September 2010
Rise of Local Courts in China: Judicial Hierarchy, Institutional Adaptation and Regime Resilience,presented in the Chinese Judicial Development Conference, NY, February 2009
Legislative-Judicial Relations in China: A Game-theoretical Approach, presented in The Annual Conference of Law and Society Association, Berlin, July 2007
Administrative Litigation as Functional Substitute: Understanding Constitutional Movement in Contemporary China, 发表于《“中国政治学发展二十年展望”学术会议论文集》,上海,复旦大学,2005年6月
How de facto Constitutional Litigations are Conducted in China: an Institutional Analysis, 发表于《“中国研究论坛”论文集》,香港中文大学,2005年1月
1. 2022-09,Legal Formalism, Realism or Instrumentalism?--ad hoc Judicial Response to Covid-19 in China,第一百一十八届美国政治科学年会[the 118th Annual Conference of American Political Science Association],加拿大,魁北克
2. 2022-08,司法实践中的性别规范——以贪腐案件为例,中国社会学会 2022 年学术年会,中国,厦门
3. 2022-07,The Company They Keep—When and Why Chinese Judges Engage in Collegiality,第二届“比较视野中的法律、法院与法官”研讨会,中国,北京
4. 2022-07,The Company They Keep—When and Why Chinese Judges Engage in Collegiality,第七届国际法律与社会大会[the 7th Global Meeting on Law & Society],葡萄牙,里斯本
5. 2022-07,Legal Formalism, Realism or Instrumentalism?--ad hoc Judicial Response to Covid-19 in China,第七届国际法律与社会大会[the 7th Global Meeting on Law & Society],葡萄牙,里斯本
6. 2022-07,Reevaluating Gridlock: Legislative Politics in China 1991-2019,第七届国际法律与社会大会[the 7th Global Meeting on Law & Society],葡萄牙,里斯本
7. 2022-05,司法实践中的性别规范——以贪腐案件为例,“问”字期[第一期]“琢磨:法与交叉学科青年工作坊”,中国,北京
8. 2022-04,The Company They Keep—When and Why Chinese Judges Engage in Collegiality,第七十九届中西部政治学年会[the 79th Annual Conference of Midwest Political Science Association],美国,芝加哥
9. 2022-04,Legal Formalism, Realism or Instrumentalism?--ad hoc Judicial Response to Covid-19 in China, 第七十九届中西部政治学年会[the 79th Annual Conference of Midwest Political Science Association],美国,芝加哥
10. 2022-03,The Company They Keep—When and Why Chinese Judges Engage in Collegiality,第十五届法律实证研究年会[the 15th Conference on Empirical Legal Studies],加拿大,多伦多
11. 2021-12,The Company They Keep—When and Why Chinese Judges Engage in Collegiality,第十七届亚洲法经济学年会[the 17th Asian Law and Economics Association Annual Conference],中国,北京
12. 2021-12,The Company They Keep—When and Why Chinese Judges Engage in Collegiality,清华大学第八届“政治科学前沿理论与方法”研讨会,中国,北京
13. 2021-11,中国立法效率影响因素的再审视——基于全国人大常委会立法规划(1991-2019)的实证分析,中国法学会立法学研究会学术年会,中国,北京
14. 2021-10,The Company They Keep—When and Why Chinese Judges Engage in Collegiality,第二届“法律和社会科学”年会,中国,恩施
15. 2021-09,The Company They Keep—When and Why Chinese Judges Engage in Collegiality,第十五届欧洲中国法研究年会[the 15th Annual Conference of the European China Law Studies Association],德国,科隆
16. 2021-05,The Company They Keep—When and Why Chinese Judges Engage in Collegiality,第六届“中国法律实证研究年会”暨第七届“数理—计量法学论坛”,中国,长沙
17. 2021-04,Reevaluating Gridlock: Legislative Politics in China, 第七十八届中西部政治学年会[the 78th Annual Conference of Midwest Political Science Association],美国,芝加哥
18. 2021-04,Reevaluating Gridlock: Legislative Politics in China 1991-2019, 清华大学第一届政治学经典议题与实证前沿学术研究会,中国,北京
19. 2021-03,Reevaluating Gridlock: Legislative Politics in China 1991-2019,第五届定量中国研究研讨会[the 5th Quantitative China Studies Seminar (QCSS)],美国,纽约
20. 2021-01,合议庭构成逻辑:民主化和专业化的策略性“共谋”, 第五届《公共行政评论》青年学者论坛,中国,广州
21. 2021-01,中国立法效率影响因素的再审视——基于全国人大常委会立法规划(1991-2019)的实证分析,第一届“立法与治理”论坛暨第九届“法治秩序与中国道路”研讨会,中国,广州
22. 2020-11,Do the People’s Assessors Matter? The Performance of Lay Participation in China,第五届中国法律实证研究年会,中国,成都
23. 2020-11,合议庭的组织逻辑,第五届中国法社会学年会,中国,北京
24. 2020-11,Reevaluating Gridlock: Legislative Politics in China 1991-2019, 清华大学第七届清华大学政治科学前沿理论与方法研讨会,中国,北京
25. 2020-10,人民陪审参审效能的实证研究,第一届“中国政治 新锐研究”学术研讨会,中国,北京
26. 2019-12,中国立法效率影响因素的再审视——基于全国人大常委会立法规划(1991-2019)的实证分析,第五届“人大建设与公民参与”学术研讨会,中国,广州
27. 2018-12,国家监察体制改革视阈下的地方治理逻辑——基于司法裁判文书的实证分析,第二届迈向数据法学年会暨2018年度法律量化实证研究论文研讨会,中国,上海
28. 2014-11,Judicial Empowerment within/out of the Political-Legal System in China?, 第九届欧洲中国法研究年会[the 9th Annual Conference of the European China Law Studies Association],中国,香港
29. 2013-05,Looking for Mr. Right? A Strategic Search for Partners in Sub-County Governance in China, 公共政策分析与管理学会年会[Annual Conference for Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management], 中国,上海
30. 2012-09,Getting Rid of the Radical: the Logic of Regional Diffusion of Local Innovation, 第一百零八届美国政治科学年会[the 108th Annual Conference of American Political Science Association],美国,新奥尔良
31. 2012-09,Rule of Law under (Fragmented) Authoritarianism: Explaining the Judicialization in China,第一百零八届美国政治科学年会[the 108th Annual Conference of American Political Science Association],美国,新奥尔良
32. 2010-09,Strategic Compliance – Court-Executive Relationship in China and the Empowerment of Local Court,第一百零六届美国政治科学年会[the 106th Annual Conference of American Political Science Association],美国,华盛顿
33. 2009-02,Rise of Local Courts in China: Judicial Hierarchy, Institutional Adaptation, and Regime Resilience,法治发展学术研讨会[the Judicial Development Conference], 美国,纽约
34. 2007-07,Legislative-Judicial Relations in China: A Game-theoretical Approach,法律与社会研究年会[the Annual Meeting of Law and Society Association],德国,柏林
35. 2005-01,How De Facto Constitutional Litigations Are Conducted in China: An Institutional Analysis,中国研究研究生论坛[the Graduate Seminar on China],中国,香港
36. 2004-05,How De Facto Constitutional Litigations Are Conducted in China: An Institutional Analysis,哥伦比亚大学政治学系模拟美国政治科学年会[the annual mini-APSA in the Department of Political Science],美国,纽约
最新修订时间:2023-01-31 12:10