名古屋大学博士学位,日本文部科学省聘用为JSPS研究学者,日本日产株式会社从事自动驾驶方向研究。2011年获得日本机械工程学会“优秀年轻学者”,2013年日本学术振兴会“JSPS学者”。2020年入选IEEE国际微纳米机器人技术委员会理事(全球70人左右),目前是SCI检索期刊BDM《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》(IF=6.302)、Frontiers in Robotics and AI 、Science合作期刊CBS (Cyborg and Bionic Systems)的副主编,以及Bioengineering客座副主编。两大国际顶级机器人会议(ICRA和IROS)的Associate Editor、分会主席,兼任中国机械工程学会生物制造分会组织委员会副主任委员、中国微米纳米学会微纳机器人分会理事。
1. 靶向药物输送场控微纳米机器人精准化技术与医用基础研究;
2. 自主式姿态可控胃肠镜用胶囊机器人;
3. 微纳米级高通量高精度大输出力光电镊微操作系统;
4. 分子靶向治疗微纳米机器人;
5. 可变形磁流体机器人;
IEEE Robotics & Automation Society, Technical Commitee on Micro/Nano robotics and Automation (IEEE国际微纳米机器人技术委员会委员)
机械制造及自动化系实验室 副主任;
北京市医工交叉高精尖中心 特聘研究员;
北航歌尔潍坊研究院,智能机器人与微纳制造中心 副主任;
国际学术杂志Science合作刊物“Cyborg and Bionic Systems”期刊编委Associate Editor
国际学术杂志SCI检索“Bio-Design and Manufacturing(BDM)”期刊编委Associate Editor
国际学术杂志SCI检索“Frontiers in Robotics and AI ”期刊编委Associate Editor
国际学术杂志“Bioengineering”的Micro/Nano robot special issue Associate Editor
国际学会ICRA(The International Conference on Robotics and Automation)和IROS(The IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems)的Associate Editor
主要研究内容总结:冯林老师团队主要集中在多物理场控制的微纳米机器人方面研究。主要的研究内容有:(1) 率先提出了基于活细胞的磁控细胞机器人,可以进入血液循环系统并完成实体肿瘤的杀伤,论文发表在Small,AIS,Lab chip等封面文章;(2)光电镊操作控制系统,打破国际垄断,发表在机嚣人顶级杂志IJRR,APL,JAP等;(3)磁控胶囊胃镜机器人系统Lab chip,Biomicrofluidics,IJMS,Advanced Intelligent System.等杂志;谷歌学术他引1200多次。相关研究在国际机器人大会ICRA,IROS,WRC等获奖11次,2018年开始一直担任微纳机器人分会编委以及分会主席。
微纳米机器人概论》(京东,当当网有售),出版英文合著三部《Field-controlled micro-nano manipulations and micro-nano robots》,SCI论文70篇,Small封面三篇,Lab chip封面四篇,Advanced Intelligent System封面一篇,JAP封面文章1篇,IEEE国际会议论文共计70多篇,高被引论文1篇。负责、参与国家以及省部级重大项目15余项。研究主要集中在场控微纳载药机器人,建立靶向药物输送微纳机器人一体化制造与多场驱动技术体系,为新一代微纳米机器人制备及控制提供理论及方法支持。细胞生物学、生物制造以及再生医疗等领域中,细胞组织级的精密操作显得极为重要,比如克隆、体外受精、人工诱导多能干细胞生长成型等。传统的细胞操纵方法大多采用体积庞大的微操作机械臂,其精度低、可重复性低、价格昂贵、效率低下。因此为了解决这一几十年不变的陈旧技术,我们设计开发出了新型磁控微型机器人,应用于单细胞操作。其具有精度高、控制简单、可重复性高等优势。该微型机器人由磁性材料加工而成,封装于微流控芯片中,通过利用外界磁场的自动化控制,可以有效避免外界环境对细胞的侵染,并极大的提高了操作控制精度。
[97], Xu, J., Ma, S., Zhang, W., Jia, L.,Zheng, H., Bo, P., Bai, X., Sun, H., Qi, L., Zhang, T., Chen, C., Li, F., Arai,F., Tian, J., Feng,L., In, vitro, magnetosome, remineralization, for,silver-magnetite, hybrid, magnetosome, biosynthesis, and, used, for, healing,of, the, infected, wound, 2022, Journal, of, Nanobiotechnology, 20, 1, 364,10.1186/s12951-022-01532-4, Article
[96], Ji, Y., Bai, X., Sun, H., Wang, L.,Xu, J., Gan, C., Dai, Y., Hui, H., Feng, L., Biocompatible, Ferrofluid,Robot, With, Photothermal, Property, for, Targeted, Tumor, Therapy, 2022, IEEE,Robotics, and, Automation, Letters, 7, 4, 11517, 11522,10.1109/LRA.2022.3201696, Article
[95], Xu, J., Ma, S., Zheng, H., Pang, B.,Li, S., Li, F., Feng,L., Tian, J., Biomanufacturing, Biotinylated, Magnetic,Nanomaterial, via, Construction, and, Fermentation, of, Genetically,Engineered, Magnetotactic, Bacteria, 2022, Bioengineering, 9, 8, 356,10.3390/bioengineering9080356, Article
[94], Dai, Y., Jia, L., Wang, L., Sun, H.,Ji, Y., Wang, C., Song, L., Liang, S., Chen, D., Feng, Y., Bai, X., Zhang, D.,Arai, F., Chen, H., Feng,L., Magnetically, Actuated, Cell-Robot, System:, Precise,Control, Manipulation, and, Multimode, Conversion, 2022, Small, 18, 15,2105414, 2, 10.1002/smll.202105414, Article
[93], Wang, L., Song, L., Sun, H., Ji, Y.,Dai, Y., Feng,L., Multi-Mode, Motion, Control, of, Reconfigurable,Vortex-Shaped, Microrobot, Swarms, for, Targeted, Tumor, Therapy, 2022, IEEE,Robotics, and, Automation, Letters, 7, 2, 3578, 3583, 1,10.1109/LRA.2022.3146522, Article
[92], Liang, S., Sun, J., Zhang, C., Zhu,Z., Dai, Y., Gan, C., Cai, J., Chen, H., Feng, L., Parallel, Manipulation, and,Flexible, Assembly, of, Micro-Spiral, via, Optoelectronic, Tweezers, 2022,Frontiers, in, Bioengineering, and, Biotechnology, 10, 868821, 1,10.3389/fbioe.2022.868821, Article
[91], Zhang, P., Rasheed, M., Liang, J.,Wang, C., Feng,L., Chen, Z., Emerging, Potential, of, Exosomal, Non-coding,RNA, in, Parkinson’s, Disease:, A, Review, 2022, Frontiers, in, Aging,Neuroscience, 14, 819836, 3, 10.3389/fnagi.2022.819836, Review
[90], Zhang, C., Liang, S., Cao, Y., Sun,H., Feng, L.,Reducing, the, Guidewire, Friction, for, Endovascular, Interventional, Surgery,by, Radial, Micro-Vibration, 2022, IEEE, Transactions, on, Ultrasonics,Ferroelectrics, and, Frequency, Control, 69, 3, 1020, 1031,10.1109/TUFFC.2022.3142763, Article
[89], Ji, Y., Gan, C., Dai, Y., Bai, X.,Zhu, Z., Song, L., Wang, L., Chen, H., Zhong, J., Feng, L., Deformable, ferrofluid,microrobot, with, omnidirectional, self-adaptive, mobility, 2022, Journal, of,Applied, Physics, 131, 6, 64701, 2, 10.1063/5.0076653, Article
[88], Wang, L., Shi, Y., Jiang, J., Li, C.,Zhang, H., Zhang, X., Jiang, T., Wang, L., Wang, Y., Feng, L., Micro-Nanocarriers, Based,Drug, Delivery, Technology, for, Blood-Brain, Barrier, Crossing, and, Brain,Tumor, Targeting, Therapy, 2022, Small, 10.1002/smll.202203678, Review
[87], Xu, M., Liang, S., Zhang, W., Feng, L.,Chen, K., Deng, X., Zhang, D., Cai, J., Biomimetic, color-changing, skin,based, on, temperature-responsive, hydrogel, microspheres, with, the, photonic,crystal, structure, 2022, Journal, of, Polymer, Science, 10.1002/pol.20220411,Article
[86], Bai, X., Zhang, W., Dai, Y., Wang,Y., Sun, H., Feng,L., Acoustic, and, magnetic, hybrid, actuated, immune, cell,robot, for, target, and, kill, cancer, cells, 2022, Proceedings, -, IEEE,International, Conference, on, Robotics, and, Automation, 7936, 7941,10.1109/ICRA46639.2022.9812071, Conference, Paper
[85], Zhang, W., Song, B., Bai, X., Jia,L., Song, L., Guo, J., Feng, L., Versatile, acoustic,manipulation, of, micro-objects, using, mode-switchable, oscillating, bubbles:,Transportation, trapping, rotation, and, revolution, 2021, Lab, on, a, Chip,21, 24, 4760, 4771, 4, 10.1039/d1lc00628b, Article
[84], Liang, S., Gan, C., Dai, Y., Zhang,C., Bai, X., Zhang, S., Wheeler, A.R., Chen, H., Feng, L., Interaction, between,positive, and, negative, dielectric, microparticles/microorganism, in,optoelectronic, tweezers, 2021, Lab, on, a, Chip, 21, 22, 4379, 4389, 3,10.1039/d1lc00610j, Article
[83], Zhang, D., Jiang, Y., Feng, L.,Chen, H., Cai, J., Zhang, X., Micro-, and, Nano-Bionic, Surfaces:, Biomimetics,Interface, Energy, Field, Effects, and, Applications, 2021, Micro-, and,Nano-Bionic, Surfaces:, Biomimetics, Interface, Energy, Field, Effects, and,Applications, 1, 350, 10.1016/B978-0-12-824502-6, Book
[82], Jia, L., Zhang, P., Sun, H., Dai, Y.,Liang, S., Bai, X., Feng,L., Optimization, of, nanoparticles, for, smart, drug,delivery:, A, review, 2021, Nanomaterials, 11, 11, 2790, 1,10.3390/nano11112790, Review
[81], Bai, X., Chen, D., Dai, Y., Liang,S., song, B., Guo, J., Dai, B., Zhang, D., Feng, L., Bone, formation, recovery,with, gold, nanoparticle-induced, M2, macrophage, polarization, in, mice, 2021,Nanomedicine:, Nanotechnology, Biology, and, Medicine, 38, 102457,10.1016/j.nano.2021.102457, Article
[80], Dai, Y., Bai, X., Jia, L., Sun, H.,Feng, Y., Wang, L., Zhang, C., Chen, Y., Ji, Y., Zhang, D., Chen, H., Feng, L.,Precise, Control, of, Customized, Macrophage, Cell, Robot, for, Targeted,Therapy, of, Solid, Tumors, with, Minimal, Invasion, 2021, Small, 17, 41,2103986, 13, 10.1002/smll.202103986, Article
[79], Bai, X., Song, B., Chen, Z., Zhang,W., Chen, D., Dai, Y., Liang, S., Zhang, D., Zhao, Z., Feng, L., Postoperative, evaluation,of, tumours, based, on, label-free, acoustic, separation, of, circulating,tumour, cells, by, microstreaming, 2021, Lab, on, a, Chip, 21, 14, 2721, 2729,6, 10.1039/d1lc00165e, Article
[78], Zhou, X., Zhang, D., Huang, Z., Song,X., Liu, H., Feng,L., Liftoff, of, a, New, Hovering, Oscillating-wing, Micro,Aerial, Vehicle, 2021, Journal, of, Bionic, Engineering, 18, 3, 649, 661,10.1007/s42235-021-0043-x, Article
[77], Chen, D., Yang, Z., Ji, Y., Dai, Y., Feng, L.,Arai, F., Deformable, ferrofluid-based, millirobot, with, high, motion,accuracy, and, high, output, force, 2021, Applied, Physics, Letters, 118, 13,134101, 9, 10.1063/5.0042893, Article
[76], Chen, Y., Pan, Y., Feng, Y., Li, D.,Man, J., Feng,L., Zhang, D., Chen, H., Chen, H., Role, of, glucose, in,the, repair, of, cell, membrane, damage, during, squeeze, distortion, of,erythrocytes, in, microfluidic, capillaries, 2021, Lab, on, a, Chip, 21, 5,896, 903, 10.1039/d0lc00411a, Article
[75], Liang, S., Cao, Y., Dai, Y., Wang,F., Bai, X., Song, B., Zhang, C., Gan, C., Arai, F., Feng, L., A, versatile,optoelectronic, tweezer, system, for, micro-objects, manipulation:,Transportation, patterning, sorting, rotating, and, storage, 2021, Micromachines,12, 3, 271, 1, 16, 7, 10.3390/mi12030271, Article
[74], Chen, Y., Li, Z., Bai, X., Feng, Y., Feng, L.,Zhang, D., Chen, H., Chen, H., Reduction, of, Erythrocyte, Fluid, Adaptability,Due, to, Cell, Membrane, Hardening, Based, on, Single-Cell, Analysis, 2021,Biochip, Journal, 15, 1, 90, 99, 10.1007/s13206-021-00005-4, Article
[73], Feng, L., Bai, X., Jia, L., Zhang, C.,Chen, Y., Chen, H., Field-controlled, micro-nano, manipulations, and,micro-nano, robots, 2021, Micro, and, Nano, Systems, for, Biophysical, Studies,of, Cells, and, Small, Organisms, 201, 225, 10.1016/B978-0-12-823990-2.00009-X,Book, Chapter
[72], Zhang, W., Song, B., Bai, X., Guo,J., Feng, L.,Arai, F., A, portable, acoustofluidic, device, for, multifunctional, cell,manipulation, and, reconstruction, 2021, Proceedings, -, IEEE, International,Conference, on, Robotics, and, Automation, 2021-May, 664, 669, 1,10.1109/ICRA48506.2021.9560812, Conference, Paper
[71], Wang, L., Dai, Y., Sun, H., Song, L.,Jia, L., Jiang, C., Arai, F., Feng, L., Precise, Control, of,Magnetized, Macrophage, Cell, Robot, for, Targeted, Drug, Delivery, 2021, IEEE,International, Conference, on, Intelligent, Robots, and, Systems, 7464, 7469,10.1109/IROS51168.2021.9635945, Conference, Paper
[70], Cao, Y., Liang, S., Chen, H., Gan,C., Song, L., Zhang, C., Arai, F., Feng, L., A, Portable, Remote,Optoelectronic, Tweezer, System, for, Microobjects, Manipulation, 2021, IEEE,International, Conference, on, Intelligent, Robots, and, Systems, 8557, 8562,1, 10.1109/IROS51168.2021.9636265, Conference, Paper
[69], Zhang, C., Cao, Y., Liang, S., Feng, L.,Micro, vibrations-based, Friction, Reduction, Evaluation, of, Guide, Wire, for,Endovascular, Interventional, Application, 2021, 2021, WRC, Symposium, on,Advanced, Robotics, and, Automation, WRC, SARA, 2021, 147, 152,10.1109/WRCSARA53879.2021.9612693, Conference, Paper
[68], Wang, W., Zhan, G., Wei, J., Song,L., Feng, L.,WCE, with, real, time, polyp, detection, and, segmentation, using, deep, neural,networks, 2021, 2021, WRC, Symposium, on, Advanced, Robotics, and, Automation,WRC, SARA, 2021, 140, 146, 10.1109/WRCSARA53879.2021.9612694, Conference, Paper
[67], Wang, L., Song, L., Jia, L., Sun, H.,Ji, Y., Dai, Y., Feng,L., Precise, Control, of, Magnetic, Nano, Particle, Formed,Microrobot, Cluster, 2021, 2021, WRC, Symposium, on, Advanced, Robotics, and,Automation, WRC, SARA, 2021, 13, 17, 10.1109/WRCSARA53879.2021.9612685,Conference, Paper
[66], Ullah, Z., Dixiao, C., Tovmachenko,O., Feng, L.,Electromagnetic, Actuation, Based, Swimming, Robot, with, Semi-Flexible, Fins,2021, 2021, WRC, Symposium, on, Advanced, Robotics, and, Automation, WRC, SARA,2021, 18, 23, 10.1109/WRCSARA53879.2021.9612684, Conference, Paper
[65], Gan, C., Liang, S., Wang, F., Cao,Y., Ji, Y., Lina, J., Song, L., Feng, L., Non-contact, Massively,Parallel, Manipulation, of, Micro-objects, by, Optoelectronic, Tweezers, 2021,2021, WRC, Symposium, on, Advanced, Robotics, and, Automation, WRC, SARA, 2021,7, 12, 1, 10.1109/WRCSARA53879.2021.9612697, Conference, Paper
[64], Ji, Y., Dai, Y., Chen, D., Gan, C.,Wang, L., Feng,L., Precise, control, of, ferrofluid, droplet, robot, in,3-D, vascular, model, 2021, 2021, WRC, Symposium, on, Advanced, Robotics, and,Automation, WRC, SARA, 2021, 122, 127, 10.1109/WRCSARA53879.2021.9612669,Conference, Paper
[63], Wei, J., Song, L., Wang, X., Zhao,J., Feng, L.,5, DOF, Capsule, Endoscopy, with, Wi-Fi, based, Video, Transmission, Module,2021, 2021, WRC, Symposium, on, Advanced, Robotics, and, Automation, WRC, SARA,2021, 134, 139, 10.1109/WRCSARA53879.2021.9612621, Conference, Paper
[62], Bai, X., Bin, S., Yuguo, D., Wei, Z.,Yanmin, F., Yuanyuan, C., Deyuan, Z., Fumihito, A., Lin, F., Parallel,trapping, patterning, separating, and, rotating, of, micro-objects, with,various, sizes, and, shapes, using, acoustic, microstreaming, 2020, Sensors,and, Actuators, A:, Physical, 315, 112340, 3, 10.1016/j.sna.2020.112340,Article
[61], Feng, Y., Feng, L., Dai, Y., Bai, X., Zhang, C.,Chen, Y., Arai, F., A, novel, and, controllable, cell-based, microrobot, in,real, vascular, network, for, target, tumor, therapy, 2020, IEEE,International, Conference, on, Intelligent, Robots, and, Systems, 9341774,2828, 2833, 1, 10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9341774, Conference, Paper
[60], Bai, X., Song, B., Chen, D., Dai, Y.,Feng, L.,Arai, F., Anticipating, tumor, metastasis, by, circulating, tumor, cells,captured, by, acoustic, microstreaming, 2020, IEEE, International, Conference,on, Intelligent, Robots, and, Systems, 9341011, 3091, 3096,10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9341011, Conference, Paper
[59], Song, B., Zhang, W., Bai, X., Feng, L.,Zhang, D., Arai, F., A, novel, portable, cell, sonoporation, device, based, on,open-source, acoustofluidics, 2020, IEEE, International, Conference, on,Intelligent, Robots, and, Systems, 9341603, 2786, 2791, 1,10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9341603, Conference, Paper
[58], Dai, Y., Feng, Y., Feng, L.,Chen, Y., Bai, X., Liang, S., Song, L., Arai, F., Magnetized, cell-robot, propelled,by, magnetic, field, for, cancer, killing, 2020, IEEE, International,Conference, on, Intelligent, Robots, and, Systems, 9341167, 2834, 2839, 2,10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9341167, Conference, Paper
[57], Bai, X., Wang, Y., Song, Z., Feng,Y., Chen, Y., Zhang, D., Feng, L., The, basic, properties, of,gold, nanoparticles, and, their, applications, in, tumor, diagnosis, and,treatment, 2020, International, Journal, of, Molecular, Sciences, 21, 7, 2480,98, 10.3390/ijms21072480, Review
[56], Bai, X., Chen, D., Zhang, W., Ossian,H., Chen, Y., Feng, Y., Feng, L., Arai, F., Magnetically,driven, bionic, millirobots, with, a, low-delay, automated, actuation, system,for, bioparticles, manipulation, 2020, Micromachines, 11, 2, 3,10.3390/mi11020231, Article
[55], Li, Z., Zhang, D., Wang, D., Zhang,L., Feng, L.,Zhang, X., A, Bioinspired, Flexible, Film, Fabricated, by,Surface-Tension-Assisted, Replica, Molding, for, Dynamic, Control, of,Unidirectional, Liquid, Spreading, 2019, ACS, Applied, Materials, and,Interfaces, 11, 51, 48505, 48511, 4, 10.1021/acsami.9b15385, Article
[54], Chen, D., Zhang, W., Dai, Y., Feng,Y., Chen, Y., Bai, X., Feng, L., 4, DOF, High-speed, Cell,Manipulation, Magnetic-tweezers, and, the, Operating, System, Driven, by,Piezo, Ceramics, 2019, MHS, 2019, -, 30th, 2019, International, Symposium, on,Micro-NanoMechatronics, and, Human, Science, 9249294,10.1109/MHS48134.2019.9249294, Conference, Paper
[53], Dai, Y., Chen, Y., Feng, Y., Chen,D., Bai, X., Feng,L., Magnetized, Cell-robot, Propelled, by, Regular,Tetrahedron, Magnetic, Actuation, System, 2019, MHS, 2019, -, 30th, 2019,International, Symposium, on, Micro-NanoMechatronics, and, Human, Science,9249288, 1, 10.1109/MHS48134.2019.9249288, Conference, Paper
[52], Dai, Y., Chen, D., Liang, S., Song,L., Qi, Q., Feng,L., A, magnetically, actuated, octopus-like, robot, capable,of, moving, in, 3D, space, 2019, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Robotics,and, Biomimetics, ROBIO, 2019, 8961461, 2201, 2206, 5, 10.1109/ROBIO49542.2019.8961461,Conference, Paper
[51], Song, B., Feng, Y., Zhou, Q., Feng, L.,On-Chip, Three-dimension, Cell, Rotation, Using, Whirling, Flows, Generated,by, Oscillating, Asymmetrical, Microstructures, 2019, IEEE, International,Conference, on, Intelligent, Robots, and, Systems, 8967620, 678, 683,10.1109/IROS40897.2019.8967620, Conference, Paper
[50], Feng, L., Song, B., Chen, Y., Liang,S., Dai, Y., Zhou, Q., Chen, D., Bai, X., Feng, Y., Jiang, Y., Zhang, D., Arai,F., On-chip, rotational, manipulation, of, microbeads, and, oocytes, using,acoustic, microstreaming, generated, by, oscillating, asymmetrical,microstructures, 2019, Biomicrofluidics, 13, 6, 64103, 16, 10.1063/1.5121809,Article
[49], Hu, H., Yang, X., Song, L., Wei, W.,Peng, G., Feng,L., High, Position, Accuracy, and, 5, Degree, Freedom,Magnetic, Driven, Capsule, Robot, 2019, WRC, SARA, 2019, -, World, Robot,Conference, Symposium, on, Advanced, Robotics, and, Automation, 2019, 8931946,19, 24, 10.1109/WRC-SARA.2019.8931946, Conference, Paper
[48], Tovmachenko, O., Feng, L., Mousa, A.M., Ullah, Z.,Masoud, M.A., A, capsule-type, device, for, soft, tissue, cutting, using, a,threadless, ballscrew, actuator, 2019, Proceedings, of, MARSS, 2019:, 4th,International, Conference, on, Manipulation, Automation, and, Robotics, at,Small, Scales, 8860958, 1, 10.1109/MARSS.2019.8860958, Conference, Paper
[47], Jiang, Y., Shen, D., Liu, M., Ma, Z.,Zhao, P., Feng,L., Zhang, D., Fabrication, of, graphene/polyimide,nanocomposite-based, hair-like, airflow, sensor, via, direct, inkjet, printing,and, electrical, breakdown, 2019, Smart, Materials, and, Structures, 28, 6,65028, 13, 10.1088/1361-665X/ab18cb, Article
[46], Feng, L., Chen, D., Zhou, Q., Song,B., Zhang, W., Cell, injection, microrobot, development, and, evaluation, in,microfluidic, chip, 2019, Proceedings, -, IEEE, International, Conference, on,Robotics, and, Automation, 2019-May, 8793799, 4831, 4836,10.1109/ICRA.2019.8793799, Conference, Paper
[45], Yanmin, F., Dixiao, C., Yuguo, D.,Yunayuan, C., De, G., Lin, F., The, design, and, control, of, magnetized,cell-based, microrobot, for, targeting, drug, delivery, 2019, Proceedings, of,the, 14th, Annual, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Nano/Micro, Engineered,and, Molecular, Systems, NEMS, 2019, 8915608, 273, 276, 1,10.1109/NEMS.2019.8915608, Conference, Paper
[44], Gong, D., Cai, J., Celi, N., Liu, C.,Zhang, W., Feng,L., Zhang, D., Controlled, propulsion, of, wheel-shape,flaky, microswimmers, under, rotating, magnetic, fields, 2019, Applied,Physics, Letters, 114, 12, 123701, 9, 10.1063/1.5090297, Article
[43], Hu, X., Yan, X., Gong, L., Wang, F.,Xu, Y., Feng,L., Zhang, D., Jiang, Y., Improved, Piezoelectric, Sensing,Performance, of, P(VDF-TrFE), Nanofibers, by, Utilizing, BTO, Nanoparticles,and, Penetrated, Electrodes, 2019, ACS, Applied, Materials, and, Interfaces,11, 7, 7379, 7386, 51, 10.1021/acsami.8b19824, Article
[42], Wang, X., Cai, J., Sun, L., Zhang,S., Gong, D., Li, X., Yue, S., Feng, L., Zhang, D., Facile, Fabrication,of, Magnetic, Microrobots, Based, on, Spirulina, Templates, for, Targeted,Delivery, and, Synergistic, Chemo-Photothermal, Therapy, 2019, ACS, Applied,Materials, and, Interfaces, 11, 5, 4745, 4756, 56, 10.1021/acsami.8b15586,Article
[41], Chen, Y., Feng, Y., Deveaux, J.G.,Masoud, M.A., Chandra, F.S., Chen, H., Zhang, D., Feng, L., Biomineralization, forming,process, and, bio-inspired, nanomaterials, for, biomedical, application:, A,review, 2019, Minerals, 9, 2, 68, 54, 10.3390/min9020068, Review
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[38], Mousa, A., Feng, L., Dai, Y., Tovmachenko, O.,Self-Driving, 3-legged, Crawling, Prototype, Capsule, Robot, with, Orientation,Controlled, by, External, Magnetic, Field, 2018, 2018, WRC, Symposium, on,Advanced, Robotics, and, Automation, WRC, SARA, 2018, -, Proceeding, 8584222,243, 248, 7, 10.1109/WRC-SARA.2018.8584222, Conference, Paper
[37], Gong, D., Cai, J., Celi, N., Feng, L.,Jiang, Y., Zhang, D., Bio-inspired, magnetic, helical, microswimmers, made, of,nickel-plated, Spirulina, with, enhanced, propulsion, velocity, 2018, Journal,of, Magnetism, and, Magnetic, Materials, 468, 148, 154, 29,10.1016/j.jmmm.2018.08.001, Article
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[34], Feng, L., Song, B., Zhang, D., Jiang,Y., Arai, F., On-chip, tunable, cell, rotation, using, acoustically,oscillating, asymmetrical, microstructures, 2018, Micromachines, 9, 11, 596,18, 10.3390/mi9110596, Article
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[32], Jiang, Y., Liu, M., Yan, X., Ono, T.,Feng, L.,Cai, J., Zhang, D., Electrical, Breakdown-Induced, Tunable, Piezoresistivity,in, Graphene/Polyimide, Nanocomposites, for, Flexible, Force, Sensor,Applications, 2018, Advanced, Materials, Technologies, 3, 8, 1800113, 12,10.1002/admt.201800113, Article
[31], Yao, G., Feng, L., Zhang, D., Jiang, X.,Morphology, and, Mechanical, Properties, of, Vibratory, Organs, in, the,Leaf-cutting, Ant, (Atta, cephalotes), 2018, Journal, of, Bionic, Engineering,15, 4, 722, 730, 1, 10.1007/s42235-018-0060-6, Article
[30], Jiang, Y., Wang, R., Feng, L.,Li, J., An, Z., Zhang, D., Tunable, alumina, 2D, photonic-crystal, structures,via, biomineralization, of, peacock, tail, feathers, 2018, Optical, Materials,78, 490, 494, 1, 10.1016/j.optmat.2018.03.007, Article
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[25], Feng, L., Liang, S., Zhou, X., Yang,J., Jiang, Y., Zhang, D., Arai, F., On-chip, microfluid, induced, by,oscillation, of, microrobot, for, noncontact, cell, transportation, 2017,Applied, Physics, Letters, 111, 20, 203703, 23, 10.1063/1.5009545, Article
[24], Feng, L., Di, P., Arai, F.,High-precision, motion, of, magnetic, microrobot, with, ultrasonic, levitation,for, 3-D, rotation, of, single, oocyte, 2016, International, Journal, of,Robotics, Research, 35, 12, 1445, 1458, 62, 10.1177/0278364916631414, Article
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[22], Feng, L., Turan, B., Ningga, U., Arai,F., Three, dimensional, rotation, of, bovine, oocyte, by, using, magnetically,driven, on-chip, robot, 2014, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Intelligent,Robots, and, Systems, 6943225, 4668, 4673, 9, 10.1109/IROS.2014.6943225,Conference, Paper
[21], Feng, L., Hagiwara, M., Ichikawa, A.,Arai, F., On-Chip, enucleation, of, bovine, oocytes, using,microrobot-assisted, flow-speed, control, 2013, Micromachines, 4, 2, 272, 285,38, 10.3390/mi4020272, Article
[20], Feng, L., Sun, Y., Ohsumi, C., Arai,F., Accurate, dispensing, system, for, single, oocytes, using, air, ejection,2013, Biomicrofluidics, 7, 5, 54113, 22, 10.1063/1.4824394, Article
[19], Feng, L., Hagiwara, M., Ichikawa, A.,Sun, Y.L., Arai, F., High-speed, production, and, dispensing, of, enucleated,oocyte, by, microrobot, on, a, chip, 2012, 2012, International, Symposium, on,Micro-NanoMechatronics, and, Human, Science, MHS, 2012, 6492464, 111, 115, 10.1109/MHS.2012.6492464,Conference, Paper
[18], Feng, L., Ichikawa, A., Arai, F.,Hagiwara, M., Continuous, enucleation, of, bovine, oocyte, by, microrobot,with, local, flow, distribution, control, 2012, 2012, International,Conference, on, Manipulation, Manufacturing, and, Measurement, on, the,Nanoscale, 3M-NANO, 2012, -, Conference, Proceedings, 6472969, 59, 64, 4,10.1109/3M-NANO.2012.6472969, Conference, Paper
[17], Feng, L., Hagiwara, M., Ichikawa, A.,Kawahara, T., Arai, F., Smooth, enucleation, of, bovine, oocyte, by,microrobot, with, local, flow, speed, control, in, microchannel, 2012, IEEE,International, Conference, on, Intelligent, Robots, and, Systems, 6386112, 944,949, 6, 10.1109/IROS.2012.6386112, Conference, Paper
[16], Feng, L., Hagiwara, M., Ichikawa, A.,Arai, F., On-Chip, continuous, enucleation, by, hydraulic, force, control,using, magnetically, actuated, microrobot, 2012, Proceedings, of, the, 16th,International, Conference, on, Miniaturized, Systems, for, Chemistry, and,Life, Sciences, MicroTAS, 2012, 1270, 1272, Conference, Paper
[15], Feng, L., Kawahara, T., Yamanishi, Y.,Hagiwara, M., Kosuge, K., Arai, F., On-demand, and, size-controlled,production, of, droplets, by, magnetically, driven, microtool, 2012, Journal,of, Robotics, and, Mechatronics, 24, 1, 133, 140, 8, 10.20965/jrm.2012.p0133,Article
[14], Hagiwara, M., Kawahara, T., Feng, L.,Yamanishi, Y., Arai, F., On-chip, enucleation, of, oocyte, by, magnetically,driven, microtools, with, ultrasonic, vibration, 2011, Proceedings, -, IEEE,International, Conference, on, Robotics, and, Automation, 5979930, 2680, 2685,1, 10.1109/ICRA.2011.5979930, Conference, Paper
[13], Hagiwara, M., Kawahara, T., Feng, L.,Yamanishi, Y., Arai, F., High, performance, magnetically, driven, microtools,with, ultrasonic, vibration, for, biomedical, innovations, 2011, Proceedings,-, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Robotics, and, Automation, 5980470,3453, 3454, 6, 10.1109/ICRA.2011.5980470, Conference, Paper
[12], Uvet, H., Feng, L., Ohashi, S., Hagiwara, M.,Kawahara, T., Yamanishi, Y., Arai, F., On-chip, single, particle, loading, and,dispensing, 2011, Proceedings, -, IEEE, International, Conference, on,Robotics, and, Automation, 5980449, 3151, 3156, 9, 10.1109/ICRA.2011.5980449, Conference,Paper
[11], Feng, L., Hagiwara, M., Uvet, H.,Yamanish, Y., Kawahara, T., Kosuge, K., Arai, F., High-speed, delivery, of,microbeads, in, microchannel, using, magnetically, driven, microtool, 2011,2011, 16th, International, Solid-State, Sensors, Actuators, and, Microsystems,Conference, TRANSDUCERS'11, 5969431, 1312, 1315, 5,10.1109/TRANSDUCERS.2011.5969431, Conference, Paper
[10], Hagiwara, M., Kawahara, T.,Yamanishi, Y., Masuda, T., Feng, L., Arai, F., On-chip,magnetically, actuated, robot, with, ultrasonic, vibration, for, single, cell,manipulations, 2011, Lab, on, a, Chip, 11, 12, 2049, 2054, 150,10.1039/c1lc20164f, Article
[9], Hagiwara, M., Kawahara, T., Feng, L.,Yamanishi, Y., Arai, F., On-chip, dual-arm, microrobot, driven, by, permanent,magnets, for, high, speed, cell, enucleation, 2011, Proceedings, of, the, IEEE,International, Conference, on, Micro, Electro, Mechanical, Systems, (MEMS),5734393, 189, 192, 9, 10.1109/MEMSYS.2011.5734393, Conference, Paper
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[6], Hagiwara, M., Kawahara, T., Feng, L.,Yamanish, Y., Arai, F., High, precision, magnetically, driven, microtools,with, ultrasonic, vibration, for, enucleation, of, oocytes, 2010, 2010,International, Symposium, on, Micro-NanoMechatronics, and, Human, Science:,From, Micro, and, Nano, Scale, Systems, to, Robotics, and, Mechatronics,Systems, MHS, 2010, Micro-Nano, GCOE, 2010, Bio-Manipulation, 2010, 5669580,47, 52, 1, 10.1109/MHS.2010.5669580, Conference, Paper
[5], Yamanishi, Y., Feng, L., Arai, F., On-demand,production, of, emulsion, droplets, over, a, wide, range, of, sizes, 2010,Advanced, Robotics, 24, 14, 2005, 2018, 9, 10.1163/016918610X529084, Article
[4], Yamanishi, Y., Feng, L., Arai, F., On-demand, and,size-controlled, production, of, emulsion, droplets, by, magnetically, driven,microtool, 2010, Proceedings, -, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Robotics,and, Automation, 5509589, 4094, 4099, 6, 10.1109/ROBOT.2010.5509589,Conference, Paper
[3], Yamanishi, Y., Feng, L., Arai, F., On-demand, and,size-controlled, production, of, emulsion, droplet, in, microfludic, devices,2010, Proceedings, of, the, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Micro,Electro, Mechanical, Systems, (MEMS), 5442399, 1087, 1090, 2,10.1109/MEMSYS.2010.5442399, Conference, Paper
[2], Yamanishi, Y., Feng, L., Kihara, Y., Sakuma, S.,Arai, F., Formation, of, microdroplets, utilizing, hybrid, magnetically,driven, microtool, on, a, microfluidic, chip, 2009, 2009, IEEE, International,Conference, on, Robotics, and, Biomimetics, ROBIO, 2009, 5420616, 159, 164,10.1109/ROBIO.2009.5420616, Conference, Paper
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