1. 新型低维材料的基础物性研究;2. 晶圆级二维半导体的可控生长,在此基础上的器件工艺、电路设计及其在集成电路中的实际应用,包括逻辑,存储和射频等器件;3. 柔性电子学、印刷电子学和纸质电子学(器件工艺以及显示、生物医药和可穿戴设备中的应用);4. 新能源材料和光伏电站智能运维、充储能技术。
2022年12月,媒体报道,据复旦大学微电子学院教授周鹏、研究员包文中及信息科学与工程学院研究员万景团队绕过 EUV 工艺,研发出性能优异的异质 CFET 技术。
1. “Wafer-scale functional circuits based on two dimensional semiconductors with fabrication optimized by machine learning”
X. Chen, Y. Xie, Y. Sheng, H. Tang, Z. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. Wang, F. Liao, J. Ma, X. Guo, L. Tong, H. Liu, H. Liu, T. Wu, J. Cao, S. Bu, H. Shen, F. Bai, D. Huang, J. Deng, A. Riaud, Z. Xu, C. Wu, S. Xing, Y. Lu, S. Ma, Z. Sun, Z. Xue, Z. Di, X. Gong, W. Zhang, P. Zhou*, J. Wan*, W. Bao*
Nature Communications, 2021, 12(5953): 1-8.
2. “An artificial neural network chip based on two-dimensional semiconductor”
S. Ma, T. Wu, X. Chen, Y. Wang, H. Tang, Y. Yao, Y. Wang, Z. Zhu, J. Deng, J. Wan, Y. Lu, Z. Sun, Z. Xu, A. Riaud, C. Wu, W. Zhang, Y. Chai, P. Zhou*, J. Ren*, W. Bao*
Science Bulletin, 2022, 67(3): 270-277.
3. “An in-memory computing architecture based on two-dimensional semiconductors for multiply-accumulate operations”
Y. Wang, H. Tang, Y. Xie, X. Chen, S. Ma, Z. Sun, Q. Sun, L. Chen, H. Zhu, J. Wan, Z. Xu, W. Zhang, P. Zhou* & W. Bao*
Nature communications, 2021, 12(1), 3347.
4. “Controlled Doping of Wafer-Scale PtSe2 Films for Device Application”
H. Xu, H. Zhang, Y. Liu, S. Zhang, Y. Sun, Z. Guo, Y. Sheng, X. Wang, C. Luo, X. Wu, J. Wang, W. Hu, Z. Xu, Q. Sun, P. Zhou, J. Shi, Z. Sun, D. W. Zhang, W. Bao*
Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29(4), 1805614.
5. “Tuning two-dimensional nanomaterials by intercalation: materials, properties and applications”
J. Wan, S.D. Lacey, J. Dai, W. Bao*, M. Fuhrer*, L. Hu*
Chemical Society Reviews, 2016, 45 (24), 6742-6765.
6. “Flexible, High Temperature, Planar Lighting with Large Scale Printable Nanocarbon Paper”
W. Bao, A. D. Pickel, Q. Zhang, Y. Chen, Y. Yao, J. Wan, K. Fu, Y. Wang, J. Dai, H. Zhu, D. Drew M. Fuhrer, C. Dames, L. Hu
Advanced Materials, 2016, 28 (23).
7. “Lithium-Intercalated Few Layer Graphene: Approaching the Limits of Transparency and Conductivity in Graphene-based Materials”
W. Bao, J. Wan, X. Han, X. Cai, H. Zhu, D. Kim, Y. Xu, J. Munday, H. Drew, M. Fuhrer and L. Hu.
Nature Communications, 2014, 5, 4224.
8. “High Mobility Ambipolar MoS2 Field-Effect Transistors: Substrate and Dielectric Effects”
W. Bao, X. Cai, D. Kim, K. Sridhara, and M. S. Fuhrer
Applied Physics. Letters, 2013, 102, 042104.
9. “Evidence for a Spontaneous Gapped State in Ultra-Clean Bilayer Graphene”
W. Bao, J. Velasco Jr., F. Zhang, L. Jing, B. Standley, D. Smirnov, M. Bockrath, A. MacDonald and C. N. Lau.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci, 2012, 109, 10802.
10. “Stacking-Dependent Band Gap and Quantum Transport in Trilayer Graphene”
W. Bao, L. Jing, J. Velasco Jr., Y. Lee, G. Liu, D. Tran, B. Standley, M. Aykol, S. B. Cronin, D. Smirnov, M. Koshino, E. McCann, M. Bockrath, and C.N. Lau.
Nature Physics, 2011, 7, 948–952.
11. “Magnetoconductance Oscillations in High-Mobility Suspended Bilayer and Trilayer Graphene”
W. Bao, Z. Zhao, H. Zhang, G. Liu, P. Kratz, L. Jing, J. Velasco Jr., D. Smirnov, C. N. Lau.
Physical Review Letters, 2010, 105, 246601.
12. “Dimensional crossover of the phonon transport and Umklapp scattering in few-layer graphene”
S. Ghosh, W. Bao, D. L. Nika, S. Subrina, E. P. Pokatilov, C. N. Lau and A.A. Balandin.
Nature Materials, 2010, 9, 555–558.
13. “Controlled ripple texturing of suspended graphene and ultrathin graphite membranes”
W. Bao, F. Miao, Z. Chen, H. Zhang, W. Jang, C. Dames, C. N. Lau.
Nature Nanotechnology, 2009, 4, 562–566.