1990-1994, 四川大学物理系,获物理学学士
1994-1997, 中科院生物物理所,获生物物理学硕士
1997-2002, 美国路易斯维尔大学,获实验心理学博士
2002-2003, 美国耶鲁大学,博士后
2003-2007, 美国范德堡大学,博士后
2007-2008, 美国范德堡大学,研究助理教授
2008-2013, 中科院神经所,研究员
采用先进的光学脑功能成像的研究手段, 结合单细胞记录和行为学方法, 研究视觉产生的机制,包括外界视觉信息在大脑中如何被表征和加工, 在一些行为任务中高级脑区如何对感觉皮层进行调控。 这些研究可以让我们更进一步地了解大脑是如何工作的。
1.Lu HD, Chen G, Cai J, Roe AW (2017) Intrinsic signal optical imaging of visual brain activity: Tracking of fast cortical dynamics. Neuroimage. 148:160-168.
2.Xu H*, Han C*, Chen M, Li P, Zhu S, Fang Y, Hu J, Ma H, Lu HD (2016) Rivalry-like neural activity in primary visual cortex in anesthetized monkeys. The Journal of Neuroscience. 36: 3231-3242. (* equal contribution)
3.Chen M, Li P, Zhu S, Han C, Xu H, Fang Y, Hu J, Roe AW, Lu HD (2016) An orientation map for motion boundaries in macaque V2. Cerebral Cortex, 26:279–287.
4.Li, P., Zhu, S., Chen, M., Han, C., Xu, H., Hu, J., ... & Lu, H. D. (2013). A motion direction preference map in monkey V4. Neuron, 78(2), 376-388.
5.Lu, H. D., Chen, G., Tanigawa, H., & Roe, A. W. (2010). A motion direction map in macaque V2. Neuron, 68(5), 1002-1013.
6.Tanigawa, H., Lu, H. D., & Roe, A. W. (2010). Functional organization for color and orientation in macaque V4. Nature neuroscience, 13(12), 1542-1548.
7.Lu, H. D., Chen, G., Ts'o, D. Y., & Roe, A. W. (2009). A rapid topographic mapping and eye alignment method using optical imaging in Macaque visual cortex. Neuroimage, 44(3), 636-646.
8.Chen G, Lu HD & Roe AW. (2008) A map for horizontal disparity in monkey V2. Neuron 58: 442-450.
9.Lu HD & Roe AW (2008) Functional organization of color domains in V1 and V2 of Macaque monkey revealed by optical imaging. Cerebral Cortex 18: 516-533.
10.Kaskan PM, Lu HD, Dillenburger BC, Roe AW & Kaas JH. (2007) Intrinsic-signal optical imaging reveals cryptic ocular dominance columns in primary visual cortex of New World owl monkeys. Frontiers in Neuroscience 1: 67-75.
11.Lu HD & Roe AW. (2007) Optical Imaging of Contrast Response in Macaque monkey V1 & V2. Cerebral Cortex 17: 2675-2695.
12.Roe AW, Lu HD & Hung CP. (2005) Optical imaging of real and illusory brightness response in monkey visual cortex.Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 102: 3869-3874.
13.Lu HD & Petry HM. (2003) Temporal modulation sensitivity of tree shrew retinal ganglion cells.Visual Neuroscience 20: 363-372.
最新修订时间:2023-01-14 13:16