◆ 2020-2023,国家社会科学基金项目,现代汉语动词语义演变的构式地图计算研究,主持。
◆ 2019-2021年,教育部科技发展中心高校产学研创新基金项目,特定领域无监督术语库自动构建方法研究,主持。
◆ 2011-2017年,国家社会科学基金项目。基于隐喻计算的词义发现研究,主持。
◆ 2010-2015年,国家社会科学基金。词语认知属性的语言知识库建设,参与。
◆ 2008-2010年,国家自然科学基金。汉语隐喻理解关键技术研究,参与。
◆ 2007-2010年,国家社会科学基金。汉语词语搭配与语义特征分析的相互关系研究,参与。
◆ 2007-2010年,国家科技部“863”课题。面向GIS的文本空间关系解析机制研究,参与。
◆ TANG, X. (2021). How metaphoremes emerge: Case studies of Chineseverb metaphors. Review of CognitiveLinguistics, 19(1), 80-110.
◆ 叶惠芳,唐旭日。2021,基于分形理论的隐喻结构历时变化分析—以“充电”隐喻为例,CLSW 2021,南京。
◆ 孟福永,唐旭日。效率为先:机器翻译译后编辑技术综述。《计算机工程与应用》,2020年第22期。
◆ 专利:一种搭配构式自动获取方法(专利申请号:CN202011413473.6)
◆ 唐旭日、张际标。2020。《计算机辅助翻译基础》。武汉:武汉大学出版社。
◆ XuriTang. Developing Metaphoric Concepts with Constructions: A Corpus BasedAnalysis. International Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2019. Nishinomiya,Japan.
◆ 唐旭日。双音节形容词的性质化倾向,第十届汉语语法化问题国际学术讨论会,宜昌,2019年。
◆ 孟福永,唐旭日。基于大数据的认知语义计算—评《词语认知属性的知识库构建和应用》,《外语教育》,2019。
◆ TANG,X. (2018). A state-of-the-art of semantic change computation. NaturalLanguage Engineering, 24(5), 649-676.
◆ TANG,X., Liu, G. (2018). Solving contradictions in semantic prosody analysis withprosody concord. International Journal ofCorpus Linguistics, 23(4), 437-466.
◆ 唐旭日。2018。《搭配与谓词语义计算》,武汉:武汉大学出版社。
◆ XuriTang. Lexeme-Based Collexeme Analysis with DepCluster. Corpus Linguistics andLinguistic Theory. 13 (1) :165-202.ComplementaryData Download
◆ 唐旭日,张际标. 2017. 《计算机辅助翻译基础》. 武汉:武汉大学出版社.
◆ WangXinda. Xuri Tang. Word Sense Disambiguation with Semantic Inference. BESC 2017.
◆ XuriTang, Weiguang Qu, Xiaohe Chen. Semantic Change Computation: A SuccessiveApproach. World Wide Web Journal. 19(3), 2016.
◆ LiangHu and Xuri Tang. Multiword Expression Extraction Based on Word Relativity.International Journal of Knowledge and Language Processing, 5(1), 27-40, 2014.
◆ DanLiu, Min Hua, Maohua Qian, Xuri Tang. Manual Investigation on Context for WordSense Disambiguation. CLSW 2014: 278-285.
◆ XuriTang, Weiguang Qu, Xiaohe Chen. Semantic Change Computation: A SuccessiveApproach. Behavior and Social Computing, Springer, pp 68-81, 2013.
◆ XuriTang, Weiguang Qu, Xiaohe Chen and Bin Li. To Acquire Conceptual Metaphors fromExperience, to appear in ICIC Express Letters, 7(6), 2013.
◆ Bin Li,Haibo Kuang, Yingjie Zhang, Jiajun Chen, Xuri Tang:Using Similes to ExtractBasic Sentiments across Languages. WISM 2012: 536-542.
◆ Bin Li;Haibo Kuang; Xiaohe Chen; Xuri Tang; Chen Chen. Construction of a bilingualcognitive property knowledgebase. Proceedings of the 2011 Seventh InternationalConference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS 2011), p 1100-3,2011
◆ WeiguangQu; Xuri Tang; Junsheng Zhou; Yanhui Gu; Bin Li. A practical framework forformalizing and extracting Chinese collocations. 2011 7th InternationalConference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (NLPKE), p390-6, 2011
◆ YuxiaSun; Weiguang Qu; Junsheng Zhou; Xuri Tang; Ying Di; WeiCheng Wu. An ImprovedFeature Selection Method in Chinese Text Categorization. International Journalof Knowledge and Language Processing, 2(3), p 48-55, July 2011
◆ XuriTang, Weiguang Qu, Xiaohe Chen and Shiwen Yu. Beyond Selectional Preference:Metaphor Recognition Based on Semantic Relation Patterns. International Journalon Asian Language Processing 20 (4):141-156, 2010.
◆ XuriTang, Weiguang Qu, Xiaohe Chen and Shiwen Yu. Automatic Metaphor RecognitionBased on Semantic Relation Patterns,Accepted by International Conference on Asian Language Processing,2010.
◆ XuriTang, Xiaohe Chen, Weiguang Qu, and Shiwen Yu,Semi-Supervised WSD in Selectional Preferenceswith Semantic Redundancy,The 23rd International Conference on ComputationalLinguistics(Posters):1238-1246,2010.
◆ 唐旭日, 陈小荷, 张雪英. 中文文本的地名解析方法研究. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2010年第8期
◆ 唐旭日, 陈小荷, 许超, 李斌. 基于篇章的中文地名识别研究.中文信息学报, 2010年第2期
☀ 2009 及以前 (2009 and before)
◆ 曲维光, 唐旭日, 俞劲松. 超大规模语料库精加工技术研究. 当代语言学,2009年第2期
◆ XuriTang, Xiaohe Chen,Minxuan Peng.Toponym Resolution in Discourse, Proceedings of IEEE International Conferenceon Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering,Nov. 2008
◆ WeiguangQu, Xuri Tang, Bin Li. Personal Name Recognition Based on CategorizedLinguistic Knowledge, Proceedings of 2008 WI-IAT, Nov. 2008
◆ XuriTang, Zi Peng, Dongmei Zhou. Adaptive Approach to Concordance Readability.Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Technology Application. Nov.2007,IEEE ComputerSociety
◆ XuriTang. English Morphological Analysis with Machine-learned Rules. Proceedings ofthe 20th Pacific and Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation,Nov. 2006, Tsinghua University Press
◆ 唐旭日, 陈小荷. 中文地名结构分析, 第四届计算语言学学生会议论文集,2007.
◆ 唐旭日. 以学习者为中心:一个数据驱动词汇学习系统的设计. 语料库语言学的研究和应用, 2005, 广州:华南师范大学出版社。