Tamas Wells演唱的歌曲
《山间田野》是2006年Tamas Wells演唱的歌曲,收录在专辑《A Plea en Vendredi》。
尽管Tamas Wells十岁那年没能通过AMEB一级钢琴考试,却是从那时起真正喜爱上音乐,当被人提及他那“毫不做作的天使般的嗓音”时,他说那是一天喝八升水的成果。听着Tamas Wells总是容易想起那些骑着单车四处游荡无忧无虑的校园时光,如此纯净美好的声音。
Owen Gray(bass, harmonica) - 欧文·格雷(贝斯,口琴)
Ben Castle(violin) - 本·卡索(小提琴) [后中途退出]
Nathan Collins(drumm) - 内森·柯林斯(鼓)
Tamas Wells(vocal,guitar) - 塔马斯·韦尔斯(主唱,吉他) [后加入]
Anthony Francis(keyboard) - 安东尼·弗朗西斯(键盘) [后加入]
I was found on the ground by the fountain at Valder Fields
And was almost dry
lying in the sun after I had tried
lying in the sun by the side
we had agreed that the council would end at three hours over-time
shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights
I was running late
(I) could apply for another one I guess
If department stores are best
they said (that) there would be delays
only temporary pay
for another one I guess
if department stores are best
they said (that) there would be delays
only temporary pay
she was found on the ground in a gown made at Valder Fields
and was sound asleep
(on the) stairs above the door
to the man who cried
when he said that he loved his life
we had agreed that the council should take his keys to the bedroom door
(in) case he slept outside and was found in two
days in Valder Fields (with a) mountain view
Valder Fields.QQ音乐.
最新修订时间:2022-01-05 22:06