2020—目前:哈尔滨工业大学计算学部网络空间安全学院 院长
2011—目前: 哈尔滨工业大学计算机科学与技术学院 副院长
2005—目前:哈尔滨工业大学计算机科学与技术学院 教授、博士生导师
1999—目前:哈尔滨工业大学计算机学院 教师
1. Xiaomeng Wang, Binxing Fang, Hongli Zhang, Xing Wang:Predicting the security threats on the spreading of rumor, false information of Facebook content based on the principle of sociology. Comput. Commun.150: 455-462(2020)
2.Yu Haining,Jia Xiaohua,Zhang Hongli,Yu Xiangzhan,Shu Jiangang,TI PSRide: Privacy-Preserving Shared Ride Matching for Online Ride Hailing Systems, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING,18(3):1425-14403.Yu, Haining,Zhang, Hongli,Yu, Xiangzhan,Du, Xiaojiang,Guizani, Mohsen,TI PGRide: Privacy-Preserving Group Ridesharing Matching in Online Ride Hailing Services,IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL, 8(7):5722- 5735 4. Haining Yu,Hongli Zhang,Xiangzhan Yu,Hail the Closest Driver on Roads: Privacy-Preserving Ride Matching in Online Ride Hailing Services,Security and Communication Networks,2020.6
5. Xiaoding Guo, Hongli Zhang, Lin Ye, Shang Li: RnRTD: Intelligent Approach Based on the Relationship-Driven Neural Network and Restricted Tensor Decomposition for Multiple Accusation Judgment in Legal Cases.Comput.Intell.Neurosci.2019:6705405:1-6705405:18(2019)
6. Dongyang Zhan, Lin Ye, Binxing Fang, Hongli Zhang: SAVM: A practical secure external approach for automated in-VM management.Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp.31(23) (2019)
7. Haining Yu, Jiangang Shu, Xiaohua Jia, Hongli Zhang, Xiangzhan Yu:lpRide: Lightweight and Privacy-Preserving Ride Matching Over Road Networks in Online Ride Hailing Systems. IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology v68(11): 10418-10428 (2019)
8. Xiaoding Guo, Hongli Zhang, Lin Ye, Shang Li:Learning Users' Intention of Legal Consultation through Pattern-Oriented Tensor Decomposition with Bi-LSTM. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 2019: 2589784:1-2589784:16 (2019)
9. Yuhang Wang, Zhihong Tian, Hongli Zhang, Shen Su, Wei Shi: A Privacy Preserving Scheme for Nearest Neighbor Query. Sensors.18(8): 2440 (2018)
10. Likun Liu, Hongli Zhang, Xiangzhan Yu, Yi Xin, Muhammad Shafiq, Mengmeng Ge: An Efficient Security System for Mobile Data Monitoring. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 2018: 9809345:1-9809345:10 (2018)
11. Yanbin Sun, Yu Zhang, Binxing Fang, Hongli Zhang: Succinct and practical greedy embedding for geometric routing. Comput. Commun.114: 51-61 (2017)
12. Shang Li, Zhigang Zhou, Hongli Zhang, Binxing Fang: An approximate search framework for big data. ICC.2017: 1-6
13. Hongli Zhang, Dongliang Xu, Zhihong Tian, Yujian Fan:An efficient parallel algorithm for exact multi-pattern matching. Security and Communication Networks. 8(9): 1688-1697 (2015)
14. Hongli Zhang, Qiang Zhang, Xiaojiang Du:Toward Vehicle-Assisted Cloud Computing for Smartphones. IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology. 64(12): 5610-5618 (2015)
15. Hongli Zhang, Dongliang Xu, Lei Zhang, Yanbin Sun:Matrix-based parallel pattern matching method. ICC.2015: 7114-7119
16. Yu Zhang, Hongli Zhang, Lixia Zhang: Kite: a mobility support scheme for NDN. ICN. 2014: 179-180
17. Qiang Zhang, Hongli Zhang, Xiaojiang Du, Zhigang Zhou, Shen Su, Rui Jin: Contention-based adaptive position update for intermittently connected VANETs. GLOBECOM.2014: 51-56
18. Hongli Zhang, Lin Ye, Jiantao Shi etc. :Preventing Piracy Content Propagation in Peer-to-Peer Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 31(9-Supplement): 105-114 (2013)
19. Majing Su, Hongli Zhang,etc: A Measurement Study on the Topologies of BitTorrent Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 31(9-Supplement): 338-347 (2013)
20. Hongli Zhang, Jiantao Shi, etc: PPBD: A piracy preventing system for BT DHT networks. INFOCOM. 2013: 1806-1814