宠物”(实际上是主人)安妮妲(Anita)。当他发觉单身生活开始变得无聊时,潇洒的彭哥便立即加快了自己的步伐并自己策划了一次“见面”。白佩蒂怎么会挡得住?于是,结婚,一个新家,一个有15只小狗的大家庭便很快诞生了。彭哥可是一个好父亲,他不允许任何人或事妨碍他们家庭的幸福,即使是那个邪恶的女人,库伊拉(Cruella De Vil)……
My story begins in London, not so very long ago. Yet so much has happened since then, that it seems more like an eternity.
As far as I could see, the old notion that a bachelor's life was so... glamorous and carefree was all nonsense. It was downright dull.
[第一次见到白佩蒂]Well, now that's a bit more like it! The most beautiful creature on four legs!