李予国,中国海洋大学 “筑峰人才工程”特聘教授,设岗单位为
详细研究了海底地形变化对海洋可控源电磁响应的影响;将网格自动细化有限元技术应用到电磁场数值模拟领域,研发了2.5D海洋可控源电磁场有限元正演模拟算法,基于该算法的软件包已提供给近三十家国际石油公司和科研单位,受到了一致好评。李予国老师多年来一直担任《Geophysical Journal International》、《Geophysics》、《Geophysical Prospecting》、《Computersand Geosciences》、《Journal of Applied Geophysics》等国际一流期刊的审阅人。
近五年来在国际一流学术期刊Geophysical Journal International、Geophysics等刊物上发表了以电磁法勘探正反演为主题的系列研究论文6 篇、国际会议文集论文5篇,受到了很高的评价。近年来主要发表的文章(第一作者):
[1] Yuguo Li. A finite-element algorithm for electromagnetic induction in two-dimensional anisotropic conductivity structures[J]. Geophys. J. Int., 2002, 148(3): 389-401.
[2] Yuguo Li, Klaus Spitzer. Three-dimensional DC resistivity forward modelling using finite elements in comparison with finite-difference solutions[J]. Geophys. J. Int., 2002, 151(3): 924-934.
[3] Yuguo Li, Klaus Spitzer. Finite element resistivity modelling for three-dimensional structures with arbitrary anisotropy[J]. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2005, 150: 15-27.
[4] Yuguo Li, Kerry Key. 2D marine controlled-source electromagnetic modeling: Part 1 — An adaptive finite-element algorithm[J]. Geophysics, 2007, 72(2): WA51-WA62.
[5] Yuguo Li, Steven Constable. 2D marine controlled-source electromagnetic modeling: Part 2 — The effect of bathymetry[J]. Geophysics, 2007, 72(2): WA63-WA71.
[6] Yuguo Li, Josef Pek. Adaptive finite element modelling of two-dimensional magnetotelluric fields in general anisotropic media[J]. Geophys. J. Int., 2008, 175: 942-954.
[7] 李予国,Steven Constable. 浅水区的瞬变电磁法:一维数值模拟结果分析[J]. 地球物理学报,2010,53(3):737-742.
[8] Yuguo Li, Shikun Dai. Finite element modelling of marine controlled-source electromagnetic responses in two-dimensional dipping anisotropic conductivity structures[J]. Geophys. J. Int., 2011, 185: 622-636.
[9] Li Y, Luo M, Pei J. Adaptive finite element modeling of marine controlled-source electromagnetic fields in two-dimensional general anisotropic media[J]. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2013, 12(1): 1-5.