北京农业大学 土壤农化 学士
1982.01-1984.12 北京农业大学
植物营养学 硕士
1987.09-1990.06 北京农业大学 植物营养学 博士
1985.01-1987.12 北京农业大学土壤农化系 助教
1988.01-1992.12 北京农业大学土壤农化系 讲师
其中:1989.02-1990.06 德国霍恩海姆大学联合培养博士生博士论文研究
北京农业大学土壤与植物营养系 副教授
2007.11-2008.05 美国内布拉斯加大学高访
杜善周,冯浩,王义. 西部干旱半干旱煤矿区土地复垦的微生物修复技术与应用,2015年度国家科学技术进步二等奖
霍英东教育基金会研究类一等奖 ( 排名第一 ) ( 1992年 )
获国家教委科技进步一等奖 ( 排名第二 ) ( 1994年 )
全国优秀教师 ( 1995年 )
国家人事部首批“百千万人才工程”计划 ( 1996年 )
获农业部有突出贡献的中青年专家称号 ( 1997年 )
获宝钢教育基金特等奖 ( 1997年 )
被评为国家有突出贡献的中青年专家 ( 1998年 )
获北京市科学技术二等奖 ( 排名第二 ) ( 2002年 )
获国家自然科学二等奖 ( 排名第二 ) ( 2005年 )
北京市高等学校教学名师 ( 2006年 )
获首届三农科技服务金桥奖 ( 2010年 )
被评为河北省邯郸市十大科技创新人物 ( 2011年 )
获北京市高等教育教学成果一等奖 ( 排名第二 ) ( 2012年 )
获国家教学成果二等奖 ( 排名第一 ) ( 2014年 )
获国家科技进步二等奖 ( 排名第五 ) ( 2015年 )
植物菌丝桥的物质传递研究 教委优秀青年教师基金项目 主持 1996-98
水肥耦合效应研究 国家八五攻关子课题 85-07-01-10 主持 1991-94
矿质养分机理研究 国家
自然科学基金 394704122 主持 1996-98
国家杰出青年科学基金 39525019 主持 1996-98
国家自然科学基金 39100004 主持 1992-94
植物抗性关系研究 中-加合作 主持 1993-98
苹果平衡施肥研究 国际合作 副主持 96-97 山东蔬菜平衡施肥研究 国际合作 副主持 1996-97
间作体系中玉米改善花生铁营养机理研究 国家教委博士点基金 960102 课题主持 1997-99
国家自然科学基金重大项目课题 39790100 主持 97-2000
北京自然科学基金重点项目 参加 1998.9-2001.9
蔬菜营养与品质 中德合作项目 主持 1999-2002
北京市重点基金 6991004 参加 1999.10-2002.10
国家自然科学基金 39970139 主持 2000-2002
菌根在重金属污染修复中的作用及其蔬菜品质 国家重点基础研究发展规划(973项目) G1999011807 参加 2000-2004
根际 973 G1999011707 参加 2000-2004
无公害蔬菜生产的控氮节水技术与环境效益 中华农业科教基金项目 99-03-B-2 主持 2000-2002
Mycorrhizal technology for staple food crop production in small scale sustainable agriculture in China 欧共体项目 ICA4-1999-30077,专题主持 2000-2003
南京土壤所联合实验室课题 99122202 主持 2000.1-2001.12
1. Zhang WF, Cao GX, Li XL, Zhang HY, Wang C, Liu QQ, Chen XP, Cui ZL, Shen JB. Jiang RF, Mi GH, Miao YX, Zhang FS & Dou ZX. Closing yield gaps in China by empowering smallholder farmers. Nature. 2016, 537:671-674.
2. Yunlong Zhang, Caihua Li, Yanwei Wang, Yimin Hu, Peter Christie, Junling Zhang, Xiaolin Li. Maize yield and soil fertility with combined use of compost and inorganic fertilizers on a calcareous soil on the North China Plain. Soil & Tillage Research. 2016, 155: 85–94.
3. Wang GZ, Xia A, Li B, Christie P, Zhang JL, and Li XL. Response of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to soil phosphorus patches depends on context. Crop & Pasture Science. 2016,
1. Li XL, Zhang JL, Gai JP, Cai XB, Christie P, Li XL. Contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi of sedges to soil aggregation along an altitudinal alpine grassland gradient on the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Microbiology. 2015, 17(8): 2841-2857.
2. Shi, LJ, Yang, R, Zhang, JL, Cai, XB, Christie, P, Li, XL, Gai, JP. Evidence for functional divergence in AM fungal communities from different montane altitudes. Fungal Ecology. 2015, 16:19-25.
3. Liu, L, Hart, MM, Zhang, JL, Cai, XB, Gai, JP, Christie, P, Li, XL, Klironomos, JN. Altitudinal distribution patterns of AM fungal assemblages in a Tibetan alpine grassland. Fems Microbiology Ecology. 2015, 91(7): fiv078.
4. Gai JP, Gao WJ, Liu L, Chen Q, Feng G, Zhang JL, Christie P and Li XL. Infectivity and community composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from different soil depths in intensively managed agricultural ecosystems. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2015, 15:1200-1211 .
1. Liu W, Zheng CY, Fu ZF, Gai JP, Zhang JL, Christie P and Li XL. Facilitation of seedling growth and nutrient uptake by indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in intensive agroecosytems. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 2014, 50:381–394.
2. Wang C, Li XL, Tingting Gong, Hongyan Zhang. Life cycle assessment of wheat-maize rotation system emphasizing high crop yield and high resource use efficiency in Quzhou County. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2014, 68:56-63.
1. Dong LL, Li XL., Huang L., Gao Y., Zhong LN, Zhen YY, ZuoYM. Lauric acid in crown daisy root exudate potently regulates root-knot nematode chemotaxis and disrupts Mi-flp-18 expression to block infection. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2013, doi:10.1093jxbert356 (IF=5.3).
2. Tian H, Drijber RA, Zhang JL, Li XL. Impact of long-term nitrogen fertilization and rotation with soybean on the diversity and phosphorus metabolism of indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi within the roots of maize (Zea mays L.). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2013, 164: 53– 61.
3. Tian Jing, Johanna Pausch, Mingsheng Fan, Xiaolin Li, Qiyuan Tang & Yakov Kuzyakov. Allocation and dynamics of assimilated carbon in rice-soil system depending on water management. Plant and soil. 2013, 263: 273-285.
4. Jing Tian, Shihua Lu, Mingsheng Fan, Xiaolin Li, Yakov Kuzyakov. Labile soil organic matter fractions as influenced by non-flooded mulching cultivation and cropping season in rice-wheat rotation. European Journal of soil biology. 2013, 56: 19-25.
1. Yan Yun, Tian Jing, Fan Mingsheng, Zhang Fusuo, Li Xiaolin, Christie Peter, Chen Haiqing, Lee Junwan, Kuzyakov Yakov, Six Johan. Soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in intensively managed arable soils. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2012, 150: 102-110.
2. Jing Tian, Mingsheng Fan, Jingheng Guo, Petra Marschner, Xiaolin Li, Yakov Kuzyakov. Effects of land use intensity on dissolved organic carbon properties and microbial community structure. European Journal of Soil Biology. 2012, 52: 67-72.
3. Li H, Wang C, Li XL, Christie P, Dou ZX, Zhang JL, Xiang D. Impact of the earthworm Aporrectodea trapezoides and the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices on 15N uptake by maize from wheat straw. Biology of Fertility of Soils. 2012, DOI 10.1007s00374-012-0716-z.
4. Gai J P, H. Tian, F.Y. Yang, P. Christie, X.L. Li, J.N. Klironomos. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity along a Tibetan elevation gradient. Pedobiologia. 2012, 55(3):145-151.
1. Tian, H., Drijber, R.A., Niu, X.S., Zhang, J.L. and Li, X.L. Spatio-temporal dynamics of an indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community in an intensively managed maize agroecosystem in North China. Applied Soil Ecology. 2011, 47: 141-152.
1. Yang F Y, Li G Z, Zhang DE, Christie P, Li X L and Gai J P. Geographical and plant genotype effects on the formation of arbuscular mycorrhiza in Avena sativa and Avena nuda at different soil depths. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 2010, DOI 10.1007s00374-010-0450-3.
2. Gai J P, Zhang J L, FENG G and Li X L. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Diversity and Contribution to Crop Growth in Agricultural Fields. Journal of Integrated Field Science. 2010, 7: 41 – 45.
1. Tian H, Gai JP, Zhang J L, Christie P and Li X L. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in degraded typical steppe of Inner Mongolia. Land Degrad. Develop. 2009, 20: 41–54.
2. Tian H, Gai JP, Zhang J L, Christie P and Li XL. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with wild forage plants in typical steppe of eastern Inner Mongolia. European Journal of Soil Biology. 2009, 45: 321-327.
3. Gai JP, Christie P, Cai XB, Fan JQ, Zhang JL, Feng G and Li X L. Occurrence and distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species in three types of grassland community of the Tibetan plateau. Ecological Research. 2009, 24: 1345–1350.
1. Hao LF, Zhang JL, Chen FJ, Christie P and Li XL. Response of two maize inbred lines with contrasting phosphorus efficiency and root morphology to mycorrhizal colonization at different soil phosphorus supply levels. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2008, 31: 1059–1073.
2. Guo RY, Li XL, Christie P, Chen Q and Zhang FS. Seasonal temperatures have more influence than nitrogen fertilizer rates on cucumber yield and nitrogen uptake in a double cropping system. Environmental Pollution. 2008, 151:443-451.
3. Xu PL, Christie P, Liu Y, Zhang JL, Li XL. The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae can enhance arsenic tolerance in Medicago truncatula by increasing plant phosphorus status and restricting arsenate uptake. Environmental Pollution. 2008, 156:215-220.
4. Wang Z.H., Zhang J.L., Christie P. and Li X.L. Influence of inoculation with Glomus mosseae or Acaulospora morrowiae on arsenic uptake and translocation by maize. Plant and Soil. 2008, 311: 235-244.
5. Zhang L.D, Zhang J.L., Christie P. and Li X.L. Pre-inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi suppress root knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) on cucumber (Cucumis sativus). Biology Fertility and Soils. 2008, 45: 205-211.
1. Guo T., Zhang J.L., Christie P. and Li X.L. Pungency of spring onion as affected by inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and sulfur supply. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2007, 30: 1023-1034.
2. Guo T., Zhang J.L., Christie P. and Li X.L. Influence of nitrogen and sulfur fertilizers and inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on yield and pungency of spring onion. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2007, 29: 1767-1778.
3. Farmer MJ, X Li, G Feng, B Zhao, O Chatagnier, S Gianinazzi, V Gianinazzi-Pearson and D van Tuinen. Molecular monitoring of field-inoculated AMF to evaluate persistence in sweet potato crops in China. Applied Soil Ecology. 2007, 35: 599–609
1. Guo T., Zhang J.L., Christie P. and Li X.L. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and ammoniu : nitrate ratios on growth and pungency of onion seedlings. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2006, 29: 1767-1778.
2. Wang ZH, Christie P, Chen QB, Liu XX, Xie LL, Bai CJ and Li XL. Allelopathic Potential and Chemical Constituents of Volatile Oil from Praxelis clematidea. Allelopathy Journal. 2006, 18(2): 225-236.
3. Gai JP, Christie P, Feng G and Li XL. Twenty years of ressearch on community composition and species distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in China: a review. Mycorrhiza. 2006, 16:229-239.
4. Gai JP, Cai XB, Feng G, Christie P and Li XL. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with sedges on the Tibetan plateau. Mycorrhiza. 2006, 16(3):151-157.
5. Gai JP, Feng G, Cai XB, Christie P and Li XL. A preliminary survey of the arbuscular mycorrhizal status of grassland plants in southern Tibet. Mycorrhiza. 2006, 16(3):191-196.
6. Gai JP, Feng G ,P Christie and Li XL. Screening of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi for Symbiotic Efficiency with Sweet Potato. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2006, 29:1085-1094.
7. Guo T, Zhang JL, Christie P and Li XL. Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Ammonium: Nitrate Ratios on Growth and Pungency of Onion Seedlings. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2006, 29:1047-1059.
8. Hao ZP, Wang Q, P Christie and Li XL. Autotoxicity potential of soils cropped continuously with watermelon. Allelopathy Journal. 2006, 18(2):111-120.
9. Sheng H,Christie P and Li XL. Uptake of Zinc cadmium and phosphorus by arbuscular mycorrhizal maize (Zea mays L.) from a low available phosphorus calcareous soil spiked with zinc and cadmium. Environment Geochemistry and Health. 2006, 28:111-119.
10. Shi ZY, Feng G, Christie P and Li XL. Arbuscular mycorrhizal status of spring ephemerals in the desert ecosystem of Junggar Basin, China. Mycorrhiza. 2006, 16(4):269-275.
11. Shi ZY, Chen YL, Feng G, Liu RJ, P Christie and Li XL. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with the Meliaceae on Hainan island, China. Mycorrhiza. 2006, 16(2): 81-87.
12. Shi ZY, Zhang LY, Feng G, Christie P, Tian CY and LI XL. Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with desert ephemerals growing under and beyond the canopies of Tamarisk shrubs. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2006, 51:1-8.
1. Chen Q,Zhang HY,Li XL,Christie P,Horlacher D and Libei HP. Use of a Modified N-Expert System for Vegetable Production in the Beijing Region. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2005, 28:475-487.
2. Hao ZP, Christie P, Qin L, Wang CX and Li XL. Control Fusarium Wilt of Cucumber Seedlings by Inoculation with an Arbuscular Mycorrhical Fungus. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2005, 28:1961-1974.
3. Li M, Liu RJ, Christie P and Li XL. Influence of Three Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Phosphorus on Growth and Nutrient Status of Taro. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 2005, 36:2383-2396.
4. Liu Y, Zhu YG, Chen BD, Christie P and Li XL. Yield and arsenate uptake of arbuscular mycorrhizal tomato colonized by Glomus mosseae BEG167 in As spiked soil under glasshouse conditions. Environment International. 2005, 31:867–873.
5. Liu Y, Zhu YG, Chen BD, Christie P and Li XL. Influence of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae on uptake of arsenate by the As hyperaccumulator fern Pteris vittata L. Mycorrhiza. 2005, 15:187-192.
6. Yuan L, Huang JG, Christie P and Li XL. Influence of potassium supply on growth and uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium by three ectomycorrhizal fungal isolates in Vitro. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2005, 28(2):271-284.
7. Zhu JH, Li XL, Christie P and Li JL. Environmental implications of low nitrogen use efficiency in excessively fertilized hot pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) cropping systems. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment. 2005, 111(1-4):70-80.
1. Bi YL, Li XL, Wang HG and Christie P. Establishment of monoxenic culture between the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus sinuosum and Ri-DNA-transfromed carrot roots. Plant and Soil. 2004, 261:239-244.
2. Chen BD, Liu Y, Shen H, Li XL, and Christie P. Uptake of cadmium from a experimentally contaminated calcareous soil by arbuscular mycorrhizal maize (Zea mays L.). Mycorrhiza. 2004, 14:347-354.
3. Chen BD, Shen H, Li XL, Feng G and Christie P. Effects of EDTA application and arbscular myorrhizal colonization on growth and zinc uptake by maize (Zea mays L.) in soil xperimentally contaminated with zinc. Plant and Soil. 2004, 261:219-229.
4. Chen Q, Li XL, Horlacher D and Liebig HP. Effects of Different trogen Rates on Open-Field Vegetable Growth and Nitrogen Utilization in the North China Plain. Communications in soil science and plant analysis. 2004, 35(11-12):1725-1740.
5. Chen Q, Zhang XSH, Zhang HY, Christie P, Li XL, Horlacher D and Libig HP. Evaluation of current fertilizer practice and soil fertioity in vegetable production in the Beijing region. Nutrient Cycling in Agriecosystem. 2004, 69:51-58.
6. Christie P, Li XL and Chen BD. Arbuscular mycorrhiza can depress translocation of zinc to shoots of host plants in soils moderately polluted with zinc. Plant and Soil. 2004, 261 (1-2): 209-217.
7. Tian CY, Feng G, Li XL and Zhang FS. Different effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal isolates from saline or non-saline soil on salinity tolerance of plants. Applied Soil Ecology. 2004, 26:143-148.
8. Yuan L, Huang JG, Li XL and Christie P. Biological mobilization of potassium from clay minerals by ectomycorrhizal fungi and eucalypt seedling roots. Plant and Soil. 2004, 262:351-361.
9. Zhu JH, Li XL, Zhang FS, Li JL and Christie P. Responses of Greenhouse Tomato and Pepaper Yields and Nitrogen Dynamics to Applied Compound Fertilizers. Pedosphere. 2004, 14(2):213-222.
1. Bi YL, Li XL and Christie P. Influence of early stages of arbuscular mycorrhiza on uptake of zinc and phosphorus by red clover from a low-phosphorus soil ameded with zinc and phosphorus. Chemosphere. 2003, 50(6):831-837.
2. Bi YL, Li XL, Christie P, Hu ZQ and Wong MH. Growth and nutrient uptake of arbuscular mycorrhizal maize in different depths of soil overlying coal fly ash. Chemosphere. 2003, 50(6):863-869.
3. Chen BD, Li XL, Tao HQ, Christie P and Wong MH . The role of arbuscular mycorrhiza in zinc uptake by red clover growing in a calcareous soil spiked with various quantities of zinc.Chemosphere. 2003, 50(6):839-846.
4. Feng G, Song YC, Li XL and Christie P. Contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to utilization of organic sources of phosphorus by red clover in a calcareous soil. Applied Soil Ecology. 2003, 22:139-148.
5. Li L, Zhang FS, Li XL, Christie P, Sun JH, Yang S and Tang CX. Interspecific facilitation of nutrient uptake by intercropped maize and faba bean. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2003, 65:61-71.
6. Yao Q, Li XL, Ai WD and Christie P. Bi-directional transfer of phosphorus between red clover and perennial ryegrass via arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphal links. European Journal of Soil Biology. 2003, 39(1):47-54.
1. Chen BD, Li XL and Christie P. Two arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi colonizing maize under different phosphorus regimes in a compartment cultivation system. Pedosphere. 2002, 12(2):121-130.
2. Chen Q, Zhang HY, Tang LL, Li XL and Liebig HP. Effects of water and nitrogen supply on spinach growth and soil nitrate residues. Pedosphere. 2002, 12(2):171-178.
3. Feng G, Su YB, Li XL and Wang H. Histochemical visualizatioin of phosphatase releasedby arbuscular mycorrhizak fungi in soil. J. Plant Nutritioin. 2002, 25(5): 969-980.
4. Feng G, Zhang FS, Li XL, Tang CX and Rengel Z. Improved tolerance of maize plants to salt stress by arbuscular mycorrhiza is related to higher accumulation of soluable sugars in oots. Mycorrhiza. 2002, 12:185-190.
5. Song YC, Li XL and Christie P. Uptake of organic phosphorus by arbuscular mycorrhizal red clover. Pedosphere. 2002, 12(2):101-110.
6. Yao Q, Qin FL, Li XL and Christie P. Utilization of sparingly-soluble phosphate by red clover in association with Glomus mosseae and Bacillus megaterium. Pedosphere. 2002, 12(2):131-138.
1. Chen BD, Christie P and Li XL. A modified glass bead compartment cultivation system for studies on nutrient and trace metal uptake by arbuscular mycorrhiza. Chemosphere. 2001, 42:185-192.
2. Li L, Sun JH, Zhang FS, Li XL,Yang S and Rengel Z. Wheat/maize or wheatsoybean strip intercropping: I. Yield advantage and interspecific interactions on nutrients. Field Crops Research. 2001, 71:123-137.
3. Li L, Sun JH, Zhang FS, Li XL, Rengel Z and Yang S. Wheat/maize or wheatsoybean strip intercropping: II. Recovery or compensation of maize and soybean after harvesting. Field Crops Research. 2001, 71:173-181.
4. Li XL and Christie P. Changes in soil solution Zn and pH and uptake of Zn by arbuscular mycorrhizal red clover in Zn-contaminated soil. Chemosphere. 2001, 42:201-207.
5. Yao Q, Li XL and Chrisstie P. Factors Affecting Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Dependency of Wheat Genotypes with Different Phosphorus Efficiencies J. Plant Nutrition. 2001, 24(9):1409-1419.
6. Yao Q, Li XL,Feng G and Christie P. Influence of extramatrical hyphae on mycorrhizal dependency of wheat enotypes. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 2001, 32(19-20):3307-3317.
7. Yao Q, Li XL, Feng G and Christie P. Mobilization of sparingly soluble inorganic phosphates by the external mycelium of an abuscular mycorrhizal fungus. Plant and Soil. 2001, 230(2):279-285.
1. Song YC and Li XL. Rapid assessment of acid phosphatase activity in the mycorrhizosphere and in arbuscualr mycorrhizal fungal hyphae. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2000, 45(13):1187-1190.
2. Zuo YM, Zhang FS and Li XL. Studies on the improvement in iron nutrition of peanut by intercropping with maize on a calcareous soil. Plant and Soil. 2000, 220(1-2):12-25.
1. Li L, Yang SC, Li Xl and Zhang FS. Interspecific complementary and competitive interactions between intercropped maize and faba bean. Plant and Soil. 1999, 12(2):105-114.
1. Li XL, George E, Marschner H and Zhang JL. Phosphorus acquisition of VA mycorrhizal hyphae from compacted soil in clover J Can.Bot. 1997, 75:723-729.
1. Li XL, Marschner H and George E. Acquisition of phosphorus and copper by VA-mycorrhizal hyphae and root to shoot transport in white clover. Plant and Soil. 1991, 136:49-57.
2. Li XL, George E and Marschner H. Phosphorus depletion and pH decrease at the root-soil and hyphae-soil interfaces of VA-mycorrhizal white clover fertilized with ammonium. New Phytologist. 1991, 119:397-40.
3. Li XL, George E and Marschner H. Extension of the phosphorus depletion zone in VA-mycorrhizal white clover in a calcareous soil. Plant and Soil. 1991,136:41-48.
1. 科技小院-破解“三农”难题的曲周探索.
中国农业大学出版社, 2013, 主编.
2. 土壤肥料学. 中国农业大学出版社, 2002, 副主编.
3. 丛枝菌根真菌生态生理学. 华文出版社, 2001, 主编.
4. 蔬菜营养、品质与环境. 中国农业大学出版社, 2000, 主编.
5. 丛枝菌根及其应用. 科学出版社, 2000, 主编.
6. 土壤与植物营养研究新动态(第三卷). 农业出版社, 1995, 主编.
7. 土壤与植物营养研究新动态(第二卷). 农业出版社, 1995, 主编.
8. 土壤资源的特性与利用. 北京农业大学出版社, 1992, 主编.