李雪明 ,博士,研究员, Tenure-track 助理教授。
北京科技大学 材料物理系 学士
2002-2005年 北京科技大学 材料物理与化学系 硕士
2005-2009年 中科院物理研究所
凝聚态物理 博士
清华大学生命科学学院,清华-北大生命科学联合中心,北京结构生物学高精尖中心 研究员
Xueming Li, Shawn Zheng, Kiyoshi Egami,David A. Agard*, Yifan Cheng*, Influence of electron dose rate on electron counting images recorded with the K2 camera, J Struct. Biol., 184, 251-260, 2013.
Patricia Grob, Derek Bean, Dieter Typke, Xueming Li, Eva Nogales, and Robert M. Glaeser*, Ranking TEM cameras by their response to electron shot noise, Ultramicroscopy, 133, 1-7, 2013
Shenping Wu, Agustin Avila-Sakar, JungMin Kim, David S. Booth, Charles H. Greenberg, Andrea Rossi, Maofu Liao, Xueming Li, Akram Alian, Sarah L. Griner, Narinobu Juge, Yadong Yu, Claudia M. Mergel, Javier Chaparro-Riggers, Pavel Strop, Robert Tampé, Robert H. Edwards, Robert M. Stroud, Charles S. Craik, Yifan Cheng*, Fabs enable single particle cryoEM studies of small proteins, Structure, 20, 582-592, 2012.
Agustin Avila-Sakar, Xueming Li, Shawn Q. Zheng, and Yifan. Cheng*, Recording high-resolution images of two-dimensional crystals of membrane proteins, Chapter 8, Electron crystallography of soluble and membrane proteins, Methods in Molecular Biology, 955, 129- 152, 2012.
Xueming Li, Nikolaus Grigorieff, Yifan. Cheng*, GPU-enabled FREALIGN: accelerating single particle 3D reconstruction and refinement in Fourier space on graphics processors,J Struct Biol., 172, 407-12, 2010
In Physics and material science