Perlin噪声 ( Perlin noise )指由Ken Perlin发明的自然噪声生成算法 。
Here is a graph showing an example noise function. A random value between 0 and1 is assigned to every
point on the X axis.
By smoothly interpolating between the values, we can define a continuous function that takes a non-integer as a parameter. I will discuss various ways of interpolating the values later in this article.
Before I go any further, let me define what I mean by amplitude and frequency. If you have studied physics, you may well have come across the concept of amplitude and frequency applied to a sin wave.
Sin Wave
The wavelength of a sin wave is the distance from one peak to another. The amplitude is the height of the wave. The frequency is defined to be 1/wavelength.
正弦波的波长(wavelength)是两个波峰只间的距离。振幅是此波的高度。频率我们定义为 1/波长(wavelength)。
Noise Wave
In the graph of this example noise function, the red spots indicate the random values defined along the dimension of the function. In this case, the amplitude is the difference between the minimum and maximum values the function could have. The wavelength is the distance from one red spot to the next. Again frequency is defined to be 1/wavelength.
Creating the Perlin Noise Function
Now, if you take lots of such smooth functions, with various frequencies and amplitudes, you can add them all together to create a nice noisy function. This is the Perlin Noise Function.
Take the following Noise Functions
Add them together, and this is what you get.
You can see that this function has large, medium and small variations. You may even imagine that it looks a little like a mountain range. In fact many computer generated landscapes are made using this method. Of course they use 2D noise, which I shall get onto in a moment.
You can, of course, do the same in 2 dimensions.
Some noise functions are created in 2D
Adding all these functions together produces a noisy pattern.
When you're adding together these noise functions, you may wonder exactly what amplitude and frequency to use for each one. The one dimensional example above used twice the frequency and half the amplitude for each successive noise function added. This is quite common. So common in fact, that many people don't even consider using anything else. However, you can create Perlin Noise functions with different characteristics by using other frequencies and amplitudes at each step. For example, to create smooth rolling hills, you could use Perlin noise function with large amplitudes for the low frequencies , and very small amplitudes for the higher frequencies. Or you could make a flat, but very rocky plane choosing low amplitudes for low frequencies.