叶落风寒,一场没有硝烟的战争 师葭希(四川达州)
A white war with chill wind
凛冬散尽,星河依旧长明 韩甜甜(辽宁黑山)
The galaxy is always shining even the spring is coming
风暴总会过去, 熊恋蝴(湖北武汉)
The storm will eventually be gone
天终究会晴, 王梓菡(山东平邑)
The weather will finally become clear
白衣天使,不负使命。 王祉诺(北京)
The angel in white would never let the mission down
人间烟火,把所有寒冷的心扉融化 张露璇(北京)
The fire among the world will melt those frozen hearts
困苦再多,踮起脚尖就会接近阳光 钟金炫(湖北武汉)
No matter how many sufferings there were
The sunshine is just overhead
待到樱花烂漫时, 舒子轩(山东青岛)
When the sakura has blossomed
我们一起笑, 容玉金辉(湖北武汉)
We will laugh together
历经风霜终会见阳光。 王艺雯(山东济南)
The sunshine will be seen when the storm has ended
武汉,别怕, 谢佳圻(江苏徐州)
Don't be afraid Wuhan
我们与你同在, 张鑫瑜(江苏徐州)
We will always be with you
愿所有担惊受怕, 何康路(湖北武汉)
Wish those skittish feelings
都是虚惊一场。 杨震(山东日照)
were all false alarms
所有磨难, 林可欣(山东青岛)
All those sufferings
都会是劫后余生, 付桐瑄(山东青岛)
Will finally brought to a new beginning
一切都会好起来, 徐子乔(山东日照)
Everything is gonna be fine
春天也会如约而来。 韩婧逸(湖北武汉)
The real spring will come as expected
叶落风寒, 韩依霖(山东日照)
A white war
一场没有硝烟的战争 杨淑涵(山东临沂)
with chill wind
凛冬散尽, 李泽铭(山东济南)
The galaxy is always shining
星河依旧长明 , 连鸿烨(吉林延吉)
even the spring is coming
风暴总会过去, 徐一然(江苏连云港)
The storm will eventually be gone
天终究会晴, 戴敏慧(浙江宁波)
The weather will finally become clear
白衣天使,不负使命。 张羽棋(山东日照)
The angel in white would never let the mission down
人间烟火, 王雯藜(山东日照)
The fire among the world
把所有寒冷的心扉融化, 王天真(山东济南)
will melt those frozen hearts
困苦再多,踮起脚尖就会接近阳光, 崔唐一格(辽宁丹东)
No matter how many sufferings there were
The sunshine is just overhead
待到樱花烂漫时, 张荷晨(山东青岛)
When the sakura has blossomed
我们一起笑, 郑玉昊(山东五莲)
We will laugh together
历经风霜终会见阳光。 张曦文(河南商丘)
The sunshine will be seen when the storm has ended
武汉,别怕, 齐雨晨(辽宁锦州)
Don't be afraid Wuhan
我们与你同在, 王雅乔(山东日照)
We will always be with you
愿所有担惊受怕, 张乃嘉(山东济南)
Wish those skittish feelings
都是虚惊一场。 孙立媛(山东济南)
were all false alarms
所有磨难, 张睿宸(山东日照)
All those sufferings
都会是劫后余生, 鲁郭奕佳(北京)
Will finally brought to a new beginning
一切都会好起来, 王哂鸥(辽宁锦州)
Everything is gonna be fine
春天也会如约而来。 董浩宇(山东五莲)
The real spring will come as expected
人间烟火, 徐子航(四川眉山) 张子墨(山西太原)
The fire among the world
把所有寒冷的心扉融化, 陈可欣(安徽滁州)
will melt those frozen hearts
困苦再多, 苏洪举(山东邹城) 辽可(吉林双辽)
No matter how many sufferings there were
踮起脚尖就会接近阳光, 李泽鑫(山东日照) 张馨冉(山东青岛)
The sunshine is just overhead
待到樱花烂漫时, 位昱锦(安徽宿州) 安铭洋(山东日照)
When the sakura has blossomed
我们一起笑, 陈瑜诺(山东日照) 董子璇(山东五莲)
We will laugh together
历经风霜终会见阳光。 马楚亮(山东日照) 高逸飞(山东济南)
The sunshine will be seen when the storm has ended
武汉,别怕, 席子麒(山东济南) 杜承轩(河南许昌)
Don't be afraid Wuhan
我们与你同在, 李紫嫣(湖北武汉) 王妤兮(湖北武汉)
We will always be with you
愿所有担惊受怕, 朱瑞琳(湖北武汉) 邓懿文(湖北武汉)
Wish those skittish feelings
都是虚惊一场。 张言溪(湖北武汉) 韩梓睿(湖北武汉)
were all false alarms
所有磨难, 王诗瑞(湖北武汉) 李紫巽(湖北武汉)
All those sufferings
都会是劫后余生, 徐欣彤(山东济南) 吴梓瑄(山东济南) 武子钰(山东济南) 蒋厚坤(山东济南)
Will finally brought to a new beginning
一切都会好起来, 蒋子豪(山东济南) 张妙晗(湖北武汉) 颜玉清(山东日照) 王志诚(山东日照)
Everything is gonna be fine
春天也会如约而来。 郑文博(山东日照) 郑煜霖(山东临沂) 沈凡舒(山东日照) 张家铭(山东日照)
The real spring will come as expected
武汉,别怕, 陈一泽(山东兰陵)
Don't be afraid Wuhan
我们与你同在, 刘旖旎(河南新乡)
We will always be with you
愿所有担惊受怕, 付子轩(河北衡水)
Wish those skittish feelings
都是虚惊一场。 (合)
were all false alarms
所有磨难, (合)
All those sufferings
都会是劫后余生, (合)
Will finally brought to a new beginning
一切都会好起来, (合)
Everything is gonna be fine
春天也会如约而来。 (合)
The real spring will come as expected
春天也会如约而来。 李嘉轩(山东日照)
最新修订时间:2022-09-07 14:47