科鲁姆·费奥瑞(Colm Feore),1958年8月22日出生于美国,演员。
2022年6月22日,参演的电视剧《伞学院 第三季》播出。
2024年8月8日,参演的电视剧《伞学院 第四季》播出。
雷神/Thor(2011) Laufey
波吉亚家族/The Borgias(2011)
Giuliano Della Rovere (4 episodes, 2011)
天花大爆发:瘟疫的解剖学/Outbreak: Anatomy of a Plague(2010)
天花大爆发:瘟疫的解剖学 (2010) Narrator
托洛茨基/The Trotsky(2009) Principal Berkhoff
战争游戏2:死亡代码/Wargames: The Dead Code(2008) Kenneth Hassert
换子疑云/Changeling(2008) Chief James E. Davis
不可想象/Inconceivable(2008) Dr. Jackson Charles Freeman
Guns(2008) Paul Duguid
应召女郎/Serveuses demandées(2008) Sergeant Connor
24小时:救赎/24: Redemption(2008) Henry Taylor
六个决斗的理由/Six Reasons Why(2008) The Preacher
朱蒂有了把枪/Judy's Got a Gun(2007) Captain Ruttgauer
魂归伤膝谷/Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee(2007) General Sherman
绝命娇娃/Killing Zelda Sparks(2007) Dr. Theodore Lenningrad
战地诗篇/The Poet(2007) Colonel Hass
干涉/Intervention(2007) Bill
好警察,坏警察/Bon Cop, Bad Cop(2006) Martin Ward
惊心交易/The Deal(2005) Hank Weiss
驱魔/The Exorcism of Emily Rose(2005) Karl Gunderson
帝国/Empire(2005) Caesar
从香港到好莱坞:吴宇森的故事 (2004) Himself
Remembering the Future: Paycheck & the Worlds of Philip K. Dick(2004) Himself
星际传奇2/The Chronicles of Riddick(2004) Lord Marshal
记忆裂痕/Paycheck(2003) John Wolfe
国家保安/National Security(2003) Detective Frank McDuff
墨西哥风暴/And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself(2003) D.W. Griffith
热血高速/Highwaymen(2003) Fargo
拿破仑/Napoléon(2002) Voiceover
寡妇特工/Widows(2002) Stein
火线追凶/Point of Origin(2002) Mike Matassa
Trudeau(2002) Pierre Elliott Trudeau
芝加哥/Chicago(2002) Harrison
恐惧的总和/The Sum of All Fears(2002) Olson
迷离感应/The Caveman's Valentine(2001) David Leppenraub
核武反击战/Ignition(2001) Gen. Joel MacAteer
珍珠港/Pearl Harbor(2001) Adm. Husband E. Kimmel
24小时/24(2001) Henry Taylor (12 episodes, 2009)
母爱真要命/Trapped in a Purple Haze(2000) Ed Hanson
汤姆斯和神奇铁路/Thomas and the Magic Railroad(2000) Toby (voice)
纽伦堡审判/Nuremberg(2000) Rudolf Höß
The Perfect Son (2000) Ryan Taylor
The Virginian(2000) Trampas
惊爆内幕/The Insider(1999) Richard Scruggs
勿忘我/Forget Me Never(1999) Albert
世纪邪风暴/Storm of the Century(1999) Andre Linoge/Reporter on TV/Minister on TV
提图斯/Titus(1999) Marcus Andronicus
天使之城/City of Angels(1998) Jordan Ferris
神鬼关头:异形复仇/Creature(1998) Adm. Aaron Richland
红色小提琴/The Red Violin(1998) Auctioneer (Montréal)
Airborne(1998) Ron Simpson
逃亡悲歌/The Escape(1997) Hickman
夜落曼哈顿/Night Falls on Manhattan(1997) Harrison
变脸/Face/Off(1997) Dr. Malcolm Walsh
医院人生/Critical Care(1997) Richard Wilson
魔鬼潜舰/Hostile Waters(1997) Pshenishny
The Wrong Guy(1997) The Killer
杜鲁门/Truman(1995) Charlie Ross
顾尔德的32短篇/Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould(1993) Glenn Gould
白求恩大夫/Bethune: The Making of a Hero(1990) Chester Rice
铁鹰F-16续集/Iron Eagle II(1988) Yuri
世界大战 (1988)
Leonid Argochev (2 episodes, 1989-1990)
13号星期五/Friday the 13th(1987)
Alex Dent (2 episodes, 1989-1990)
最新修订时间:2024-12-21 00:02