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Li, X.-R.*, Li, H.-J.*, Yuan, L.*, Liu, M., Shi, D.-Q., Liu, J., and Yang, W.-C. (2014). Arabidopsis DAYU/ABERRANT PEROXISOME MORPHOLOGY9 Is a Key Regulator of Peroxisome Biogenesis and Plays Critical Roles during Pollen Maturation and Germination in Planta. Plant Cell 26, 619–635. (*Co-first author)
Song, X., Yuan, L., and Sundaresan, V. (2014). Antipodal cells persist through fertilization in the female gametophyte of Arabidopsis. Plant Reprod. 27, 197–203.
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Li, N.*, Yuan, L*., Liu, N., Shi, D., Li, X., Tang, Z., Liu, J., Sundaresan, V., and Yang, W.C. (2009). SLOW WALKER2, a NOC1/MAK21 homologue, is essential for coordinated cell cycle progression during female gametophyte development in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 151, 1486-1497. (*Co-first author)
Liu, M*., Yuan, L*., Liu, N.Y., Shi, D.Q., Liu, J., and Yang, W.C. (2009). GAMETOPHYTIC FACTOR 1, involved in pre-mRNA splicing, is essential for megagametogenesis and embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 51, 261-271. (*Co-first author)
Yang, X., Yuan, L., and Makaroff, C.A (2012). Immunolocalization Protocols for Visualizing Meiotic Proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana. Chapter in Book Plant Meiosis (Series of Methods in Molecular Biology) Vol. 990