2007年12月至今2008年12月 加拿大Waterloo大学访问学者;
1. Yongjun He*, Xuhong Zhou and Haishun Wang, Wind-induced response analysis of the cylindrical reticulated mega-structures, Advanced Steel Construction, 2016, 12(SCI收录)
2. Yongjun He*, Xuan Sun, JixinWang, Xuhong Zhou,The elastic static property and stability of string cylindrical reticulated mega-structures, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2015, 114(SCI收录)
3. Yongjun He*, Xuhong Zhou and Xiaohua Liu, Dynamic response of the high-rise steel tridimensional parking structure for vertical impact excitation of the lifting system, The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 2015, 24(SCI收录)
4. Yongjun He*, Xuhong Zhou, Dan Liu, Research on stability of single-layer inverted catenary cylindrical reticulated shells, Thin-Walled Structures, 2014, 82(1)(SCI收录)
5. Yongjun He*, Xuhong Zhou, JixinWang,Seismic performance of cylindrical latticed-intersected-three-dimensional-beam-system reticulated mega-structure with single-layer latticed-intersected-cylindrical-shell substructures, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2014, 57(SCI收录)
6. Yongjun He*, Xuhong Zhou, Research on static properties and stability of high-rise tubular 3D parking structure with hoop stories , Advanced Steel Construction, 2014, 10, (SCI收录)
7. Yongjun He*, Xuhong Zhou, Jie Liu, Dynamic property and seismic performance of square-based membranous latticed shells, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2012, 43(SCI收录)
8. Yongjun He*, Xuhong Zhou, Xiaotong Zhang, Finite element analysis of the elastic static properties and stability of pretensioned cylindrical reticulated mega-structures, Thin-Walled Structures, 2012, 60(SCI收录)
9. Yongjun He*, Xuhong Zhou, Approximate analytical method of multi-storey or high-rise steel three-dimensional parking structures, Advanced Steel Construction, 2012, 8(2) (SCI收录)
10. Yongjun He*, Xuhong Zhou, Formation of the spherical reticulated mega-structure and its stabilities in construction, Thin-Walled Structures, 2011, 49(SCI收录)
11. Xuhong Zhou, Yongjun He*, Ziwen Jia, Shaofeng Nie, Experimental study on vibration behavior of cold-form steel concrete composite floor, Advanced Steel Construction, 2011, 7(3) (SCI收录)
12. Yongjun He*, Xuhong Zhou, Penghui Hou, Combined method of super element and substructure for analysis of ILTDBS reticulated mega-structure with single-layer latticed shell substructures, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2010, 46(SCI收录)
13. Yongjun He*, Xuhong Zhou, Formation and calculation analyses of the cylindrical latticed-built-up-member-system reticulated mega-structure, Advanced Steel Construction, 2010, 6(3) (SCI收录)
14. Xuhong Zhou, Yongjun He*, Yu Shi, Tianhua Zhou, Yongjian Liu, Experiment and FE analysis on shear resistance of cold-formed steel stud assembled wall in residential structure, Advanced Steel Construction, 2010, 6(3)(SCI收录)
15. Xuhong Zhou, Yongjun He*, Lei Xu, Formation and stability of a cylindrical ILTDBS reticulated mega-structure braced with single-layer latticed membranous shell substructures, Thin-Walled Structures, 2009, 47(SCI收录)
16. Xuhong Zhou, Yongjun He*, Lei Xu, Experimental study and numerical analyses on seismic behaviors of staggered-truss system under low cyclic loading, Thin-Walled Structures, 2009, 47(SCI收录)
17. Xuhong Zhou, Yongjun He*, Lei Xu, Stability of a cylindrical ILTDBS reticulated mega-structure with single-layer LICS substructures, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2009, 65(SCI收录)
18. Yongjun He*, Xuhong Zhou, Static properties and stability of cylindrical ILTDBS reticulated mega-structure with double-layer grid substructures, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2007, 63(SCI收录)
19. Peng-Fei Hou, Andrew Y. T. Leung, Yong-Jun He, Three-dimensional Green's functions for transversely isotropic thermoelastic bimaterials,International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2008, 45(24)(SCI收录)
20. Peng-Fei Hou, Xu-Hong Zhou, Yong-Jun He, Green's functions for a semi-infinite transversely isotropic piezothermoelastic material, Smart Materials and Structures, 2007, 16(5)(SCI收录)
1. 2014年度湖南省自然科学奖,二等奖
3. 2010年度甘肃省科学技术进步奖,一等奖
5. 2011年起受聘为湖南省“芙蓉学者”特聘教授(结构工程岗)
6. 2012年起“湖南省高校科技创新团队计划”团队带头人,并获得2016~2018年度滚动资助
7. 2008年获得湖南省杰出青年基金资助
8. 2007年入选“教育部新世纪优秀人才”计划