船舶车钟(Telegraph )是驾驶台与机舱联系用车的一种最重要的手段。
每次用车指令的变换,驾驶台和机舱的控制室都要求做记录,专门有车钟记录本。离港从备车开始一直记到海速(SEA SPEED) 。
备车(Standby Engine),作为船舶操纵术语,指船舶开航前,为使主机处于随时能够使用的状态而进行准备工作的操作过程。备车的目的是使
telegraph/engine telegraph车钟----是用来控制船的航速的,分为前进(AHEAD)和后退(ASTERN)。前进后退再各分四档,就是“进1”“进2”“进3”“进4”“倒1”“倒2”“倒3”“倒4”,从一到四速度依次增加。
KSCL应急车钟系统Emergency Telegraph System
功能及要求:Function and requirements
1.由驾驶室向机舱传达主机转速命令及机舱回答命令执行情况的设备。including equipments used for transmitting the main engine’s rotational speed commands from the wheelhouse to the engine room and the responding commands from the engine room to the wheelhouse.
2.在特殊的情况下,由机舱传达主机现行速度的命令,而驾驶室回答命令when in a special situation, the current main engine’s rotational speed is transmitted by engine room , the wheelhouse answer the commands.
Order error alarm: the indicator lamp is light when both sides is synchronous, the indicator lamp glitters when both sides is not synchronous, accompanying with sound and light alarm; as long as both sides is synchronous ,the alarm will stop automatically.
power supply failure alarm: there will be a sound and light alarm when the main power supply fail to work properly.
light adjust: adjust the indicator lamp on the telegraph pannel in the wheelhouse to adapt to the intensity of the light outside.
6.二路电源供电DC24V,带自动转换功能。Two sets DC24V power supply, with automatically change .
KSCL Marine Emergency telegraph has 11 gears in total, ahead 4 ,ahead 3, ahead 2,ahead 1, stop, PS all SB, back 1, back 2, back 3 , back 4.
8.带VDR接口including VDR interface
功能及要求:Function and requirements
1.由驾驶室向机舱传达主机转速命令及机舱回答命令执行情况的设备。including equipments used for transmitting the main engine’s rotational speed commands from the wheelhouse to the engine room and the responding commands from the engine room to the wheelhouse.
2.在特殊的情况下,由机舱传达主机现行速度的命令,而驾驶室回答命令when in a special situation, the current main engine’s rotational speed is transmitted by engine room , the wheelhouse answer the commands.
Order error alarm: the indicator lamp is light when both sides is synchronous, the indicator lamp glitters when both sides is not synchronous, accompanying with sound and light alarm; as long as both sides is synchronous ,the alarm will stop automatically.
power supply failure alarm: there will be a sound and light alarm when the main power supply fail to work properly.
light adjust: adjust the indicator lamp on the telegraph pannel in the wheelhouse to adapt to the intensity of the light outside.
6.二路电源供电DC24V,带自动转换功能。Two sets DC24V power supply, with automatically change .
KSCL Marine Emergency telegraph has 11 gears in total, ahead 4 ,ahead 3, ahead 2,ahead 1, stop, PS all SB, back 1, back 2, back 3 , back 4.