1 0n Minimax Invariant Estimation of Scale and Location Parameters
2 拟秩统计量的一极限定理
3 具任给精确度的区间估计的存在问题
4 线性模型中误差方差估计的Berry-Esseen界限
5 线性估计弱相合性的一个问题
6 最近邻密度估计的收敛速度
7 U-统计量的分布的非一致性收敛速度
8 0n One Conjecture of R.s.Singh
9 Exponential Bounds of Posterior Risk for k-NN Prediction
10 uniform Convergence Rates of Kernel Density Estimators
11 The Optimal Rate of Convergence of Error for k-NN Median Regression Estimates
12 只有一个转变点的模型的假设检验和区间估计
13 strong Consistency of M-Estimates in Linear Models
14 Estimation of Multivariate Binary Density Using Orthogonal Functions
15 线性模型中最小一乘估计的渐近正态性
16 Asymptotic Theory of Least Distances Estimate in Multivariate Linear Models
17 On a Problem of Existence of Consistent Estimate of Consistent Estimate
18 Consistency of Minimum L1-norm Estimates in Linear Models
19 线性模型参数M估计的线性表示
20 低阶矩条件下线性回归最小二乘估计弱相合的充要条件
21 Gauss-Markov条件下最小二乘估计的强相合性
23 On a Problem of Strong Consistency of Least Absolute Deviation Estimates
24ATobin-type Estimate of Censored Linear Models
25 Cramer-von Mises检验的非无偏性