麦结华,男,汉族,籍贯广西桂平县。1942年生,1965年2月毕业于北京大学。 1980年10月毕业于广西大学数学系研究生班。 1980年10月至1996年1月在广西大学数学系任教。 1996年1月起在汕头大学任教。 1985年7月晋升为教授, 1990年由国务院学位委员会批准为博士学位研究生导师。
1993年1月至1997年12月应邀参加国家自然科学基金《八五》重点项目 “动力系统与hamilton系统”
2、2003年10月在《Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.》上发表了题为“The structure of equicontinuous maps”的论文,该文研究了从度量空间X到X自身映射f,在一个相当弱的附加条件下(例如,只要求X紧致,或其他更弱的条件),证明了f是等度连续的当且仅当存在一个逐点回归的保距自同胚h及一个逐点收敛于一个不动点的非扩张的自映射g使得f与乘积映射 h×g 的一个子系统 h×g|S 拓扑等价,这个结果具有广泛、深入彻底、清晰等特点:给出了很广泛的一类等度连续映射的结构的深入彻底而清晰的描述。
多年来共发表了100多篇中、英文论文,其中超过半数发表在国际及全国性的著名刊物上,包括《Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.》,《Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.》, 《Nonlinear Analysis》,《Nagoya Math. J.》, 《J. Math. Anal. Appl.》,《Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys.》,《Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos》,《Topology and its Applications》,《Fund. Math.》等国际刊物。
在权威刊物《中国科学》A辑英文版上迄今为止共发表了英文论文12篇, 其中有11篇英文论文的中文原文在《中国科学》A辑中文版上发表。另有二十多篇论文在《科学通报》、《数学学报》、《数学年刊》、《数学进展》的中、英文版及《应用数学学报》、《系统科学与数学》的中文版上发表。
[20] Jiehua Mai and Taixiang Sun, Non-wandering points and the depth for graph maps,Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 50 (2007), No. 12, 1808-1814. (Dec. 2007)
[20]'麦结华,孙太祥,图映射的非游荡点和深度,中国科学A辑,2007, Vol.37, No.10, 1221-1227. (2007年10月) (这是Sci.ChinaA200712 上的一篇论文的中译文)
[19] Jiehua Mai and Enhui Shi, The nonexistence of expansive commutative group actions on Peano continua having free dendrites, Topology and its Applications, 155(2007), No.1, 33-38. (1 November 2007)
[18] Jie-Hua Mai and Song Shao, Spaces of ω-limit sets of graph maps, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 196 (2007), No.1: 91-100. (October)
[17] Jie-Hua Mai and Xin-He Liu, Fixed-point theorems for families of weakly non-expansive maps, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 334(2007), No. 2, 932-949. (15 October 2007)
[16] Jie-Hua Mai and Wei-Hua Sun, Almost periodic points and minimal sets in ω-regular spaces, Topology and its Applications, 154(2007), No. 15, 2873-2879. (1 August 2007)
[15] Jie-Hua Mai and Song Shao, The structure of graph maps without periodic points,Topology and its Applications, 154(2007), No. 14, pp. 2714-2728. (15 July 2007)
[14] Jiehua Mai and Taixiang Sun, ω-limit set of a graph map, Topology and its Applications, 154 (2007), No. 11, 2306–2311. (June 1, 2007)
[13] Jie-Hua Mai and Xin-He Liu, Fixed points of weakly contractive maps and boundedness of orbits, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, vol. 2007(2007), Article ID 20962, 12 pages.
[12] Mai Jiehua, Shi Enhui, The nonexistence of sensitive commutative group actions on graphs, Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 50(8): 1197 - 1204. (Aug. 2007) [12]'麦结华,史恩慧,图上无敏感的交换群作用,中国科学A辑: 数学, 2007,37(5): 541-548. (2007年5月) (这是《Sci.China A Math.》 2007年8月上的一篇英文论文的中译文)
[11] Mai Jie-Hua, What spaces can admit two-sided symbolic dynamical systems? Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 15, No. 4, 1485 - 1491. (April, 2005 )
[10] Mai Jie-Hua, Pointwise recurrent graph maps, Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys., 25 (2005), 629-637.
[9] Mai Jie-Hua, Devaney's chaos implies existence of s-scrambled sets, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 132:9(2004), 2761-2767.
[8] Mai Jie-Hua, The structure of equicontinuous maps, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 355 (2003), 4125-4136.
[7] Liu Xinhe and Mai Jie-Hua, Analytic solutions of iterative functional equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 270:1(2002), 200–209. (June)
[6] Mai Jie-Hua and Ye Xiangdong, The stucture of pointwise recurrent maps having the pseudo orbit tracing property, Nagoya Math. J., 166(2002), 83–92. (June)
[5] Mai Jie-Hua, Retracts, fixed point property and existence of periodic points, Science in China(Series A), 44:11(2001), 1381–1386.
[4] Mai Jie-Hua and Liu Xinhe, Existence, uniqueness and stability of C^r solutions of iterative functional equations, Science in China (Series A), 43:9 (2000 ), 897 - 913.
[3] Mai Jie-Hua, Scrambled sets of continuous maps of 1-dimensional polyhedra, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 351:1(1999), 353 – 362.
[2] Mai Jie-Hua, Multi-separation, centrifugality and centripetality imply chaos, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 351:1 (1999), 343 – 351.
[1] Mai Jie-Hua, The Brouwer fixed point theorem and tetragon with all vertexes in a surface, Science in China (Series A), 42:1(1999 ), 18 – 25.
[19] Mai Jie-Hua and Gu Rongbao, Conditions of C flows on closed surfaces having the pseudo-orbit tracing property, Science in China, 40:11 (1997 ), 1166 – 1175.
[18] Zeng Fanping and Mai Jie-Hua, Maps of the interval containing infinite symbolic dynamical systems, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods & Applications, 29:5 (1997), 585 – 592.
[17] Mai Jie-Hua, Continuous maps with the whole space being a scrambled set, Chinese Science Bulletin, 42:19 (1997), 1603 – 1606.
[16] Mai, Jiehua, Smale horseshoe maps by 5-adic fractions, Chinese Science Bulltin, 42(1997), 10:799--803.
[15] Mai, Jiehua, A kind of symbolic dynamical systems describing non-chaotic maps, Chinese Science Bulltin, 40(1995), 13:1063-- 1067.
[14] Mai Jie-Hua and Wang Li, On the integrity of kneading sequences of a C0-family of unimodal functions, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods & Applications, 23:9 (1994), 1145 – 1152.
[13] Mai, Jie-hua, Orientation-reversing 2-periodic self- homeomorphisms of orientable closed surfaces, Chinese Science Bulltin, 37(1992), 8:627--631.
[12] Mai Jie-Hua, 3-periodic orbit implying 683172687698650885- periodic orbits-infimums of numbers of periodic orbits in continuous functions, Science in China, 34:10 (1991), 1194 – 1204.
[11] Mai Jie-Hua, Orientation-preserving periodic self- homeomorphisms of 2-dimensional orientable manifolds, Science in China, 34:9(1991), 1057 – 1067.
[10] Mai Jie-Hua, Unimodal orbits in continuous functions and generalization of Sarkovskii's theorem, Science in China, 33:10 (1990 ), 1182 – 1191.
[9] Mai Jie-Hua, Pointwise periodic self-maps of subspaces of 2- dimensional manifolds, Scientia Sinica (Series A), 33:2 (1990), 145 – 155.
[8] Mai, Jiehua and Tang, Yun, Free deformation retraction in injective metric spaces, Chin. Ann. of Math., 10B(1989), 2:221--226.
[7] Mai, Jiehua, A simpler proof of extended Closing Lemma, Chinese Science Bulletin, 34(1989), 3:180--184. (Feb)
[6] Mai, Jiehua, The Besicovithch's topological transformations of plane and the Birkhoff's conjecture, Kexue Tongbao, 33(1988), 7:544--547.
[5] Mai Jie-Hua, A simpler proof of C Closing Lemma, Scientia Sinica (Series A), 29:10 (1986), 1020 – 1031.
[4] Mai Jie-Hua, An absolutely stable domain of Hill's equation, Scientia Sinica (Series A), 29:5(1986), 488 – 501.
[3] Mai, Jiehua, Characteristics of some self-homeomorphisms on planes and spheres which can be embedded in flows, Scientia Sinica (Series A), 28(1985), 9:897--906.
[2] Mai, Jiehua, The bandwidth of the product of two -type condensed graphs, Kexue Tongbao, 29(1984), 12:1575--1578.
[1] Mai Jie-Hua and Tang Yun, An injective metrization for collapsible polyhedra, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 88:2(1983), 333 – 337.
[3] Mai, Jiehua and Tang, Yun, On the injective metrization for infinite collapsible polyhedra, Acta Math. Sinica, New Series, 7 (1991), 1:13--18.
[2] Mai, Jiehua, An answer to the Markov's conjecture, Acta Math. Sinica, New Series, 3(1987), 2:180--189.
[1] Mai,Jiehua;Ouyang, Yiru and Yang, Yanchang, An analytic doubly- expansive self-homeomorphism of the open n-cube, Acta Math. Sinica, New Series, 1(1985), 4:335--342.
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