世界冠军摔角(World Championship Wrestling,简称WCW),1983年成立于美国乔治亚州亚特兰大。
尽管最早使用World Championship Wrestling这个品牌的是Jim Barnett的澳大利亚联盟,但在美国最早大范围地使用World Championship Wrestling(从来都不是现在所指的WCW)这个名字的却是Georgia Championship Wrestling(Vincent James McMahon的Capitol摔角公司也在好几场house show中使用过这个名字)。
这个联盟最初由Jack Brisco、Gerald Brisco所有,Ole Anderson注册,也是第一家在有线电视播出的NWA成员。1983年, Georgia Championship Wrestling开始在一些“中立”的版图如俄亥俄州、密歇根州,把自己的电视节目改成World Championship Wrestling这个名字播出。尽管当时行业都认为Anderson对公司处理失当,但Georgia Championship Wrestling还是成功地击退了当时同样希望在全国扩张的另一家联盟(Vince McMahon的WWF); World Championship Wrestling(WCW)正式成为一家公司是在1982年,当时正是在Vince McMahon Jr.的公司收购了Capitol Wrestling(WWE),使WWE成为了顶级联盟的时候。这次的改名使Georgia Championship Wrestling重新成为了最顶级的联盟,直到WWE能够正式离开NWA版图,举办WWE All American Wrestling演出为止。之后在Jim Crockett的帮助之下,NWA举办了Starrcade,NWA重新回到了高峰。然而在1月,在WWE的Tuesday Night Titans上,Hulk Hogan腰带之战的胜利,WWE又再次把NWA打败。
在1984年,Brisco兄弟把他们手中所持有的Georgia Championship Wrestling的股份卖了个Vince McMahon,其中包括了他们在TBS有线电视上的黄金时段。但WWF演出的收视率并没有因此而走好。World Championship Wrestling的核心观众对WWF选手的卡通造型一点都不感兴趣,他们更喜欢竞技类的风格。尽管McMahon曾经答应为TBS在亚特兰大的时段制作原创节目,但是McMahon最终只是为TBS提供剪辑过的节目而已,也就是一些WWF演出的精彩部分。这也是之后Bill Watts和Ole Anderson的Mid South Wrestling(Watt的联盟)和Championship Wrestling(Anderson的联盟)在TBS上播出的收视率能胜过WWE的剪辑节目的原因。1985年5月,McMahon在Ted Turner的压力下把TBS上的时段卖了给Jim Crockett Promotions(由Jim Crockett, Jr.所有), 此时Ted Turner已经复兴了World Championship Wrestling(Turner广播已经把World Championship Wrestling的商标注册,为了防止McMahon使用)。那时候WWE在WrestleMania I的空前成功之下,公司形势一片大好。而新的WCW,现在已经是Jim Crockett Promotions(Mid Atlantic Wrestling)和Georgia Championship Wrestling的结合,同时也是TBS的顶级节目,这也帮助了Jim Crockett Jr.再次成为NWA的总裁。
1986年,Jim Crockett, Jr.以Jim Crockett Promotions名义控制了NWA的关键领域,包括那些传统的NWA版图——科罗拉多州、乔治亚洲、圣路易斯州。Crockett把各NWA版图以National Wrestling Alliance的名义统一了起来(事实上,那时JCP已经成为了NWA的同义词)。Crockett和Vince McMahon的WWF的对决也因此而展开,两家公司都试图以出奇制胜的招数来获得比对方更有利的节目时段。然而还是WWF,后来在圣路易斯州的大受欢迎,威胁到了NWA版图上中部的州分。同时因为Hulk Hogan和Paul Orndorff的对决,也使WWF在全国大受欢迎。这样的结果导致了Jim Crockett Jr.的下台,Bob Geigel重新成为NWA的总裁 。
创办人:Ted Turner
拥有者:Turner Broadcasting System/Turner(1988年-1996年)、Time Warner(1996年-2001年)
Bill Goldberg
90年代高柏在WCW受欢迎的程度就等于当时WWE的Stone Cold史提夫·奥斯丁,他于1998年时在乔治亚巨蛋体育馆与霍克·霍肯的一战奠定了他在全世界摔角迷心中所向无敌的地位,之后创下WCW那段骇人听闻的记录——连胜173场(被KEVIN NASH终结。)
教练:WCW摔角学校(Dewayne Bruce主办)
终结技:Jackhammer  常用技:Spear,Gorilla Press into a Spinbuster,Side Kick,Superkick,Pumphandle drop
WCW重量级冠军,1998年7月6日战胜了Hollywood Hulk Hogan
WCW美国冠军,1999年PPV-Halloween Havoc战胜了Sid
WCW世界双打冠军,与Bret Hart组队
WWE世界重量级冠军(RAW)2003年9月21日的PPV-Unforgiven战胜了Triple H
双打拍档:Bret Hart
长期对手:Steve McMichael,Raven,Scott Hall,Hulk Hogan,The Outsiders,Lex Luger ,Tank Abbot,Kevin Nash,Sid,Bret Hart,Vince Russo,Scott Steiner ,The Rock,Chris Jericho,Triple H,Evolution,Brock Lesnar
亡命金刚柯士甸=Stunning Steve Austin
也就是后来在WWF风光无限的Stone Cold Steve Austin。亚视转播他比赛的时候还留着金毛长发,转眼就变成秃子。离开WCW曾经短暂逗留ECW,之后转会WWF,并在短时间内取代由于Bret Hart离开而留下的台柱地位,凭借自己的超高人气带领WWF反超WCW重新夺回摔角霸主地位。04年因伤困扰退役。现在投身演艺事业,偶然在WWE亮相打兼职。全名Steven James Williams(Born December 18, 1964)
Billed height 6 ft 2 in(188 cm)
Billed weight 252 lb(115 kg)
NWA World Tag Team Championship(1 time) - with Brian Pillman1
WCW United States Heavyweight Championship(2 times)
WCW World Tag Team Championship(1 time) - with Brian Pillman
WCW World Television Championship(2 times)
WWF Championship(6 times)
WWF Intercontinental Championship(2 times)
WWF World Tag Team Championship(4 times) - with Shawn Michaels(1), Dude Love(1), The Undertaker(1), and Triple H(1)
Million Dollar Championship(1 time)
King of the Ring winner in 1996
Royal Rumble winner in 1997
Royal Rumble winner in 1998
Royal Rumble winner in 2001
PWI ranked him # 1 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the year on the annual PWI 500 list in 1998.
PWI ranked him # 1 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the year on the annual PWI 500 list in 1999.
要找一个代表WCW的摔角手,非Sting莫属。效力WCW十多年,魔蝎的形象深入人心,于WCW被收购前退役,并拒绝WWE老板Vince McMahon的高薪聘请。02年在World Wrestling All-Stars复出,现在TNA效力,现已离开TNA为自由摔角手。全名Steve James Borden,现于2014年WWE强者生存PPV正式加盟WWE!现状受伤(2015冠军之夜PPV被赛斯罗林斯角柱炸弹摔伤于颈部)
height 6 ft 3 in(191 cm)
weight 255 lbs
NWA World Heavyweight Championship(1 time)2
NWA World Television Championship(1 time)
NWA Iron Man Tournament winner in 1989
WCW International World Heavyweight Championship(2 times)
WCW United States Heavyweight Championship(2 times)
WCW World Heavyweight Championship(6 times)
WCW World Tag Team Championship(3 times) – with Lex Luger(1), The Giant(1), and Kevin Nash(1)
WCW Battle Bowl Battle Royal winner in 1991
WCW European Cup winner(2 times) in 1994 and 2000
WCW King of Cable Tournament winner in 1993
TNA World Heavyweight Championship(2 times)
TNA World Tag Team Championship - with Angel(1 time)
PWI ranked him # 1 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the year in the PWI 500 in 1992
PWI ranked him # 15 of the 500 best singles wrestlers during the PWI Years in 2003.
PWI ranked him # 52 of the 100 best tag teams during the PWI Years with Lex Luger in 2003
Hulk Hogen
摔角界的传奇,自从1984年战胜洛杉矶奥运会超重量级摔角冠军后,摔角运动才真正被美国人所接受。83-94年作为当家台柱效力WWF(WWE的前身,2002年改用现在的名称),94年合约到期后转投WCW,并一度带领nWo军团帮助WCW收视率超越WWF,00年退役,02年重返WWE,05年入选WWE名人堂。全名Terrence Gene Bollea(Born 1953-08-11)
Weight 275 lb(125 kg)
height 6 ft 5 in(1.96 m)
WCW World Heavyweight Championship(6 times)
WWF/E Championship(6 times)(last as Undisputed Champion)
WWE World Tag Team Championship(1 time) - with Edge
WWF Royal Rumble winner in 1990
WWF Royal Rumble winner in 1991
PWI ranked him # 1 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 list in 1991.
PWI ranked him # 1 of the 500 best singles wrestlers during the PWI Years in 2003.
PWI ranked him # 44 of the 100 best tag teams during the PWI Years with Antonio Inoki in 2003.
PWI ranked him # 57 of the 100 best tag teams during the PWI Years with Macho Man Randy Savage in 2003.
Macho Man Randy Savage
WWF80年代末90年代初仅次于Hulk Hogen的一线选手,94年被WCW挖脚。WCW破产后去了TNA发展,05年退役后进军娱乐界,曾出演《蜘蛛侠》,现在美国拍连续剧。2011年由于突发心脏病导致车祸去世。全名Randall Mario Poffo(Born 1952-11-15)
身高:6'1″(186 cm)
体重:245 lbs.(111 kg)
WCW World Heavyweight Championship(4 times)
WCW World War 3 Battle Royal winner(1995)
WWF Championship(2 times)
WWF Intercontinental Championship(1 time)
WWF 1987 King of the Ring Winner
PWI ranked him # 4 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the year in the PWI 500 in 1991
Ric Flair
全名Richard Morgan Fliehr(Born February 25, 1949)。80年代末WCW的当家台柱,于91年与WCW高层决裂跳槽WWF,并一举成为WWF一线明星,93年被WCW以高薪挖回,01年WCW被WWF收购后回到WWE,05年入选WWE名人堂。就算在前几年他也以高龄在TNA进行摔角比赛,被誉为摔角界常青树。
Height 6 ft 1 in(1.85 m)
Weight 230 lb(105 kg)
NWA World Heavyweight Championship(4 times)2
WCW United States Heavyweight Championship(1 time)
WCW World Heavyweight Championship(8 times)
WWE Intercontinental Championship(1 time)
WWF Championship(2 times)
WWE World Tag Team Championship(3 times) - with Batista(2), and Roddy Piper(1)
1992 Royal Rumble Winner
PWI ranked him # 3 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the year in the PWI 500 in 1991
Big Van Vader
90年代初期WCW头号反派角色,于AWA出道,90年加入WCW前在NJPW效力,离开WCW后短暂效力Independents,96年加入WWF,99年去Independents发展,05年短暂停留WWE,现仍在Independents效力。全名Leon Allen White(born May 14 1957)可以用恐怖的身体做月面宙返。
height 6 ft 5 in(196 cm)
weight 452 lb(204 kg)
WCW United States Heavyweight Championship(1 time)
WCW World Heavyweight Championship(3 times)
Lex Luger
全名Lawrence Wendell Pfohl(born June 2, 1958),曾经当选健美先生和参加美国职业橄榄球联赛,85年在NWA Florida territory开始摔角生涯。87年加入WCW以The Total Package参赛,92年加入WWF分公司WBF,93年正式加入WWF,先后以The Total Package、The Narcissist、Made in the USA的绰号比赛,因醉酒闹事与WWF冠军擦肩而过,95年9月在好友Sting的帮助下返回WCW,先后以Lex Luger和The Total Package出赛,直到WCW被WWF收购。02年下半年在WWA复出,04年加入TNA,期间在indy客串,06年返回TNA,后来因闹事被警方关押,现在失业中。
WWF Royal Rumble co-winner in 1994
WCW United States Heavyweight Championship(5 times)1
WCW World Heavyweight Championship(2 times)
WCW World Tag Team Championship(3 times) - with Barry Windham(1), Sting(1), and The Giant(1)2
WCW World Television Championship(2 times)
WWA World Heavyweight Championship
PWI ranked him # 2 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the year in the PWI 500 in 1991
PWI ranked him # 52 of the best 100 tag teams of the PWI Years with Sting in 2003
PWI ranked him # 90 of the best 100 tag teams of the PWI Years with Barry Windham in 2003
Dustin Rhodes
全名Dustin Riley Runnels(Born April 11, 1966),即是WWF/E的Goldust。90年在WCW出道,后来在WCW和WWF之间辗转,01年WCW被WWF收购后加入WWF,06年合同到期无续约。曾在TNA以Black Reign身份出赛。先回归WWE。
Billed height 6 ft 6 in(1.98 m)
Billed weight 260 lb(118 kg)
NWA World Tag Team Championship(1 time) - with Barry Windham1
WCW United States Heavyweight Championship(2 times)
WCW World Tag Team Championship(2 times) - with Barry Windham(1) and Ricky Steamboat
WWF Hardcore Championship(7 times)
WWF Intercontinental Championship(3 times)
WWE World Tag Team Championship(1 time) - with Booker T
Johnny B.Badd
全名Marc Mero(Born July 9, 1960),也就是WWF的Wildman和Marvellous,曾经打过业余拳击和当选纽约州健美先生第三名,90年在Floridian Sun Coast Professional Wrestling开始摔角事业,91年加入WCW,96年离开WCW加盟WWF并效力3年,00年重回WCW,01年加入XWF,04年再次以Johnny B.Badd的身份效力TNA。现已退役,开办一家摔角学校。
Billed height 5 ft 10 in(1.78 m) [2]
Billed weight 235 lb(107 kg)
WCW World Television Championship(3 times)
WWF Intercontinental Championship(1 time)
Kevin Sullivan
全名Kevin Francis Sullivan(Born October 26, 1949 )。70年出道,76年短暂效力WWF后去了NWA,87年加入WCW,92年转会SMW,93年跳槽ECW,94年开始效力WCW直到01年WCW破产。率领邪派力量(Dungeon of Doom)挑战WCW的正派高手。现在开办一所摔角学校,偶尔在independent以Froggy's Fitness身份出场。
Billed height 5 ft 10 in(1.78 m)
Billed weight 252 lb(115 kg)
NWA World Tag Team Championship(Mid-America version)(2 times) - with Robert Fuller(1) and Mike Graham(1)
NWA Southern Heavyweight Championship(Tennessee version)(1 time)
SWCW Southwest Heavyweight Championship(1 time)
ECW World Tag Team Championship(2 times) - with Tasmaniac
WCW World Tag Team Championship(1 time) - with Cactus Jack
The Master
全名Curtis Iaukea,60年代美国摔角手,曾经效力WWF前身WWWF。64年去了澳洲摔角圈发展,80年代中期退役后回到WWF担任Kamala的经纪人,90年代中期短暂出现在WCW,扮演Dungeon of Doom团体的Master。
AWA United States Heavyweight Championship(1 time)
NWA Florida Heavyweight Championship(2 times)
NWA Hawaii Heavyweight Championship(4 times)
NWA United States Heavyweight Championship(Hawaii version)(6 times)
NWA United States Heavyweight Championship(San Francisco version)(1 time)
NWA Pacific Northwest Heavyweight Championship(1 time)
NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Championship(1 time) - with Haru Sasaki
WWWF World Tag Team Championship(1 time) with Baron Mikel Scicluna
魔土人卡曼玛(邪派力量Power 1)=Kamala
全名James Jim Harris(Born May 28, 1950)。84年加入WWF,95年转投WCW,96年退出后在JCW发展,04年加入WWE直到06年离开。现在仍效力independent并和他儿子Kamala Jr组成双打搭档。
Billed height 6 ft 7 in(201 cm)
Billed weight 375 lb(170 kg)
AWA Southern Heavyweight Championship(1 time)
GLWA Heavyweight Championship(1 time)
NWA Tri-State Tag Team Championship(1 time) - with Oki Shikima
NWA Southeast Heavyweight Championship(1 time)
SXW Hardcore Championship(1 time)
TAS Six-Man Tag Team Championship(1 time)
USWA Unified World Heavyweight Championship(4 times)
IAW Indo-Asian Tag Team Championship(1 time) - with Giant Warrior
IWA Heavyweight Championship(1 time)
变种大白鲨(邪派力量Power 2)=The Shark=大狂魔阿南兹=Avalanche
也就是WWF的Earthquake,全名John Anthony Tenta(Born June 22, 1963)。6岁开始摔交,85年去日本从事职业相扑,89年加入WWF,94年被WCW高薪挖角,先后以Avalanche、The Shark和John Tenta的身份出赛,98年重新回到WWF扮演Golga一角,04年因病情严重选择退役。06年因病逝世。
Billed height 201 cm(6 ft 7 in)
Billed weight 210 kg(462 lb)
UWA Heavyweight Championship(2 times)
NWA Canadian Heavyweight Championship(Vancouver version)(1 time)
SWS Tag Team Championship(1 time) - with Typhoon
WWF World Tag Team Championship(1 time) - with Typhoon
The Zodiac
Billed height 6 ft 3 in(1.91 m)
Billed weight 273 lb(124 kg)
NWA Southeast Tag Team Championship(3 times) - with Ken Lucas(1) and Robert Fuller(1)
WWF World Tag Team Championship(1 time) - with Greg Valentine
SAW Tag Team Championship(1 time)
WWWA Heavyweight Championship(3 times)
丧尸王斋人(邪派力量Power 5)=The Giant
全名Paul Randall Wight(Born February 8, 1972 ),即是WWF/E的Big Show,摔角界唯一一个将WCW、ECW和WWF/E三个联盟的World Title都收入囊中的摔角手。打摔角前是篮球运动员,95年以The Giant的身份在WCW出道,99年转投WWF,07年3月因腰伤严重退出WWE。现在Memphis Wrestling继续和Hulk Hogen做死对头。
Billed height 7 ft 0 in(2.13 m) [1]
Billed weight 507 lb(230 kg) [1]
PWI ranked him # 137 of the best singles wrestlers of the PWI Years in 2003.
WCW World Heavyweight Championship(2 times)
WCW World Tag Team Championship(3 times) - with Lex Luger(1), Sting(1) and Scott Hall(1)
WCW World War 3 winner in 1996
ECW World Championship(1 time)
WWE United States Championship(1 time)
WWF/E Championship(2 times)
WWF/E Hardcore Championship(3 times)
WWF/E World Tag Team Championship(3 times) - with The Undertaker(2) and Kane(1)
Arn Anderson
出道NWA,89年短暂效力WWF后回到WCW继续扮演HEEL,97年被WCW辞退,02年加入WWE在RAW当评论员和Road Agent。现仍在WWE的RAW担任摔角教练兼经纪人。全名Martin Lunde(born September 20, 1958 in Rome, Georgia)
WWF World Tag Team Championship(1 time) - with Tully Blanchard
NWA World Tag Team Championship(1 time) - with Paul Roma1
NWA World Television Championship(2 times)2(Last)
WCW World Tag Team Championship(3 times) - with Larry Zbyszko(1), Bobby Eaton(1), and Paul Roma(1)
WCW World Television Championship(2 times)(First)
PWI ranked him # 9 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the year in the PWI 500 in 1991
PWI Editor's Award in 1997
Hacksaw Jim Duggan
全名James Stuart Duggan(born January 14, 1954),人称木头佬,因其招牌姿势是手执一大木棒,肩扛一支美国国旗,进场后挥舞国旗,无论在WCW还是WWE,二十年如一日从不间断。87年加入WWF,94年被WCW挖脚,98年被查出患有肾癌仍继续坚持摔角事业,并成功地战胜了癌症。短暂效力TNA后于05年加入WWE,现仍在RAW里面担任兼职摔角手。
WWF Royal Rumble(1988)
WCW United States Heavyweight Championship(1 time)
WCW World Television Championship(1 time)
钻石大班=DDP( Diamond Dallas Page)
WCW World Heavyweight Championship(3 times)
WCW World Tag Team Championship(4 times) – with Kevin Nash(2), Chris Kanyon(1), and Bam Bam Bigelow(1)
WCW World Television Championship(1 time)
WCW United States Heavyweight Championship(2 times)
1995 WCW Lord of the Ring winner
1996 WCW Battlebowl winner
1999 WCW MTV Tournament winner
WWF European Championship(1 time)
WWF World Tag Team Championship(1 time) – with Kanyon
Pro Wrestling Illustrated 500 rankings by year:
1995 ranking-111
1996 ranking-54
1997 ranking-4
1998 ranking-4
1999 ranking-6
2000 ranking-17
2001 ranking-19
Sgt. Craig Pittman
全名Craig Pittman( Birthday: 1959),参加摔角事业之前是美国海军,94年加入WCW,90年代后期离开WCW,04年正式退出摔角界。现在美国田纳西州担任代理州长。
Height: 6'2″
Weight: 270 lbs.
2-time USA Senior Greco-Roman Champion(1989 and 1991)
Road Warrior Hawk
全名Michael Hegstrand(September 12, 1957 – October 19, 2003),著名的双打组合The Road Warriors成员之一。90年加入WWF,93年和95年短暂效力WCW,97年重回WWF,和Stone Cold Steve Austin联手对付Hart Foundation。01年退出WWF,02-03年效力TNA,03年在家中心脏病突发逝世。
NWA World Tag Team Championship(Mid-Atlantic version)(1 time) - with Animal
NWA Iron Team Tournament at Starrcade 1989: Future Shock - with Animal
WWF World Tag Team Championship(2 times) - with Animal
PWI ranked him # 15 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the year in the PWI 500 in 1991
The Nasty Boys
由两位来自美国宾州的选手Jerry Sags和Brian Knobbs组成,1986年在AWA成立的双打组合。88年转会FCW,90年加入WCW,91年转会WWF,93年重新返回WCW,96年Sags退役后,该组合解散。后来又在XWF重新组合,直到XWF倒闭两人又再次解散并退役。这对组合在07年11月于WWE再度复出。
AWA Southern Tag Team Championship(2 times)
NWA Florida Tag Team Championship(5 times)
PWI Tag Team of the Year award in 1994
WCW World Tag Team Championship(3 times)
WWF World Tag Team Championship(1 time)
XWF World Tag Team Championship(1 time)
Harlem Heat
93年8月成立的WCW双打组合,成员是Robert Booker Tio Huffman(也就是WWF/E选手Booker T或King Booker)和Lane Steven Huffman两兄弟。其前身是WWA的The Huffman Brothers和GWF的The Ebony Experience,一开始两兄弟的出场艺名是Kole和Kane,94年又改回原来的Booker T和Stevie Ray。97年Stevie因伤短暂离开,Booker开始转为单打。99年中,Harlem Heat复合,并取得第10个WCW双打冠军。99年底,兄弟二人产生分歧,直接导致该组合解散。
GWF Tag Team Championship(3 times)
WCW World Tag Team Championship(10 times)
Ranked # 62 of the 100 best tag teams of the PWI Years in 2003
1995 Tag Team of The Year
1996 Tag Team of the Year
The Blue Bloods
94年由Regal一手创立,最初成员是“风火轮利高(William Regal)+摩根战士苏根(Triple H)”,95年Triple H转会WWF后变成“风火轮利高+玉面郎君波比(Bobby Eaton)”组合。96年又再加入新成员Squire David Taylor,后来波比脱离该组合,00年随着利高被WCW解除合约,Blue Bloods从此解散。
Jean-Paul Lévesque
也就是WWF/E巨星Triple H,全名Paul Michael Levesque(born July 27, 1969 in Nashua, New Hampshire)。93年进入WCW以Terra Ryzin出赛,94年成为Blue Bloods成员Jean-Paul Lévesque。95年以Hunter Hearst Helmsley(Triple H的全称)身份加入WWF,效力至今,并在WWF经过多年奋斗终于从一个中级摔角手成长为一名超级巨星。03年成为老板Vince McMahon的女婿,现在WWE的RAW效力。
IWF Heavyweight Championship(1 time)
IWF Tag Team Championship(1 time) – with Perry Saturn
PWI ranked him # 1 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 list in 2000
PWI ranked him # 139 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the PWI Years in 2003
WWE Championship(5 times)1
WWF/E World Heavyweight Championship(5 times)
WWF European Championship(2 times)
WWF Intercontinental Championship(5 times)
WWF World Tag Team Championship(1 time) – with Stone Cold Steve Austin
Lord Steven Regal
也就是现任WWE总经理William Regal,全名Darren Nathanial Matthews(born May 10, 1968)。80年代末在英国出道,93年来到美国加入WCW,94年一手创立双打组合The Blue Bloods。98年加入WWF,99年又回到WCW,00年再次加入WWF,并效力至今。
WCW World Television Championship(4 times)
WWF/E European Championship(4 times)
WWF Hardcore Championship(5 times)
WWF Intercontinental Championship(1 time)
WWF/E World Tag Team Championship(4 times) - with Lance Storm(2), Eugene(1), and Tajiri(1)
PWI ranked him # 196 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the PWI Years in 2003.
玉面郎君波比=Beautiful Bobby Eaton
全名Robert Lee Eaton(born August 14, 1958),76年在NWA Mid-America出道。曾经作为双打组合the Midnight Express成员在Mid-South territory和WCCW效力,85年加入WCW,随后又先后成为双打组合The Dangerous Alliance、Bad Attitude和Blue Bloods的成员,97年离开Blue Bloods后开始担任WCW兼职摔角教练,00年离开WCW。03年短暂亮相TNA,05年效力SCW,从06年开始在independent做兼职摔角手至今。
NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Championship(1 time) - with Rikki Nelson
NWA United States Tag Team Championship(3 times) - with Stan Lane
WCW World Tag Team Championship(3 times) - with Dennis Condrey(1), Stan Lane(1), and Arn Anderson(1)1
WCW World Television Championship(1 time)
Pretty Wonderful
93-95年WCW的一对著名双打组合,成员是保罗安多夫(Mr. Wonderful)和保罗路马(Paul Roma),95年底,随着安多夫受伤停赛以及保罗路马被WCW解雇,该组合被正式解散。
冠军头衔:WCW World Tag Team Championship(2 times)
保罗安多夫=Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff
全名Paul Orndorff(born October 29, 1949 in Brandon, Florida)。曾经是职业橄榄球运动员,76年在Mid-Southern Wrestling开始摔角生涯,后来辗转于NWA's Tri-State、SCW和GCW,83年加盟WWF以Mr. Wonderful的身份比赛,88年因伤势严重选择退役,90年在independent复出,同年加入WCW,成为Dudes with Attitudes团体成员,90年底转投UWF,92年跳槽SMW,92年底重回WCW,95年底因旧伤复发退居二线成为WCW摔角教练,并成为Old Age Outlaws成员与nWo对抗。05年被WWE选入历史名人堂。
NWA World Tag Team Championship(Mid-Atlantic version)(1 time) - with Jimmy Snuka
PWI ranked him # 115 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 1991.
PWI ranked him # 108 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 1992.
PWI ranked him # 38 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 1993.
PWI ranked him # 64 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 1994.
PWI ranked him # 50 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 1995.
PWI ranked him # 49 of the 500 best singles wrestlers during the PWI Years in 2003.
NWA Southeast Tag Team Championship(2 times) - with Dick Slater(1) and Norvell Austin(1)
UWF Southern States Championship(1 time)
WCW World Tag Team Championship(2 times) - with Paul Roma
WCW World Television Championship(1 time)
WWE Hall of Fame(Class of 2005)
The Fantastics
84年在Mid-South Wrestling成立的双打组合,成员是Bobby Fulton和Tommy Rogers。后来先后效力UWF和WCCW,88年加入WCW,89年Rogers离开WCW,由Bobby的兄弟Jackie Fulton顶替,期间偶然出现在AWA和independent circuit的赛场上。后来Rogers再次加入,The Fantastics也同时拥有两个组合Rogers and Fulton/Fulton and Fulton,并辗转于日本和美国摔角界,最后在SCW落脚。05年依然在independents打比赛。
NWA United States Tag Team Championship(2 times)
SMW Tag Team Championship(1 time)
UWF Tag Team Championship(2 times)
WCWA Tag Team Championship(2 times)
WCCW American Tag Team Championship(1 time)
Mid-Southern Tag Team Championship(1 time)
PWA Tag Team Championship(1 time)
IWA Tag Team Championship(1 time)
SCW Tag Team Champions(1 time)
Pro Wrestling Illustrated
The Steiner Brothers
NWA United States Tag Team Championship(1 time)
NWA World Tag Team Championship(Mid-Atlantic version)(1 time)
NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Championship(1 time, current)
IWGP World Tag Team Championship(2 times)
PWA Tag Team Championship(1 time)
WCW World Tag Team Championship(6 times)
WCW United States Tag Team Championship(1 Time)
Winners of the Pat O'Connor Memorial International Cup Tag Team Tournament in 1990
WWF Tag Team Championship(2 times)
PWI Tag Team of the Year in 1990.
PWI Tag Team of the Year in 1993.
Stars N Stripes
94年夏天成立的WCW双打组合,成员是阿星和阿蒙。95年6月阿蒙离开WCW,Stars N Stripes解散。
冠军头衔:WCW World Tag Team Championship(2 times)
Buff Bagwell
全名Marcus Alexander Bagwell(born January 10, 1970)。曾是橄榄球运动员并拥有一家私人企业,在各个小联盟效力几年后于92年加入WCW,直到WCW被WWF收购,因不满WWF赛事安排短暂效力后自动辞职,02年来到TNA发展,06年退出。现在Independent效力。
NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship(1 time)
NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Championship(1 time) - with Dusty Rhodes
AWA World Tag Team Championship(1 time, current) - with The Patriot
WCW World Tag Team Championship(5 times) - with 2 Cold Scorpio(1), The Patriot(2), Scotty Riggs(1) and Shane Douglas(1)
PWI ranked him # 221 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the PWI Years in 2003.
The Patriot
全名Del Wilkes(born December 21, 1961 in Columbia, South Carolina)。当过橄榄球运动员,88年进入AWA开始摔角生涯,94年加入WCW,97年加入WWF,之后在Independent效力直到02年。现在做汽车销售。
AJPW All Asia Tag Team Championship(1 time) – with The Eagle
AWA World Tag Team Championship(1 time) – with D.J. Peterson
EWA Heavyweight Championship(1 time)
GWF North American Heavyweight Championship(2 times)
GWF Television Championship(1 time)
NCW Heavyweight Championship(1 time)
WCW World Tag Team Championship(2 times) – with Marcus Alexander Bagwell
The Armstrongs
除光管人岩士唐之外,其余四人都是著名摔角手Bullet Bob Armstrong的儿子。亚视出现的岩士唐兄弟双打配对有“白赖仁+毕特”“毕特+光管人”“史葛+毕特”“史提夫+光管人”。
Brian Armstrong
全名Brian Gerard James(born May 20 1969),也就是WWF著名的DX组合里的The Road Dogg和WWF双打组合New Age Outlaws成员。87-93年是美国海军陆战队军官,参加过海湾战争,93年退伍后在SMW开始摔角生涯,并时常在WCW亮相,94年底加入WWF,其后以Jesse James Armstrong的身份转会USWA,96年用Jesse James的名号重返WWF,00年去了Independent circuit,02年加入TNA,效力至今,现在是双打组合Voodoo Kin Mafia成员。
PWI ranked him # 183 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the PWI Years in 2003.
PWI ranked him # 43 of the 100 best tag teams of the PWI Years – with Billy Gunn in 2003.
NWA World Tag Team Championship(2 times) – with Konnan(1) and Ron Killings(1)
WWF Hardcore Championship(1 time)
WWF Intercontinental Championship(1 time)
WWF World Tag Team Championship(5 times) – with Billy Gunn
Scott Armstrong
全名Joseph James(born on May 4, 1959)。83年以Scott Armstrong身份出道,在Georgia和Alabama的摔角组织比赛。后来加入WCW和三弟Steve组成双打组合The James Boys,偶然以Dixie Dy-no-mite的身份在SMW出场。退役后在WCW和TNA担任摔角裁判,06年7月在WWE的SmackDown!担任裁判,06年8月开始成为WWE的ECW品牌的全职裁判,07年2月升任ECW的高级裁判。
NWA National Tag Team Championship(1 time) - with Bob Armstrong
NWA Southeast Tag Team Championship(1 time) - with Brad Armstrong
NWA Southeast United States Junior Heavyweight Championship(5 times)
Steve Armstrong
全名Steve James(Birthday: March 16, 1965)。83年在SCW出道,其后去过FCW,90年进入WCW得过双打冠军,92年以Lance Cassidy的身份转会WWF,战绩平平,回到WCW效力几年后去了independents发展。07年正式从independents退役,现居住在Pensacola。
Weight: 224 lb(102 kg)
Birthday: March 16, 1965
NWA Florida Bahamian Championship(1 time)
NWA Florida Tag Team Championship(1 time) - with Tracy Smothers
NWA Southeast Tag Team Championship(8 times) - with Johnny Rich(4), Tracy Smothers(2), Tommy Rich(1), and Bob Armstrong(1)
Sister Sherri
双打组合哈林双煞的经纪人,全名Sherri Martel(February 8, 1958–June 15, 2007)。80年加入AWA担任摔角手,87年转会WWF,90年兼做经纪人,93年去NWA打摔角,同年加入ECW身兼摔角手和经纪人,94年转会WCW,90年代末期去了Independent,00年短暂回归WCW后又重新出现在Independent,05年加入WWE SmackDown!并入选WWE历史名人堂,06年转会TNA,因长期吸毒于07年6月逝世。
AWA World Women's Championship(4 times)
WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2006
WWF Women's Championship(1 time)
Manager of the Year(1991)
Col. Robert Parker
双打组合哈林双煞的经纪人,前任哈林双煞经纪人黑莎莉剧情里的情人,全名Robert Fuller(born on May 14, 1951 in Dyersburg, Tennessee)。70年在Alabama和Tennessee开始摔角生涯,80年代与其兄长Ron于independent组建摔角团体Stud Stable,WWF巨星Mick Foley当时是成员之一。88年去AWA发展,其后出现在德州摔角圈与现TNA副总裁Jeff Jarrett组成双打组合。93年以Col. Robert Parker的身份加入WCW担任摔角手经纪人,负责管理Sid和Vader两大明星,94年接手Stone Cold Steve Austin,并重新建立Stud Stable,95年帮助Sherri打理Harlem Heat。98年以Tennessee Lee的身份转会WWF做经纪人,随后又返回Alabama的independent打摔角,06年偶尔以Col. Parker身份亮相TNA。
NWA Florida Tag Team Championship(1 time) - with Kendall Windham
AWA Southern Heavyweight Championship(2 times)
AWA Southern Tag Team Championship(2 times) - with Toru Tanaka(1) and Bill Dundee(1)
CWA Tag Team Championship(3 times) - with Jimmy Golden(2) and Brian Lee(1)
NWA Georgia Tag Team Championship(4 times) - with Tim Woods(1) and Bob Armstrong(3)
NWA Southern Heavyweight Championship(Memphis version)(1 time)
NWA World Tag Team Championship(Mid-America Version)(1 time) - with Kevin Sullivan
NWA Southeast Continental Heavyweight Championship(2 times)
NWA Southeast Continental Tag Team Championship(2 times) - with Jimmy Golden
NWA Southeast Heavyweight Championship(6 times)
NWA Southeast Tag Team Championship(15 times) - with Ron Fuller(2), Eddie Boulder(1), Jos LeDuc(3), Bob Armstrong(2), and Jimmy Golden(7)
NWA Southeast Television Championship(2 times)
最新修订时间:2024-09-21 14:35