1. Zhu XL, Cai JB, Jun Y, Su QD. Determination of organophosphate pesticide residues in soil by accelerated solvent extraction-gas chromatographyic. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 33 (6): 821-824 JUN 2005.
2. Zhu XL, Cai JB, Yang J, Su QD. Determination of glucosamine in impure chitin samples by high-performance liquid chromatography. CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH 340 (10): 1732-1738 JUL 25 2005.
3. Gan W, Zhang WB, Su QD. Simultaneous determination of As and Sb by electrochemical hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 33 (5): 687-689 MAY 2005.
4. Chen D, Hu B, Shao XG, Su QD. A new hybrid strategy for constructing a robust calibration model for near-infrared spectral analysis. ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 381 (3): 795-805 FEB 2005.
5. Gu XG, Cai JB, Yang J, Su QD. Ultrasonic extraction followed by a novel filtration and clean-up device for screening of some polyphenols in tobaccos. JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE 28 (2): 184-188 FEB 2005.
6. Chen D, Shao XG, Hu B, Su QD. Simultaneous wavelength selection and outlier detection in multivariate regression of near-infrared spectra. ANALYTICAL SCIENCES 21 (2): 161-166 FEB 2005