邱 江,男,教授,博士生导师。1979年1月出生,汉族,四川成都人,中共党员。1997年考入原西南师范大学心理学系,2001年7月毕业,获学士学位;同年考取心理学系的硕士研究生,2004年6月获硕士学位;跟随张庆林教授攻读基础心理学博士学位,2007年7月获得博士学位。于2005年7月留校,在
2007年8.12-19, 前往北师大学习与认知
曾以第一作者或通讯作者身份在国外已发表SCI论文40余篇,累计影响因子达100分以上。其中包括一些顶尖的认知神经科学杂志,如《Cortex》(IF= 7.2),《Neuroimage》(IF= 5.9),《Neuropsychologia》(5-yrd IF= 4.8)以及《Biological Psychology》(5-yrd IF= 4.4)等。主持课题10余项,其中包括国家自然科学基金,教育部新世纪人才资助计划,教育部博士点基金。获得多项学术奖励,包括重庆市第六次社会科学优秀成果二等奖;2009年全国优博论文提名奖, 西南大学08-10年度优秀教师荣誉称号,以及2012年“重庆青年五四红旗手”称号。
2013-2016年, 获得重庆市首届青年拔尖人才资助。
2012-2015年, 主持教育部高等学校基本科研业务费重大培育项目,“高创造性人群的大脑结构与功能连接特点”。
2012-2015年, 获得教育部新世纪优秀人才2011支持计划。
2011-2013年, 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“社会比较影响奖励加工的大脑机制”, 项目批准号:31070900。
邱江,张庆林.顿悟的认知过程:表征转变或进程监控. Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies.(华人心理学报). 2004, 5(2):181–194.
张庆林,邱江.顿悟与源事件中启发信息的激活.心理科学, 2005,28(1):6-9.
邱江,张庆林.有关条件推理中概率效应的实验研究.心理科学, 2005,28(3):554-557.
邱江,张庆林.青少年条件推理的认知机制与发展特点.心理发展与教育, 2005,21(3):17-21.
邱江,张庆林.条件推理中的前后件概率效应.西南师范大学学报(自科版),2005,30(4):730-734. 06年:
邱江,张庆林. MHD问题困难原因探讨.心理科学,2006,29(1):222-224
Qiu J, Luo Yj, Wang Qh, Zhang Ql, et al. Brain mechanism of Stroop interference effect in Chinese characters.Brain Research, 2006,1072(1):186-193.
Qiu J, Li H, Chen AT, Luo YJ, Zhang QL, et al. Brain Mechanism of Cognitive Conflict in a Guessing Chinese logogriph Task.NeuroReport,2006, 17(6):679-682.
邱江,张庆林. 再探猜谜作业中“顿悟”的ERP效应,心理学报,2006,38(4):507-514.
史滋福,邱江,张庆林.明确嵌套集合关系对贝叶斯推理的促进效应.心理学报, 2006,38(6):833-840
张庆林,李艾丽莎, 赵玉芳, 邱江,刘敏. 创造性培养与教学策略(专著). 西南大学重庆出版社,2005年12月(获重庆市第五次社会科学优秀成果三等奖)
Qiu J, Li H, Huang XT, Zhang FH, Chen AT, Luo YJ, Zhang QL, Yuan H.The neural basis of conditional reasoning: An event-related potential study. Neuropsychologia, 2007, 45 (7):1533–1539.
Qiu J, Zhang QL, Li H, Luo YJ, Yin QQ, Chen AT, Yuan H. The ERP effects of cognitive conflict in a Chinese character-generation task. NeuroReport, 2007,18(9):881-886
张庆林/邱江主编. 思维心理学(“十一五”规划教材).
Qiu J, Li H, Liu Q, Zhang QL. Brain mechanisms underlying visual perception and visual mental imagery of Chinese pseudo-characters: an event-related potential study. Brain Research, 2007,1184: 202-209.
邱江,张庆林.字谜解决中的“啊哈”效应:来自ERP研究的证据.科学通报(Chinese Science Bulletin), 2007,52 (22): 2625-2631.
Qiu J, Li H, Liu Q, Zhang QL. Brain mechanism of response execution and inhibition: An event-related potential study. Neuroreport, 2008, 19(1):121-126
Qiu J, Li H, Liu Q, Zhang QL. The Müller–Lyer illusion seen by the brain: An event- related brain potentials study. Biological Psychology, 2008, 77(2):150-158
Qiu J, Zhang QL.“Aha!” effects in a guessing Chinese logogriph task: An event-related potential study. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008, 53 (3): 384-391
Qiu J, Li H, Jou J, Wu ZZ, Zhang QL. Spatiotemporal Cortical Activation Underlying the Mental Preparation of Successful Riddles Solving: An Event-Related Potential Study. Experimental Brain Research, 2008, 186(4):629-634.
Qiu J; Li H; Yang D; Luo Yj; Li Y; Wu Zz; Zhang QL.The Neural Basis of Insight Problem Solving:An Event-Related Potential Study.
Brain and cognition, 2008, 68: 100-106.
Qiu J, Li H, Chen AT, Zhang QL. The neural basis of analogical inference: An event-related potential tudy. Neuropsychologia, 2008,46,3006–3013.
Qiu J, Li H, Wei YG, Liu Q, Zhang Y, Zhang QL. Neural mechanisms underlying the processing of Chinese and English words in a word generation task: an Event-Related Potential Study. Psychophysiology, 2008, 45, 970–976.
Tu S, Li H, Jerwen Jou, Zhang QL, Wang T, Yu CY, Qiu J (通讯). An event-related potential study of deception to self preferences. Brain Research, 2009, 1247:142-128
Wang T, Zhang QL, Li H, Qiu J (通讯), Tu S,Yu CY. The Time Course of Chinese riddles Solving: Evidence from an ERP Study. Behavioural Brain Research, 2009, 199: 278–282.
邱江,李红,张庆林,黄砾卉,郭亚桥,涂燊,王婷,位东涛.创伤性事件(汶川地震)对个体选择性注意的影响:一项ERP研究. 中国科学C 辑:2009, 39(3):287-294.
Qiu J, Li H, Luo YJ, Zhang QL,Tu S. The neural basis of syllogistic reasoning: An event-related potential study. Brain Research, 2009,1273, 106-113.
Chen PF, Qiu J(通讯), Li H, Zhang QL. Spatiotemporal cortical activation underlying dilemma decision making: an event-related potential study.
Biological Psychology, 2009, 82,111–115.
Yu CY,Tu S, Wang T, Qiu J (通讯). Cognitive change effects in a semantic, a numeric and a figure inference task: An ERP study. Neuroreport, 2009, 20(14):1304-1308.
Qiu J, Wei DT, Li H, Zhang QL, Tu S, Wang T, Yu CY. The vase-face illusion seen by the brain: An event-related brain potentials study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2009, 74:69–73.
Qiu J, Yu CY, Li H, Jou, J., Tu S, Wang T, Wei DT, Zhang QL. The impact of social comparison on the neural substrates of reward processing: An Event-Related Potential study. Neuroimage, 2010,49:956–962.
Wang T, Li H, Zhang QL, Tu S, Yu CY, Qiu J (通讯). Comparison of brain mechanisms underlying the processing of Chinese charecters and pseudo-characters: an event-related potential study. International Journal of Psychology, 2010, in press.
Qiu J, Li H, Tu S, Wei DT, Zhang QL. How personal earthquake experience impacts on the Stroop interference effect: an event-related potential study. Psychophysiology, 2010, in press.
Yu CY,Tu S, Wang T, Qiu J (通讯). The neural basis of self-evaluation processing in social judgment. Neuroreport, 2010, in press.
Wei DT, Qiu J(通讯), Tu S. Earthquake experience interference effects in a modified Stroop task: an ERP study. Neuroscience Letters, 2010, in press.
Tian F, Tu S, Lv JY, Wei DT, Su Y, Qiu J (通讯), Zhang QL. Neural correlates of mental preparation for successful insight problem solving. Behavioural Brain Research, 2011, 216:626-630.
Zhao YF, Tu S, Lei M, Qiu J(通讯), Zhang QL. The Neural Basis of Breaking Mental Set: An Event-Related Potential Study. Experimental Brain Research, 2011,208(2):181-187.
邱江, 张庆林. 创新思维中原型激活促进顿悟的认知神经机制. 心理科学进展, 2011, 19(3):312-317.
Yun XY, Li W, Tu S, Zhang M, Zhang QL,Qiu J (通讯). Neural mechanisms of subliminal priming for traumatic episodic memory: An ERP study. Neuroscience Letters, 2011, 498, 10– 14.
Wei DT, Qiu J (通讯). Emotional arousal to negative information after traumatic experiences: an event-related brain potential study. Neuroscience, 2011, 192,391–397.
Luo JL, Li WF, Fink A, Jia L, Xiao X,Qiu J.(通讯), Zhang QL. The time course of breaking mental sets and forming novel associations in insight-like problem solving: an ERP investigation.Experimental Brain Research, 2011,212,583-591.
Lv JY, Wang T, Qiu J(通讯).The effect of different negative emotional context on involuntary attention: An ERP study. Brain Research Bulletin, 2011, 86 ,106– 109.
Liao S, Su YH, Wu, X, Qiu J (通讯).The Poggendorff illusion effect influenced by top-down control: Evidence from an ERP study. Neuroreport, 2011,22 (15):739–743.
Yang WJ, Liu PD, Xiao X, Li XP, Zeng C, Qiu(通讯) J, Zhang QL. Different neural substrates underlying directed forgetting fornegative and neutral images: An event-related potential study. Brain Research, 2012, 1441: 53 – 63.
Wu X, Zhang M, QiuJ(通讯). The neural basis of impossible figures: Evidence from the fMRI study of the two-pronged trident. Neuroscience Letters, 2012, 508: 17-21.
LiuJM, Zhang M,Jou J, Wu X, Li W, Qiu J (通讯).Neural Bases of Falsification in Conditional Proposition Testing: Evidence from an fMRI Study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2012, 85: 249– 256.
常晶晶, 刘强, 邱江(通讯). 异同判断中快同效应的大脑机制:一项ERP研究. 心理科学,2012, 35(4):829-835.
Du X,Qin YG,Yin HZ, Tu S, Qiu J (通讯).Differentiation of stages in joke comprehension: Evidence from an ERP study. International Journal of Psychology, 2012, in press.
Chen XY, Wei DT, Qiu J(通讯). Neural Correlates of the Modified Stroop Effect in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: An Event-Related Potential Study. Neuroreport, 2012, in press.
Luo JL,Li WF, Qiu J(通讯), Liu YJ, Zhang QL.Neural basis of scientific innovation induced by heuristic prototype. PLOS ONE, 2012, in press.
Xue S, Wang KC, Du X, Qiu J (通讯).Positive emotion modulates cognitive control: An event-related potentials study.Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2012, in press.
Qiu J, Li H, Huang XT, Zhang FH, Chen AT, Luo YJ, Zhang QL, Yuan H. The neural basis of conditional reasoning: An event-related potential study. Neuropsychologia, 2007, 45 (7):1533–1539.
邱江,张庆林.字谜解决中的“啊哈”效应:来自ERP研究的证据.科学通报, 2007,52 (22): 2625-2631.
Qiu J, Li H, Liu Q, Zhang QL. The Müller–Lyer illusion seen by the brain: An event-related brain potentials study. Biological Psychology (SCI, IF=2.4), 2008,77(2):150-158
Qiu J, Li H, Chen AT, Zhang QL. The neural basis of analogical inference: An event-related potential tudy. Neuropsychologia, 2008,46,3006–3013.
Qiu J, Li H, Wei YG, Liu Q, Zhang Y, Zhang QL. Neural mechanisms underlying the processing of Chinese and English words in a word generation task: an Event-Related Potential Study. Psychophysiology, 2008, 45, 970–976.
邱江,李红,张庆林,黄砾卉,郭亚桥,涂燊,王婷,位东涛.创伤性事件(汶川地震)对个体选择性注意的影响:一 项ERP研究. 中国科学C 辑:生命科学,2009, 39(3):287-294.
Chen PF, Qiu J(通讯), Li H, Zhang QL. Spatiotemporal cortical activation underlying dilemma decision making: an event-related potential study. Biological Psychology, 2009, 82,111–115.
Qiu J, Yu CY, Li H, Jou, J., Tu S, Wang T, Wei DT, Zhang QL. The impact of social comparison on the neural substrates of reward processing: An Event-Related Potential study. Neuroimage, 2010,49:956–962.
Qiu J, Su YH, Li H, Wei DT, Tu S, Zhang QL. How personal earthquake experience impacts on the Stroop interference effect: an event-related potential study. Psychophysiology, 2010, 47(6):995-1001.
Su YH, Chen AT, Qiu J(通讯), Wei DT, Tu S. Spatiotemporal cortical activation underlying self-referencial processing evoked by self-hand. Biological Psychology, 2010, 85:219–225.
邱江, 张庆林. 创新思维中原型激活促进顿悟的认知神经机制. 心理科学进展, 2011, 19(3):312-317.
Wei DT, Qiu J (通讯). Emotional arousal to negative information after traumatic experiences: an event-related brain potential study. Neuroscience, 2011, 192,391–397.
Yang WJ, Liu PD, Xiao X, Li XP, Zeng C, Qiu(通讯) J, Zhang QL. Different neural substrates underlying directed forgetting for negative and neutral images: An event-related potential study. Brain Research, 2012, 1441: 53 – 63.
Wu X, Zhang M, Qiu J(通讯). The neural basis of impossible figures: Evidence from the fMRI study of the two-pronged trident. Neuroscience Letters, 2012, 508: 17-21.
LiuJM, Zhang M, Jou J, Wu X, Li W, Qiu J (通讯).Neural Bases of Falsification in Conditional Proposition Testing: Evidence from an fMRI Study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2012, 85: 249–256.
Luo JL, Li WF, Qiu J(通讯), Liu YJ, Zhang QL. Neural basis of scientific innovation induced by heuristic prototype. PLOS ONE, 2012, 8(1): e49231.
Xue S, Wang KC, Du X, Qiu J (通讯). Positive emotion modulates cognitive control: An event-related potentials study. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2013, 54, 82–88.
Wei, DT., Wang, KC., Shen, YM., Du, X., Li, WF., Dupuis-Roy, N., Qiu, J.(通讯), Zhang, QL., 2013. Exposure to traumatic experiences is associated with abnormal neural mechanism during charitable donation. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 214, 42-47.
Zhu F, Zhang Q, Qiu J(通讯). Relating Inter-Individual Differences in Verbal Creative Thinking to Cerebral Structures: An Optimal Voxel-Based Morphometry Study. 2013,PLoS ONE 8(11): e79272.
Qiao,L., Wei,D.T., Li,W.F., Chen,Q.L., Che,X.W., Li,B.B., Li,Y.D, Qiu,J.(通讯), Zhang,Q.L.,Liu Y.J.Rumitation mediates the relationship between structural variations in ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and sensitivity to negative life events. Neuroscience. 2013, 255, 255-264.
Yang, J. Y. , Wei, D. T. , Wang, K. C. , & Qiu, J(通讯). Gray matter correlates of dispositional optimism: A voxel-based morphometry study. Neuroscience Letters. 2013, 553, 201-205.
Wu X, Yang WJ, Tong DD, Sun JZ, Chen QL, Zhang M, Qiu J(通讯). A meta- analysis of neuroimaging studies on divergent thinking using activation likelihood estimation. Human Brain Mapping (IF=6.92), 2015, in press.
Wang, K. C. ,Wei, D. T. , Yang, J. Y. , Xie, P., Hao, X., & Qiu, J(通讯).Individual differences in rumination in healthy and depressive samples: association with brain structure, functional connectivity and depression. Psychological Medicine(5-Year IF=6.42), 2015, in press.
Deng Z, Qin J, Wei D, Cun L, Qiu J, Hitchman G, Xie P. Frequency Dependant Topological Alterations of Intrinsic Functional Connectome in Major Depressive Disorder. Scientific Report (IF=5.08), 2015, in press.
Li, HJ., Wei, DT., Sun JZ, Li, WF., Zhang, QL., Qiu, J(通讯). Brain structural alterations associated with young women with subthreshold depression Gender differences in brain structure and resting-state functional connectivity related to narcissistic personality. Scientific Report (IF=5.08), 2015, in press.
Wei, DT., Li, WF., Chen, QL., Li, HJ., Hao X, Zhang L, Zhang, QL., Qiu, J(通讯). Regional gray matter volume and anxiety-related trait interact to predict somatic complaints in non-clinical sample. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (5-Year IF=6.78),2015, 10 (1): 122-128.
Li, WF., Li, XT, Zhang, QL., Qiu, J(通讯), Liu, J. Brain Structure Links Trait Creativity to Openness to Experience. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (5-Year IF=6.78),2015,10(2):191-198.
Li, HJ., Sun JZ, Zhang, QL., Wei, DT., Li, WF., Jackson, T., Glenn, H., Qiu, J(通讯).Neuroanatomical Differences between Men and Women in Help-Seeking Coping Strategy.Scientific Report (IF=5.08),2014, 4:5700.
Chen, QL.,Yang, WJ., Zhang, QL., Wei, DT., Li, HJ., Qiao L, Qiu, J(通讯). Association of creative achievement with cognitive flexibility by a combined voxel-based morphometry and resting-state functional connectivity study. NeuroImage (5-Year IF=7.06), 2014, 102(2):474-483.
Che XW, Wei, DT., Li, WF., Zhang, QL., Qiu, J(通讯), Liu YJ. Synchronous activation within the default mode network correlates with perceived social support.Neuropsychologia, 2014, 63, 26-33.
Zhang, X., Qiu, J., Zhang, Y., Han, S., & Fang, F. Mis-binding of Color and Motion in Human Visual Cortex. Current Biology(IF=9.91), 2014, 24(12):1354-1360.
Varnum, M. E., Shi, Z., Chen, A., Qiu, J., & Han, S. When “Your” reward is the same as “My” reward: Self-construal priming shifts neural responses to own vs. friends' rewards.NeuroImage(5-Year IF=7.06),2014, 87, 164-169.
Li, HJ., Li, WF., Wei, DT., Chen, QL., Jackson, T., Zhang, QL., Qiu, J(通讯). Examining Brain Structures Associated with Perceived Stress in a Large Sample of Young Adults Via Voxel-Based Morphometry.Neuroimage (5-Year IF=7.06),2014, 92, 1-7 .
Sun, JZ., Li, HJ., Li, WF., Wei, DT., Hitchman, G., Zhang, QL., Qiu, J(通讯). Regional Gray Matter Volume is associated with Rejection Sensitivity: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Study. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience (5-Year IF=5.35), 2014, 14(3):1077-1085
Wei, DT., Yang, JY., Li, WF., Wang, KC., Zhang, QL., Qiu, J(通讯). Increased resting functional connectivity of the medial prefrontal cortex in Creativity by means of Cognitive Stimulation.Cortex (IF=6.04), 2014, 51, 92-102.
Du, X., Wei, DT., Qiu, J(通讯). An exploratory pathway to brain structure, neuroticism negative automatic thoughts and depression in healthy samples. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 2015, in press.
Li WW, Li YD, Yang WJ, Zhang QL, Wei DT, Li WF, Hitchman G, Qiu J(通讯). Brain structures and functional connectivity associated with individual differences in Internet tendency in healthy young adults. Neuropsychologia,2015, in press.