新加坡国立大学任教。1986 年加入香港理工大学,任教于应用社会科学系。2004年至2010年期间任职该系系主任,2007年至2010年期间担任香港理工大学协理副校长,其后晋升为副校长,专责理大中国内地及国际发展、学院发展及合作事宜。2014年1月起,任香港高等教育资助委员会委员。
北京大学出版社,2002 年2 月。
Yuen-Tsang, W.K.A. (1997). Towards a Chinese Conception of Social Support: A Study on theSocial Support Networks of Chinese Working Mothers in a Beijing Neighbourhood.Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Co., 265 pp.
Yuen-Tsang, W.K.A., & Wang, S.B. (2008). Revitalization of Social Work in China: The Significance of human agency in institutional transformation and structural change. China Journal of Social Work,1, pp. 5–23.
Yuen-Tsang, W.K.A., & Ho, D.K.L. (2007). Social Work Education in Hong Kong at the Crossroads: Challenges and Opportunities amidst Marketization and Managerialism. Social Work Education, 26(6), pp. 546–559.
Yuen-Tsang, W.K.A., & Sung-Chan, P.L. (2006). The Social Construction of Identity through the Life Course: A Study on the Cultural Themes in the Narrative of Chinese Women Experiencing Marital Crises in China. Journal of Women in Welfare Education, 8, pp.12–19.
Yuen-Tsang, W.K.A., & Sung-Chan, P.L. (2005). The social construction of concealment amongChinese women in abusive marriages in Hong Kong. Affilia, 20, pp. 284–299.
Yuen-Tsang, W.K.A., & Tsien, T. (2004). Universities and civic responsibility: Actualizing the University-community Partnership Model through the Anti-SARS Project in Hong Kong. The Asia and Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 14(1), pp.19–32.
Yuen-Tsang, W.K.A., & Ho, K.L. (2004). Economic exclusion and social isolation: The social impact of unemployment on urban workers and theirfamilies in China. Social Development Issues, 26(1), pp. 25–37.
Yuen-Tsang, W.K.A., & Sung-Chan, P.L. (2004). Generating social work practice theories through action research: Reflections on the community-based family networking project in Beijing. In R. Ma & X. Tong (Eds.), Sociology in the 21st Century. Beijing: Peking University Press, pp. 189–214.
Yuen-Tsang W.K.A.., & Wang, S.B. (2002). Tensions confronting the development of social work education in China: Challenges and opportunities. International Social Work, 45(3), pp. 375–388.
Yuen-Tsang, W.K.A. (2002). Generating a theory of Chinese communal support networks: The grounded theory method in action. The Grounded Theory Review, 3, pp.13–20. Yuen-Tsang, W.K.A., Ho, K.L.D., & Ku, S.M. (2000). The changing support strategies of Chinese families in the midst of rapid social and economic transitions. Asian Pacific Journal of Social Work,10 (2), pp. 55–72.
Yuen-Tsang, W.K.A. (1999). The Chinese Communal Support Network. International Social Work, 42(3), pp. 359–372. Yuen-Tsang, W.K.A. (1999). The role of social support networks in enhancing social integration: Case Study of Chinese working women in a Beijing neighborhood. Journal of National Women’s College of China, pp. 49-52.
Yuen-Tsang W.K.A., & Sung-Chan P.L. (1993). Social Work Practice Centre: Reflection on the partnership between social work training institutions and social work agencies. Journal of National Women’s College of China, 3(12), pp. 39–42.
Yuen-Tsang, W.K.A. (1991). The integrated approach in social work practice: Reflecting on its meanings and perspectives. Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, Winter, pp. 35–38. Professional Publications
Yuen-Tsang, W.K.A. & Wang Sibin (2013). International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Yuen-Tsang, W.K.A. (2000). Segregation or integration: Reality and challenges. In Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, pp. 162–163.
Yuen-Tsang, W.K.A. (1999). The social support networks of young people in Hong Kong and its implications for youth workers. In Youth Problems in Hong Kong and Beijing. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, pp. 263–276.
Yuen-Tsang. W.K.A. (1999). Towards a new milestone in social services in the 21st Century. In Essays on Quality Management. Hong Kong: Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council, pp. 168–171.
Yuen-Tsang, W.K.A., & Mak, D. (1996). Reflecting on academic exchange between Chinese mainland and Hong Kong: The case of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Chinese Quarterly, 138, pp. 23–28.
Yuen-Tsang, W.K.A. (1994). Community care in Chinese communities: Present patterns, reflections, and future prospects. In Community Care and Chinese Communities. Hong Kong: S.K.H. Diocesan Welfare Council, pp. 362–368.
Yuen-Tsang, W.K.A. (1993). Past developments and future prospects of occupational social work. Social Work Studies, 2.
Yuen-Tsang, W.K.A. (1993). Corporations and occupational social work. Chinese Quarterly, 126.
2002 年香港特别行政区政府委任为太平绅士,2008 年获香港特别行政区政府颁发铜紫荆星章。