陈翰馥,1937年2月生于浙江杭州,原籍浙江绍兴,自动控制理论专家,中国科学院院士IEEE Fellow第三世界科学院院士,IFAC Fellow,国际系统与控制科学院院士。现任中科院数学与系统科学研究院系统科学研究所研究员。
1996年,当选为IEEE Fellow。
2006年,当选为IFAC Fellow。
据2016年8月中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院官网信息显示,近十多年来,陈翰馥研究非线性系统辨识及有关问题,给出强一致的递推辨识算法,发表期刊论文近200篇,专著7本,其中“陈翰馥:随机系统的递推估计与控制(Wiley, 1985)”、“陈翰馥、郭雷:辨识和随机适应控制(Birkhauser, 1991)” 及“陈翰馥:随机逼近及其应用(Kluwer, 2002)”在美国及荷兰出版, 而其余4本在中国出版;获全国科学大会奖1项,国防科委奖3项,国防工办奖1项,1999年获中国科学院自然科学一等奖,1987年及1997年两次获国家自然科学三等奖。
Recursive Identification for MIMO Hammerstein Systems,Recursive Identification for MIMO Hammerstein Systems,IEEE Trans. Autom. Control,2011,第2作者
Recursive Estimation for Ordered Eigenvectors of Symmetric Matrix With Observation Noise,Recursive Estimation for Ordered Eigenvectors of Symmetric Matrix With Observation Noise,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,2011,第1作者
Consensus Control for Networked Agents with Noisy Observations,Consensus Control for Networked Agents with Noisy Observations,Journal of Systems Science and Complexity,2011,第2作者
Iterative Learning Control for Hammerstein-Wiener Systems,Iterative Learning Control for Hammerstein-Wiener Systems,Asian Journal of Control,2011,第2作者
Recursive identification for nonlinear ARX systems,Recursive identification for nonlinear ARX systems,IEEE Trans. Autom. Control,2010,第2作者
New Method of Order Estimation for ARMA/ARMAX Processes,New Method of Order Estimation for ARMA/ARMAX Processes,SIAM J. Control Optim,2010,第1作者
New Approach to Identification for ARMAX Systems,New Approach to Identification for ARMAX Systems,IEEE Trans. Autom. Control,2010,第1作者
Nonparametric approach to identifying NARX systems,Nonparametric approach to identifying NARX systems,Journal of Systems Science and Complexity,2010,第2作者
Recursive Identification for EIV ARMAX Systems,Recursive Identification for EIV ARMAX Systems,Science in China,2009,第1作者
Solving problems from systems and control by root-seeking method for functions (in Chinese),Solving problems from systems and control by root-seeking method for functions (in Chinese),J. Sys. Sci. and Math. Scis,2009,第1作者
Adaptive tracking and recursive identification for Hammerstein systems,Adaptive tracking and recursive identification for Hammerstein systems, Automatica,2009,第2作者
Recursive system identification,Recursive system identification,Acta Mathematica Scientia,2009,第1作者
Iterative Learning Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems ( in Chinese),Iterative Learning Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems ( in Chinese), J. Systems Science and Math. Sciences,2008,第2作者
Parameter identification of Wiener systems with ARMA linear subsystem and discontinuous piecewise-linear function,Parameter identification of Wiener systems with ARMA linear subsystem and discontinuous piecewise-linear function,Acta Mathematicae Applicatae,2008,第2作者
Identification of Wiener Systems with Nonlinearity Being Piecewise-linear Function,Identification of Wiener Systems with Nonlinearity Being Piecewise-linear Function,Science in China,2008,第2作者
Identification of errors-in-variables systems with ARMA observation noises,Identification of errors-in-variables systems with ARMA observation noises,Systems and Control Letters,2008,第2作者
Identification for Wiener Systems With Internal Noise, Identification for Wiener Systems With Internal Noise,Journal of Systems Science and Complexity,2008,第2作者
Optimal adaptive regulation for nonlinear systems with observation noise,Optimal adaptive regulation for nonlinear systems with observation noise,Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization,2007,第2作者
Recursive identification for Wiener systems using truncated Gaussian inputs,Recursive identification for Wiener systems using truncated Gaussian inputs,Asian Journal of Control,2007,第2作者
Recursive identification for multivariate errors-in-variables systems,Recursive identification for multivariate errors-in-variables systems,Automatica,2007,第1作者
Adaptive regulator for Hammerstein and Wiener systems with noisy observations,Adaptive regulator for Hammerstein and Wiener systems with noisy observations,IEEE Trans. Autom. Control,2007,第1作者
Recursive identification for Wiener model with nonlinearity being discontinuous piece-wise linear functio,Recursive identification for Wiener model with nonlinearity being discontinuous piece-wise linear functio,IEEE Trans. Autom. Control,2006,第1作者
Identification for Wiener Systems with RTF Subsystems,Identification for Wiener Systems with RTF Subsystems,European Journal of Control,2006,第2作者
Recursive identification for Hammerstein system with ARX subsystem,Recursive identification for Hammerstein system with ARX subsystem,IEEE Trans. Autom. Control,2006,第2作者
Recursive system identification by stochastic approximation,Recursive system identification by stochastic approximation,Communications in Information and Systems,2006,第1作者
Strong consistency of recursive identification for Hammerstein systems with piecewise-linear memoryless block,Strong consistency of recursive identification for Hammerstein systems with piecewise-linear memoryless block,IEEE Trans. Autom. Control,2005,第1作者
Adaptive equalization for MIMO channels by a nonlinear deconvolution method,Adaptive equalization for MIMO channels by a nonlinear deconvolution method,IEEE Trans. Signal Processing,2005,第1作者
Recursive identification for multidimensional ARMA processes with increasing variances,Recursive identification for multidimensional ARMA processes with increasing variances,Science in China,2005,第1作者
Strong consistency of recursive identification for Wiener systems,Strong consistency of recursive identification for Wiener systems,Automatica,2005,第2作者
Strongly consistent coefficient estimate for errors-in-variables systems,Strongly consistent coefficient estimate for errors-in-variables systems, Automatica,2005,第1作者
Output tracking for nonlinear stochastic systems by iterative learning control,Output tracking for nonlinear stochastic systems by iterative learning control,IEEE Trans. Autom. Control,2004,第1作者
Pathwise convergence of recursive identification algorithms for Hammerstein systems,Pathwise convergence of recursive identification algorithms for Hammerstein systems,IEEE Trans. Autom. Control,2004,第1作者
Noisy observation based stabilization and optimization for unknown systems,Noisy observation based stabilization and optimization for unknown systems,Journal of Systems Science and Complexity,2003,第1作者
Almost surely convergence of iterative learning control for stochastic systems,Almost surely convergence of iterative learning control for stochastic systems,Science in China,2003,第1作者
On stability and trajectory boundedness in mean-square sense for ARMA processes,On stability and trajectory boundedness in mean-square sense for ARMA processes,Acta Mathematicae Applicatae,2003,第1作者
Blind channel identification based on noisy observation by stochastic approximation method,Blind channel identification based on noisy observation by stochastic approximation method,Journal of Global Optimization,2003,第1作者
Asymptotic properties of sign algorithms for adaptive filtering,Asymptotic properties of sign algorithms for adaptive filtering, IEEE Trans. Autom. Control,2003,第1作者
Recursive approaches for single sample path based Markov reward processes,Recursive approaches for single sample path based Markov reward processes,Asian Journal of Control,2002,第2作者
Identification of Both Closed- and Open-Loop Stochastic System While Stabilizing It,Identification of Both Closed- and Open-Loop Stochastic System While Stabilizing It,Journal of Systems Science and Complexity,2002,第1作者
Blind Channel Identification via Stochastic Approximation: Constant Step-size Algorithms, Blind Channel Identification via Stochastic Approximation: Constant Step-size Algorithms,Systems and Control Letters,2002,第2作者
On asymptotic properties of a constant step-size sign-error algorithms for adaptive filtering,On asymptotic properties of a constant step-size sign-error algorithms for adaptive filtering,Science in China,2002,第2作者
Nonconvex stochastic optimization for model reduction,Nonconvex stochastic optimization for model reduction,Journal of Global Optimization,2002,第1作者
Convergence of a stochastic approximation based algorithm for blind channel identification,Convergence of a stochastic approximation based algorithm for blind channel identification,IEEE Trans. Information Theory,2002,第1作者
Asymptotic behavior of asynchronous stochastic approximation, Asymptotic behavior of asynchronous stochastic approximation,Science in China,2001,第2作者
Adaptive regulator for discrete-time nonlinear nonparametric systems,Adaptive regulator for discrete-time nonlinear nonparametric systems,IEEE Trans. Autom. Control,2001,第1作者
Stability of adaptively stabilized stochastic systems,Stability of adaptively stabilized stochastic systems,IEEE Trans. Autom. Control,2001,第1作者
Optimization based on information containing uncertainties,Optimization based on information containing uncertainties, Kybernetes,2001,第1作者
Stochastic Approximation and Its Applications,Stochastic Approximation and Its Applications,Kluwer Academic Publishers,2002-08,第1作者
最新修订时间:2025-02-26 17:38