1. 沈仁芳主编,2008。铝在土壤-植物中的行为及植物的适应机制。科学出版社,北京。
2. 周建民,沈仁芳 主编,2013。土壤学大辞典。科学出版社,北京。
1.Wang, W; Zhao, XQ; Hu, ZM; Shao, JF; Che, J; Chen, RF; Dong, XY; Shen, RF*. 2015. Aluminium alleviates manganese toxicity to rice by decreasing root symplastic Mn uptake and reducing availability to shoots of Mn stored in roots. Annals of Botany, 116(2): 237-246
2.Liang, LZ; Qj, HJ; Xu, P; Zhao, XQ; Dong, XY; Shen, RF*. 2015. High phosphorus at seedling stage decreases the post-transplanting fertiliser requirement of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Scientia Horticulturae, 190: 98-103
3.Zhu, XF; Wang, ZW; Wan, JX; Sun, Y; Wu, YR; Li, GX; Shen, RF; Zheng, SJ. 2015. Pectin enhances rice (Oryza sativa) root phosphorus remobilization. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66(3): 1017-1024
4.Xu, QF; Jiang, PK; Wu, JS; Zhou, GM; Shen, RF; Fuhrmann, JJ. 2015. Bamboo invasion of native broadleaf forest modified soil microbial communities and diversity. Biological Invasions, 17(1): 433-444
5.Wang, W; Zhao, XQ; Chen, RF; Dong, XY; Lan, P; Ma, JF; Shen, RF*. 2015. Altered cell wall properties are responsible for ammonium-reduced aluminium accumulation in rice roots. Plant Cell and Environment, 38(7):1382-1390
6.Xu P, LZ Liang, XY Dong, RF Shen*. 2015. Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on aggregate stability of a clay soil inoculating with two different host plants. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil and Plant Science, 65(1):23-29
7.Che J, XQ Zhao, X Zhou, ZJ Jia, RF Shen*. 2015. High pH-enhanced soil nitrification was associated with ammonia-oxidizing bacteria rather than archaea in acidic soils. Applied Soil Ecology, 85: 21-29
8.Wang H, RF Chen, T Iwashita, RF Shen, JF Ma*. 2015. Physiological characterization of aluminum tolerance and accumulation in tartary and wild buckwheat. New Phytologist, 205 (1): 273-279
9.邵继锋,车景,董晓英,沈仁芳*. 2015. 不同基因型玉米耐铝特性比较. 江苏农业科学, 01:61-64.
10.陈静洁,梁林洲,董晓英,李延,沈仁芳*. 2015. 土施糖类对丛枝菌根真菌侵染率和产孢的影响. 菌物学报, 03:394-401.
11.沈仁芳*,滕应. 2015. 土壤安全的概念与我国的战略对策. 中国科学院院刊, 04:468-476.
12.陈荣府,董晓英,赵学强,沈仁芳*. 2015. 木本植物适应酸性土壤机理的研究进展——以胡枝子(Lespedeza bicolor)和油茶(Camellia oleifera)为例. 土壤, 02:252-258.
13.沈仁芳, 董晓英, 吴金水, 赵方杰, 李忠佩. 2015. 土壤学学科发展态势与前沿. IN: 贺纪正, 陆雅海, 傅伯杰主编, 土壤生物学前沿. 北京:科学出版社.
14.Xu P, LZ Liang, XY Dong, J Xu, PK Jiang, RF Shen*. 2014. Response of soil phosphorus required for maximum growth of Asparagus officinalis L. to inoculation of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Pedosphere 24(6): 776-782.
15.Xia JX, N Yamaji, J Che, RF Shen, JF Ma*. 2014. Differential expression of Nrat1 is responsible for Al-tolerance QTL on chromosome 2 in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany, 65(15): 4297-4304.
16.Ma JF, ZC Chen, RF Shen. 2014. Molecular mechanisms of Al tolerance in gramineous plants. Plant and Soil, 38(1-2): 1-12
17.Xia JX, N Yamaji, J Che, RF Shen, JF Ma*. 2014. Normal root elongation requires arginine produced by argininosuccinate lyase in rice. Plant Journal, 78: 215-226
18.Zheng L, P Lan*, RF Shen**, WF Li**. 2014. Proteomics of aluminum tolerance in plants. PROTEOMICS, 14: 566-578
19.Zhao XQ, Shen RF*. 2014. Coadaptation of Plants to Multiple Stresses in Acidic Soils. Soil Science,
20.沈仁芳,吴永红,韩庆忠,夏立忠,马力. 2014. 三峡库区农业土地资源问题及其可持续利用对策. 中国发展, 06:50-55.
21.徐萍,梁林洲,董晓英,沈仁芳. 2014. 农作物秸秆浸提液对丛枝菌根真菌侵染番茄幼苗的影响研究. 土壤, 06:1103-1108.
22.Zhao XQ, Shen RF*. 2013. Interactive regulation of nitrogen and aluminum in rice. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 8:e24355.
23.Liang LZ, XQ Zhao, XY Yi, ZC Chen, XY Dong, RF Chen, RF Shen*. 2013. Excessive application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers induces soil acidification and phosphorus enrichment during vegetable production in Yangtze River Delta, China. Soil Use and Management. 29(2):161-168.
24.Wang C, CY Wang, XQ Zhao, RF Chen, P Lan, RF Shen*. 2013. Proteomic analysis of a high-aluminum-tolerant yeast Rodotorula taiwanensis RS1 in response to aluminum stress. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics. 1834: 1969-1975.
25.Wang C, XQ Zhao, RF Chen, HY Chu, RF Shen*. 2013. Aluminum tolerance of wheat does not induce changes in dominant bacterial community composition or abundance in an acidic soil. Plant and Soil. 367(1-2): 275-284.
26.Zeng QL, RF Chen, XQ Zhao, RF Shen*, A Noguchi, F Shinmachi, I Hasegawa. 2013. Aluminum could be transported via phloem in Camellia oleifera Abel. Tree Physiology. 33(1):96-105.
27.Wang CY, RF Shen*, C Wang, W Wang. 2013. Root protein profile changes induced by Al exposure in two rice cultivars differing in Al tolerance. Journal of Proteomics. 78: 281-293.
28.Wang C, XQ Zhao, T Aizawa, M Sunairi, RF Shen*. 2013. High aluminum tolerance of Rhodotorula sp. RS1 is associated with thickening of the cell wall but not chelation of aluminum ions. Pedosphere. 23(1):29-38.
29.Zhao XQ, SW Guo, F Shinmachi, M Sunairi, A Noguchi, I Hasegawa, RF Shen*. 2013. Aluminum tolerance in rice is antagonistic with nitrate preference and synergistic with ammonium preference. Annals of Botany. 111(1): 69-77.
30.Li L, Y Xie, Y Wang, X Yang*, RF Chen, RF Shen**. 2013. Study on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide adsorbed at nano-boehmite/water and nano-corundum/water interfaces. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 102: 398-404.
31.Zhao XQ, T Aizawa, J Schneider, C Wang, RF Shen, M Sunairi*. 2013. Complete mitochondrial genome of the aluminum-tolerant fungus Rhodotorula taiwanensis RS1 and comparative analysis of Basidiomycota mitochondrial genomes. MicrobiologyOpen, 2(2):308-317
32.Tang YZ, X Chen, XJ Yang, RF Shen, XD Yang*, CZ Xu. 2013. The novel carbon nanomaterials electrochemical sensor for determination of trace aluminum in human body fluids with 8-hydroxyquinoline. IEEE Sensors Journal, 13(9): 3270-3275
33.Tang YZ, C Sun, XJ Yang, XD Yang*, RF Shen*. 2013. Graphene modified glassy carbon electrode for determination of trace aluminium(III) in biological samples. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 8(3): 4194-4205
34.张新梅, 董晓英, 沈仁芳*. 2013. 水稻幼嫩根尖常规石蜡切片制作技术改良. 江苏农业科学, 12:71-73.
35.徐静, 梁林洲, 董晓英, 沈仁芳*. 2013. 4种有机肥源的堆肥茶生物化学性质及对番茄苗期生长的影响. 江苏农业科学, 10:289-292.
36.张新梅, 董晓英, 沈仁芳*. 2013. 作物初生根不同发育时期通气组织形成的石蜡切片与徒手切片的比较观察. 土壤, 05:946-951.
37.徐雷, 梁林洲, 董晓英, 沈仁芳*. 2013. 高磷胁迫对黄瓜幼苗生长及养分吸收和分配的影响. 湖北农业科学, 01:52-55.
38.王超, 赵学强, 沈仁芳*. 2013. 高耐铝红酵母RS1耐铝特性初步研究. 土壤, 03:501-505.
39.张新梅, 董晓英, 陈荣府, 赵学强, 沈仁芳*. 2013. 气相色谱法测定水稻根系痕量乙烯释放的影响因素. 江苏农业学报.