脉管性疾病学组副组长。《Chinese Medical Journal》(SCI收录)编委、《Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery》(美国,SCI收录)国际编委、《Head & Neck Oncology》(英国,SCI收录)编委,《上海口腔医学》(Medline收录)、《中国口腔颌面外科杂志》常务副主编,《中华医学教育探索杂志》编委。长期致力于头颈部血管瘤和
1978.09-1980.07 山东省
淄博市第一中学1980.09-1985.07 山东医科大学口腔医学系(
1989.01-1992.01 山东医科大学口腔医学系助教
1992.02-1995.12 山东医科大学口腔医学系讲师
1996.01-1996.08 山东医科大学口腔医学系副教授
1999.08-2001.11 上海第二医科大学口腔医学院副教授
2007.02- 2008.11 上海交通大学口腔医学院院长助理
2008.12- 上海交通大学口腔医学院教授、副院长
《Chinese Medical Journal》(SCI收录)编委
《Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery》(美国,SCI收录)国际编委
《Head & Neck Oncology》(英国,SCI收录)编委
国际脉管性疾病研究学会( International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies,ISSVA)委员(Active Member),国际牙医师学院 (International College of Dentists,ICD)院士( Fellowship ),
中华口腔医学会会员,中华口腔医学会口腔颌面外科专业委员会委员,中华口腔医学会口腔颌面外科专业委员会脉管性疾病学组副组长,中华口腔医学会口腔医学教育专业委员会副主任委员,《Asian Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery》编委,《中国口腔颌面外科杂志》、《上海口腔医学》常务副主编,《Chinese Medical Journal》(SCI收录)、《Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery》(SCI收录)、《Head and Neck Oncology》(SCI收录)、《World Journal of Stomatology》、《Chinese Journal of Dental Research》、《口腔颌面外科杂志》、《中国口腔医学年鉴》、《
中华口腔医学杂志》特约审稿专家,《Laryngoscope》、《Oral Oncology 》、《Head and Neck 》、《Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 》、《J Dent Edu》、《Plos One》等杂志审稿专家(Reviewer),国家执业医师及主治医师资格考试命审题委员会委员,国家自然科学基金(NNSFC)项目评议人,中华口腔医学会奖项评审专家。
1.Zheng JW, Wang Y. Liposarcoma in the oral and maxillofacial region: an analysis of 10 consecutive patients, J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 1994 Jun;52(6):595-8.
2.Zhang QH, Zheng JW, Wei FC, Song XY. An evaluation of velopharyngeal ring ligation in cleft palate repair.J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 1995 Jun;53(6):651-5; discussion 651-5.
3.Zheng JW, Zhang QH. Tuberculosis of the parotid gland: a report of 12 cases. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 1995 Jul;53(7):849-51.
4.Zheng JW, Song XY, Nie XG. The accuracy of clinical examination versus frozen section in the diagnosis of parotid masses.J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 1997 Jan;55(1):29-31; discussion 32.
5.Zheng J, Song X, Zheng P, Zhang Q. Modified bilateral cleft lip repair with orbicularis reconstruction and prolabial self-elongation. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 1998 Jan;56(1):28-32; discussion 33.
6. 郑家伟,陈传俊,张志愿.平阳霉素瘤内注射治疗口腔颌面部血管瘤、血管畸形的系统评价.中国口腔颌面外科杂志,2003,1(2):102-105.
7. Qiu W, Zheng J.Development of oral and maxillofacial oncology in China . Chin Med J (Engl), 2003,116(10):1567-1573.
脉管性疾病学组.口腔颌面部血管瘤及脉管畸形的诊断和治疗指南(草案).中华口腔医学杂志,2005,40(3):185-186. (通讯作者)
9. Zheng JW, Zhu HG, Yuan RT, Li J, Wang LZ, Zhang SY, Zhang ZY. Recurrent malignant carotid body tumor: report of one case and review of the literature. Chin Med J (Engl),2005,118(22):1929-1932.
10. Zheng J, Zhang Z, Qin Z, Zhu H, Wang Y, Chen C. Management of oral and maxillofacial vascular anomalies: the Chinese experience. Phlebology Review, 2006;14(5):193-209.
11. Zheng JW, Zhong LP, Zhang ZY, Zhang CP, Zhu HG, Sun J, Fan XD, Hu YJ, Ye WM, Li J, Suen J. Carotid artery resection and reconstruction: clinical experience of 28 consecutive cases. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2007 Jun;36(6):514-21.
12. Zheng JW, Zhang WL, Fan XD, Zhang ZY. Elongation and tortuosity of the bilateral internal carotid artery presenting as a pulsatile cervical mass: Report of a case. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2007 Jul;65(7):1370-1372.
14. Zheng JW, Zhou GY, Wang YA, Zhang ZY. Management of head and neck hemangiomas in China. Chinese Med J, 2008,121(11):1037-1042.
15. Ye WM, Zhu HG, Zheng JW, Wang XD, Zhao W, Zhong LP, Zhang ZY. Use of allogenic acellular dermal matrix in prevention of Frey's syndrome after parotidectomy. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2008,46(8):649 – 652.(通讯作者)
16. Zheng JW, Qiu WL, Zhang ZY. Combined and sequential treatment of oral and maxillofacial malignancies: an evolving concept and clinical protocol. Chinese Med J, 2008;121(19):1945-1952.
17. Su YX, Zheng JW, Zheng GS, Liao GQ, Zhang ZY. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy of PF regimen in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: A meta-analysis. Chinese Med J, 2008;121(19):1896-1901.(并列第一作者)
18. Jin WL, Ye WM, Zheng JW, Zhou L, Zhu HG, Zhang ZY, Tian J. Occult cervical lymph node metastases in 100 patients with cN0 tongue cancer. Chinese Med J, 2008;121(19):1871-1874.(通讯作者)
19. Li JZ, Pan HY, Zheng JW, Zhou XJ, Zhang P, Chen WT, Zhang ZY. Benzo (a) pyrene induced tumorigenesity of human immortalized oral epithelial cells: transcription profiling. Chinese Med J, 2008;121(19):1882-1890. (通讯作者)
21. Wang YA, Zheng JW, Fei ZL, Jiang XQ, Wang ZG, Fei J, Zhang ZY. A novel transgenic mice model for venous malformation. Transgenic Res, 2009,18(2):193–201. (通讯作者)
22. Zheng JW, Zhong LP, Ye WM, Zhang ZY. Autologous external jugular vein: A potential vascular graft for carotid artery reconstruction. Med Hypotheses, 2009,72(5): 551-552.
23. Zheng JW, Yang XJ, Zhou Q, Wang YA, Ye WM, Zhu HG, Zhang ZY. Short-term high-dose oral prednisone on alternate days: A more rational regime for infantile hemangiomas. Med Hypotheses, 2009,72(3):365.
24. Zheng JW, Zhou Q, Yang XJ, Wang YA, Ye WM, Zhu HG, Zhang ZY. Anti-estrogenic agents might be more favorable option for treatment of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. Med Hypotheses, 2009,72(2):230-231.
25. Zheng JW, Zhou Q, Yang XJ, He Y, Wang YA, Ye WM, Zhu HG, Zhang ZY. Intralesional injection of Pingyangmycin may be an effective treatment for epulis. Med Hypotheses, 2009,72(4):453-454.
26. Yang XJ, Zheng JW, Ye WM, Wang YA, Zhu HG, Wang LZ, Zhang ZY. Malignant solitary fibrous tumours of the head and neck: A clinicopathological study of 9 consecutive patients. Oral Oncol, 2009,45(8):678–682. (通讯作者)
27. Zheng JW, Yang XJ, Zhou Q, Wang YA, Su LX, Ye WM, Zhu HG, Zhang ZY. The role of multipotential stem cells in human infantile hemangioma. Bioscience Hypotheses, 2009,2:46-47.
28.中华口腔医学会口腔颌面外科专业委员会脉管性疾病学组.口腔颌面部血管瘤和脉管畸形治疗指南. 中华医学杂志,2008,88(44):3102-3107.(通讯作者)
29. Fan XD, Su LX, Zheng JW, Zheng LZ, Zhang ZY. Ethanol Embolization of arteriovenous malformations of the mandible. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 2009,30(6):1178-1183.(通讯作者)
30. Zheng JW, Yang XJ, Wang YA, He H, Ye WM, Zhang ZY. Intralesional injection of Pingyangmycin for vascular malformations in oral and maxillofacial regions: an evaluation of 297 consecutive patients. Oral Oncol, 2009,45(10):872-876.
31. Zhou Q, Zheng JW, Yang XJ, Wang YA, Ye WM, Zhu HG, Zhang ZY. Fibronectin: characterization of a somatic mutation in Sturge-Weber Syndrome (SWS). Med Hypotheses, 2009,73(2):199-200.(通讯作者)
32. Yang XJ, Zheng JW, Zhou Q, Ye Wm, Wang YA, Zhu HG, Zhang ZY. A possible mechanism of spontaneous involution of infantile hemangioma. Bioscience Hypotheses, 2009,2(3):182-183.(通讯作者)
33.王延安,范新东,郑家伟,叶为民,何悦,苏立新,竺涵光,张志愿. 经皮穿刺DSA引导下无水乙醇硬化治疗头颈部静脉畸形.中国口腔颌面外科杂志,2009,7(2):102-105.
34. Wang YA, Fei ZL, Zhang ZY, Jiang XQ, Chen WT, Wang ZG, Fei J, Zheng JW. Construction of novel conditional transgenic vectors for molecular therapy based on the Tet-On system and flanked with insulators in a single plasmid. Molecular Medicine Reports, 2009,2(5):799-803.(通讯作者)
35.尚伟,陆海军,李薇,郑家伟.头颈部鳞癌发病机制与治疗研究进展.中国口腔颌面外科杂志,2009,7(3):290-297. (通讯作者)
36.秦中平,刘学键,李克雷,周琴,杨秀娟,郑家伟. 小剂量普萘洛尔口服治疗婴儿血管瘤的近期疗效与安全性评价.中华医学杂志,2009,89(44): 3130-3134.(通讯作者)
37. Zheng JW, Zhou Q, Yang XJ, Wang YA, Fan XD, Zhou GY, Zhang ZY, Suen JY. Treatment guideline for hemangiomas and vascular malformations of the head and neck. Head Neck, 2010,32(8): 1088–1098.
38. Yang XJ, Zheng JW, Zhou Q, Ye WM, Wang YA, Zhu HG, Wang LZ, Zhang ZY. Angiosarcomas of the head and neck: A clinico-immunohistochemical study of 8 consecutive patients. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2010,39(6): 568-572.(通讯作者)
39. Wang YA, Zheng JW, Zhu HG, Ye WM, He Y, Zhang ZY. Sclerotherapy of voluminous venous malformation in head and neck with absolute ethanol under digital subtraction angiography guidance. Phlebology, 2010,25(2):138–144.(并列第一作者)
40.Zhou Q, Yang XJ, Zheng JW, Wang YA, Zhang ZY. Short-term high-dose oral prednisone on alternate days is safe and effective for treatment of infantile hemangiomas. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 2010,109(2):166-167.(通讯作者)
41.Zhou Q, Yang XJ, Zheng JW, Wang YA. Hemangioma concurrent with arteriovenous malformation in oral and maxillofacial region: report of a case and review of the literature. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2011,69(4):1100-1102.(通讯作者)
42. Yang XJ, Jiang YH, Zheng JW, Hong L,Zhou Q, Qin ZP.The role of serum basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), estradiol and urine bFGF in differentiating infantile hemangiomas from vascular malformations. Phlebology, 2011,26(5):191-196.(通讯作者)
43.Wei ZJ. Sclerotherapy of maxillofacial venous malformations. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2010,68(6):1456-1457.
44. Zheng JW. Percutaneous sclerotherapy of massive venous malformations of the face and neck using fibrin glue combined with OK-432 and pingyangmycin. Head Neck,2010,32(6):826-827.
45.郑家伟,李金忠,涂文勇,张陈平,郭传瑸,李龙江,孙沫逸,韩正学,廖贵清,潘朝斌,张文峰,季彤.口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤治疗指南. 中国口腔颌面外科杂志,2010,8(2):98-106.
46.Jiang YH, Zhou Q, Zheng JW, Wang YA. Mushroom-shaped teratoma of the soft palate in a neonate: case report. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2010,48(5):e25–e26.(通讯作者)
47. Zhou Q, Zheng JW, Yang XJ, Wang HJ, Ma D, Qin ZP. Detection of RASA1 mutations in patients with sporadic Sturge-Weber syndrome. Childs Nerv Syst, 2011,27(4):603-607.(通讯作者)
48.郑家伟,麦华明, 骆泉丰, 杨耀武,高庆红,赵吉宏,范新东,王延安,秦中平,周国瑜,杨宏宇,陈传俊.口腔颌面部淋巴管畸形治疗指南. 中国口腔颌面外科杂志,2010,8(5): 386-390.
49.Zheng JW. Comment on low-dose propranolol for infantile haemangioma. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg, 2011,64(3):299-300.
50. 郑家伟,周琴,王延安,范新东,周国瑜,秦中平,赵吉宏,王绪凯,赵怡芳.口腔颌面部血管瘤治疗指南.中国口腔颌面外科杂志,2011,9(1):61-67.
平阳霉素治疗脉管性疾病规范. 中国口腔颌面外科杂志,2011,9(1):68-69.
52.Zheng JW. Comment on efficacy and safety of propranolol in the treatment of parotid hemangioma. Cutan Ocul Toxicol, 2011,30(4):336-337.
动静脉畸形诊治指南. 中国口腔颌面外科杂志,2011,9(3):242-247.(通讯作者)
54.Zhou Q, Zheng JW, Mai HM, Luo QF, Fan XD, Su LX, Wang YA, Qin ZP. Treatment guidelines of lymphatic malformations of the head and neck, Oral Oncol,2011,47 (12):1105-1109. (通讯作者)
55.中华口腔医学会口腔颌面外科专业委员会脉管性疾病学组.口腔颌面-头颈部静脉畸形诊治指南.中国口腔颌面外科杂志,2011,9(6):510-517. (通讯作者)
56. 郑家伟,张凌,麦华明.口腔颌面部血管瘤的治疗.中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版),2012,6(2):1-6.
57.Mai HM, Zheng JW, Wang YA, Yang XJ, Zhou Q, Qin ZP, Li KL. CD133 selected stem cells from proliferating infantile hemangioma and establishment of an in vivo mice model of hemangioma. Chin Med J (Engl), 2013,126(1):88-94. (通讯作者)
58. Fu J, Gao J, Zhang Z, Zheng J, Zhong L, Luo J, Xiang Y. Role of cigarette filter on the risk of oral cancer: a case-control study in a Chinese population. Oral Dis, 2013,19(1):80-84.(通讯作者)
59.Fu JY, Gao J, Zhang ZY, Zheng JW, Luo JF, Zhong LP, Xiang YB. Tea consumption and the risk of oral cancer incidence: A case-control study from China. Oral Oncol,2013,2013,49(9):918-922.(共同通讯作者)
60.Zheng JW, Zhang L, Zhou Q, Mai HM, Wang YA, Fan XD, Qin ZP, Wang XK, Zhao YF. A practical guide to treatment of infantile hemangiomas of the head and neck. Int J Clin Exp Med, 2013,6(10):851-860.
61.Zheng JW, Mai HM, Zhang L, Wang YA, Fan XD, Su LX, Qin ZP, Yang YW, Jiang YH, Zhao YF, Suen JY. Guidelines for the treatment of head and neck venous malformations. Int J Clin Exp Med, 2013,6(5):377-389.
62.Mai HM, Zheng JW, Zhou Q, Yang XJ, Wang YA, Fan XD. Intralesional injection of pingyangmycin is a safe and effective treatment for microcystic lymphatic malformations in the tongue. Phlebology, 2013,28(3):147-152. (通讯作者)
3.郑家伟. 医学期刊如何才能进入MEDLINE数据库.中国科技期刊研究,2005,16(1):95-97.
5.张志愿,郑家伟,杨驰,张善勇.重视和正确应用临床诊断试验的评价指标. 上海口腔医学,2005,14(3):161-163.
9.邱蔚六,郑家伟,叶晨.学习和实践循证医学,努力推进口腔医学发展.继续医学教育, 2006,20(1):92-94.
14.郑家伟,曹霞,张善勇,张志愿,杨驰.口腔颌面外科PBL教学案例的撰写. 中国口腔颌面外科杂志,2009,7(6):551-555.
15.郑家伟,曹霞,徐袁瑾,张建中,冯希平,郭莲,张志愿.口腔医学院开展双语教学的问题与对策. 上海口腔医学,2010,19(1):107-110.
18.郑家伟,张志愿,张建中,冯希平. 找准差距,迎难而上,争创一流——上海交通大学口腔医学院发展思考.中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版),2010,4(6):535-539.
19.郑家伟. 也谈口腔医学创新性研究.中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版),2011,5(2):1-3.
20.徐菱,郑家伟. 口腔医学院校综合实力评价指标体系的研究.上海口腔医学,2011,20(2):204-208.
21.Zheng JW, Zhang SY, Yang C, Zhang ZY, Shen GF. Creating an effective PBL case in oral and maxillofacial surgery at a Chinese dental school: a dental education primer. J Dent Educ, 2011,75(11):1496-1501. (SCI)
22.郑家伟,叶晨,徐菱,张志愿,张建中.开展口腔循证医学教育的必要性和可行性探讨. 中华医学教育探索杂志,2011,10(1):67-70.
23.徐菱,郑家伟. 口腔医学院校综合实力评价指标的构建与分析.医学教育探索,2011,10(2):160-162. (教学论文)
27.Zhang SY, Zheng JW, Yang C, Zhang ZY, Shen GF, Zhang JZ, Xu YJ, Cao X. Case-based learning in clinical courses in a Chinese college of stomatology. J Dent Educ, 2012,76(10):1389-1392.(SCI)
29.郑家伟,张善勇,杨驰,曹霞.我国口腔医学专业教材建设的现状与思考. 中华医学教育探索杂志,2012,11(9):953-962.
31.Zheng JW, Zhang SY, Yang C, Guo L, Shen GF, Feng XP, Zhang JZ, Zhang ZY. Current undergraduate and postgraduate dental education in China. J Dent Edu, 2013,77(1):72-78. (SCI)
34.Zheng J, Fang B, Zhang S, Yang C, Shen G, Qiu W, Zhang Z. Oral and maxillofacial surgery in China: Past, present and future. Open Journal of Stomatology, 2013,3(7):354-358.
35.Li C, Zheng J, Guo C, Ling J, Yu H, Zhang J, Tai B, Hou T, Tang G, Sun W, Wang S. An introduction to clinical practice guideline for Chinese undergraduates in stomatology. Eur J Dent Educ, 2013 Oct 5.(SCI)