CCIE,全称Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert,是美国Cisco公司于1993年开始推出的专家级认证考试。被全球公认为IT业最权威的认证,是全球Internetworking领域中最顶级的认证证书
思科认证网络专家项目(CCIE Program)为网络技术设立了一个专业标准,被业界广泛认可。拥有CCIE认证被认为是具有专业网络技术知识和丰富工作经验的最好证明
CCIE认证分active和inactive两种状态,Cisco公司为了让CCIE能够跟踪新技术,并保持CCIE的专家水平,从通过CCIE认证开始,每二年就要进行一次重认证,否则你虽然仍然拥有你的CCIE number,但是你的状态就从active变成inactive,相应的享有在Cisco公司赋予的一些权利就没了,但是CCIE号码是永久保留。苛刻的认证规则使CCIE成为IT业界中含金量最高的证书之一,当然也成了最受尊重、最难取得的证书之一。
Cisco公司从1993年开设CCIE考试,当前CCIE号码减去1024等于全球CCIE通过人数.CCIE号码是从CCIE#1024开始算起的。为了纪念CCIELab这个艰辛的考试,思科确定:CCIE Lab考试本身就是一个CCIE#号(所以CCIE Lab考试就被冠于第一个CCIE#1024)所以第一位通过CCIE的考生是CCIE#1025(Stuart Biggs)然而Stuart Biggs本人当时就是思科CCIE考试的考官,所以第一位通过CCIE非cisco的考生是CCIE#1026 (Terry Slattery)【Netcordia的CEO】
通过苛刻的CCIE认证后,您将获得一个CCO账号,直接得到Cisco 二级专家的支持,享受CCIE拥有的特权。如果您打算技术移民,通过CCIE认证可以获得额外的加分。CCIE在美国年薪可达150万美元,还不包括股票期权和其他福利。
CCIE历史 让我们将历史的时钟拨回到26年前,业界人士应该都有所了解,20年前的1993年,Cisco通过不到1亿美元的价格收购了Crescendo 通讯公司,从而获得了Catalyst 5000交换机的生产线,以及Luca Cafiero, Prem Jain, Mario Mazzola, Randy Pond 和Jayshree Ullal这几位高管。同年(1993年)如虎添翼的Cisco便向世界发布了自己的CCIE(Cisco Certified Internetworking EXPERT)认证程序,这是全球网络领域中最顶级的认证。不排除还有其他的一些因素,但就是通过这次对Crescendo的收购,让Cisco这样一个原本普普通通的路由器生产商一下一跃成为世界级企业网络巨头。然而在Cisco创造的众多认证程序中最重要的也是到现今为止一直主宰着网络技术走向的认证便是CCIE。
我记得多年前有位记者问我为什么人们心甘情愿地花费巨额来购买Cisco的硬件设备。他认为人们只要通过阅读Cisco 10k手册即可看到在同类产品中Cisco设备的功能是多么的完善,但是我认为他并没有理解其中的真谛。我告诉他,如果将Cisco认证过的工程师,特别是CCIE召集在一起,那么就可以组建成一支强大的网络工程师部队,他们深谙如何以Cisco的方式构建一个完整的网络,但把这一任务交给非IE级别的工程师,那么构建出的网络或多或少都会存在某些安全问题
就是这种严酷的、顶级的认证让众多企业IT部门都倾向于招募那些经过Cisco认证的人才。我接触到的许多工程师都将Cisco看作是一种职业路线而不是网络技术,也就是说工程师们起初通过一个比较低级的像CCNA之类的认证,然后再慢慢地一级级地考,获得更高层次的认证。但是如果换了其他厂商的设备,那么他们所学的知识就无用武之地了。几年前,我记得在大学里和某位CTO讨论关于网络升级的话题,他认为如果将设备迁移到别的厂商的话,那么再培训的成本会让人望而生畏。因此为了瓜分市场,许多竞争厂商都将Cisco CLI移植到了自己的设备中与之兼容,从而消除操作上的一些代沟。
对于CIO来说,决定使用Cisco的设备会让企业在众多工程师中挖掘出那些符合企业需求的优秀的人才。可以到Monster.com上搜索一下Cisco Certified Engineers,你会发现成百上千的优秀工程师。而且现在考取ProCurve 或 Junos 的认证工程师也越来越少。
学习方式创新:通过推出首个协作社交学习社区思科网络学习空间,思科为专 业人士、学生及任何对IT职业感兴趣的人员提供互动学习和导师指导方面的资源。
CCIE 认证是Cisco认证体系中最顶级的证书。要取得CCIE认证证书,需要取得以下课程考试:
2.CCIE实验考试(即Lab,8小时配置) 考试费:1600美元,北京考点为RMB11200元,移动考点为1900美元
CCIE 路由和交换认证证明你具备对复杂整合式网络进行筹划、准备、运营、监控和故障排除的专业级技能。CCIE认证是对网络专家个人技能的最高肯定。
CCIE Service Provider Operations认证评估且标志了核心IP下一代网络服务提供商专门知识。通过CCIE SP Operation认证的考生,拥有运营工程师在IOS以及IOS XR操作环境下,对复杂服务提供商的IP下一代核心(PE-PE及PE-CE)网络架构进行排错和维护所需的专家级(3级或4级支持)技能,以及对运营管理流程、框架及网络管理系统等方面广泛的理论知识的掌握
CCIE Service Provider 标志着网络工程师拥有对复杂高度可用的服务提供商IP下一代核心基础设施进行配置、构建、排错和优化所需的专家级技能。准备获取CCIE服务提供商认证的考生拥有对IP核心层汇聚层及边缘层、远程接入技术、第二层和第三层VPN外加IP核心网络管理服务遍历方面的透彻认识。
CCIE数据中心认证 考察考生对复杂的思科数据中心网络进行规划、准备、运行、监控以及排错的专家级技能。获得CCIE数据中心认证的专业人士证明了他们具备最高等级的技术技能
CCIE无线认证 评估及验证了无线方面的专业知识。通过CCIE无线认证考试的考生拥有无线网络方面的广泛理论知识,并对WLAN技术的市场领袖——思科的无线局域网技术有着扎实的理解。
CCIE安全认证 证明了你拥有对思科网络安全解决方案进行部署、维护及支持的专业级技能。考生需要对笔试、实验考试要点具备深入的理解,推荐在网络安全领域拥有3-5年工作经验的人士参加该门考试。
CCIE协作 是一项为协作架构师,统一通信架构师,或语音和视频网络管理员设计的认证,他们的工作职责是设计、实施以及对复杂的协作方案进行故障排除。这项认证是一项专家级别的认证,确保你可以从中获得协作解决方案整合及交互操作、配置和对复杂网络进行故障排除等领域的知识和经验,以及视频、移动、及网真工作场所协作解决方案的基础所面对的挑战。
路由和交换领域的CCIE认证资格表示网络人士在不同的LANWAN接口和各种路由器、交换机的联网方面拥有专家级知识。R&S 领域的专家可以解决复杂的连接问题,利用技术解决方案提高带宽、缩短响应时间、最大限度地提高性能、加强安全性和支持全球性应用。考生应当能够安装、配置和维护LAN、WAN和拨号接入服务。
CCIE认证有效期为两年,且必须在之后每两年进行再认证。 要进行再认证,请在认证过期之前通过下列考试之一:  通过任何一门提供的642-XXX Professional(资深工程师)级别考试;  通过任何一门提供的CCIE笔试;  通过提供的CCDE笔试或提供的CCDE实践考试;  通过思科认证架构师(CCAr)面试和CCAr委员会审核,延长较低等级认证的有效期。  未能在再认证期限之前通过资格考试或实验考试的CCIE和CCDE专业人士,将被置于暂缓状态,他们的雇主也会被告知这一情况。对处于暂缓状态的CCIE和CCDE专业人士,在他们的专家级别认证永久失效之前,将有一年时间来通过需要的考试或实验考试。失效了的CCIE和CCDE专业人士将失去所有利益,并且必须再次通过CCIE笔试和实验考试或CCDE笔试和实践考试。  获取或再认证CCIE、CCDE或CCAr将自动延长您的入门级、工程师、资深工程师、其他专家级别认证或专业化认证的有效期,至最新获得的CCIE、CCDE或CCAr认证过期日。Exam Sections and Sub-task Objectives
1.00 Implement Layer 2 Technologies √
1.10 Implement Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
(a) 802.1d
(b) 802.1w
(c) 801.1s
(d) Loop guard
(e) Root guard
(f) Bridge protocol data unit (BPDU) guard
(g) Storm control
(h) Unicast flooding
(i) Port roles, failure propagation, and loop guard operation
1.20 Implement VLAN and VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP)
1.30 Implement trunk and trunk protocols, EtherChannel, and load-balance
1.40 Implement Ethernet technologies
(a) Speed and duplex
(b) Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, and Gigabit Ethernet
(c) PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)
1.50 Implement Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN), Remote Switched Port Analyzer (RSPAN), and flow control
1.60 Implement Frame Relay
(a) Local Management Interface (LMI)
(b) Traffic shaping
(c) Full mesh
(d) Hub and spoke
(e) Discard eligible (DE)
1.70 Implement High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) and PPP
2.00 Implement IPv4
2.10 Implement IP version4 (IPv4) addressing, subnetting, and variable-length subnet masking (VLSM)
2.20 Implement IPv4tunneling and Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)
2.30 Implement IPv4 RIP version 2 (RIPv2)
2.40 Implement IPv4 Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
(a) Standard OSPF areas
(b) Stub area
(c) Totally stubby area
(d) Not-so-stubby-area (NSSA)
(e) Totally NSSA
(f) Link-state advertisement (LSA) types
(g) Adjacency on a point-to-point and on a multi-access network
(h) OSPF graceful restart
2.50 Implement IPv4 Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP)
(a) Best path
(b) Loop-free paths
(c) EIGRP operations when alternate loop-free paths are available, and when they are not available
(d) EIGRP queries
(e) Manual summarization and autosummarization
(f) EIGRP stubs
2.60 Implement IPv4 Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
(a) Next hop
(b) Peering
(c) Internal Border Gateway Protocol (IBGP) and External Border Gateway Protocol (EBGP)
2.70 Implement policy routing
2.80 Implement Performance Routing (PfR) and Cisco Optimized Edge Routing (OER)
2.90 Implement filtering, route redistribution, summarization, synchronization, attributes, and other advanced features
3.00 Implement IPv6
3.10 Implement IP version 6 (IPv6) addressing and different addressing types
3.20 Implement IPv6 neighbor discovery
3.30 Implement basic IPv6 functionality protocols
3.40 Implement tunneling techniques
3.50 Implement OSPF version 3 (OSPFv3)
3.60 Implement EIGRP version 6 (EIGRPv6)
3.70 Implement filtering and route redistribution
4.00 Implement MPLS Layer 3 VPNs
4.10 Implement Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)
4.20 Implement Layer 3 virtual private networks (VPNs) on provider edge (PE), provider (P), and customer edge (CE) routers
4.30 Implement virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) and Multi-VRF Customer Edge (VRF-Lite)
5.00 Implement IP Multicast
5.10 Implement Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) sparse mode
5.20 Implement Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP)
5.30 Implement interdomain multicast routing
5.40 Implement PIM Auto-Rendezvous Point (Auto-RP), unicast rendezvous point (RP), and bootstrap router (BSR)
5.50 Implement multicast tools, features, and source-specific multicast
5.60 Implement IPv6 multicast, PIM, and related multicast protocols, such as Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD)
6.00 Implement Network Security
6.01 Implement access lists
6.02 Implement Zone Based Firewall
6.03 Implement Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (uRPF)
6.04 Implement IP Source Guard
6.05 Implement authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) (configuring the AAA server is not required, only the client-side (IOS) is configured)
6.06 Implement Control Plane Policing (CoPP)
6.07 Implement Cisco IOS Firewall
6.08 Implement Cisco IOS Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
6.09 Implement Secure Shell (SSH)
6.10 Implement 802.1x
6.11 Implement NAT
6.12 Implement routing protocol authentication
6.13 Implement device access control
6.14 Implement security features
7.00 Implement Network Services
7.10 Implement Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP)
7.20 Implement Gateway Load Balancing Protocol (GLBP)
7.30 Implement Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)
7.40 Implement Network Time Protocol (NTP)
7.50 Implement DHCP
7.60 Implement Web Cache Communication Protocol (WCCP)
8.00 Implement Quality ofService (QoS)
8.10 Implement Modular QoS CLI (MQC)
(a) Network-Based Application Recognition (NBAR)
(b) Class-based weighted fair queuing (CBWFQ),modified deficit round robin (MDRR), and low latency queuing (LLQ)
(c) Classification
(d) Policing
(e) Shaping
(f) Marking
(g) Weighted random early detection (WRED) and random early detection (RED)
(h) Compression
8.20 Implement Layer 2 QoS: weighted round robin (WRR), shaped round robin (SRR), and policies
8.30 Implement link fragmentation and interleaving (LFI) for Frame Relay
8.40 Implement generic traffic shaping
8.50 Implement Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP)
8.60 Implement Cisco AutoQoS
9.00 Troubleshoot a Network
9.10 Troubleshoot complex Layer 2 network issues
9.20 Troubleshoot complex Layer 3 network issues
9.30 Troubleshoot a network in response to application problems
9.40 Troubleshoot network services
9.50 Troubleshoot network security
10.00 Optimize the Network
10.01 Implement syslog and local logging
10.02 Implement IP Service Level Agreement SLA
10.03 Implement NetFlow
10.04 Implement SPAN, RSPAN, and router IP traffic export (RITE)
10.05 Implement Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
10.06 Implement Cisco IOS Embedded Event Manager (EEM)
10.07 Implement Remote Monitoring (RMON)
10.08 Implement FTP
10.09 Implement TFTP
10.10 Implement TFTP server on router
10.11 Implement Secure Copy Protocol (SCP)
10.12 Implement HTTP and HTTPS
10.13 Implement Telnet
安全领域的CCIE 认证表示网络人士在IP 和IP 路由,以及特定的安全协议和组件方面拥有专家级知识。获得安全CCIE,能够设计安全的网络。熟练使用ASA/PIX,IPS,VPN产品以及各种安全技术
Implement secure networks using Cisco ASA Firewalls
Perform basic firewall Initialization Configure device management Configure address translation (nat, global, static) Configure ACLs Configure IP routing Configure object groups Configure VLANs Configure filtering Configure failover Configure Layer 2 Transparent Firewall Configure security contexts (virtual firewall) Configure Modular Policy Framework Configure Application-Aware Inspection Configure high availability solutions Configure QoS policies
Implement secure networks using Cisco IOS FirewallsConfigure CBAC Configure Zone-Based Firewall Configure Audit Configure Auth Proxy Configure PAM Configure access control Configure performance tuning Configure advanced IOS Firewall features
Implement secure networks using Cisco VPN solutionsConfigure IPsec LAN-to-LAN (IOS/ASA) Configure SSL VPN (IOS/ASA) Configure Dynamic Multipoint VPN (DMVPN) Configure Group Encrypted Transport (GET) VPN Configure Easy VPN (IOS/ASA) Configure CA (PKI) Configure Remote Access VPN Configure Cisco Unity Client Configure Clientless WebVPN Configure AnyConnect VPN Configure XAuth, Split-Tunnel, RRI, NAT-T Configure High Availability Configure QoS for VPN Configure GRE, mGRE Configure L2TP Configure advanced Cisco VPN features
Configure Cisco IPS to mitigate network threatsConfigure IPS 4200 Series Sensor Appliance Initialize the Sensor Appliance Configure Sensor Appliance management Configure virtual Sensors on the Sensor Appliance Configure security policies Configure promiscuous and inline monitoring on the Sensor Appliance Configure and tune signatures on the Sensor Appliance Configure custom signatures on the Sensor Appliance Configure blocking on the Sensor Appliance Configure TCP resets on the Sensor Appliance Configure rate limiting on the Sensor Appliance Configure signature engines on the Sensor Appliance Use IDM to configure the Sensor Appliance Configure event action on the Sensor Appliance Configure event monitoring on the Sensor Appliance Configure advanced features on the Sensor Appliance Configure and tune Cisco IOS IPS Configure SPAN & RSPAN on Cisco switches
Implement Identity ManagementConfigure RADIUS and TACACS+ security protocols Configure LDAP Configure Cisco Secure ACS Configure certificate-based authentication Configure proxy authentication Configure 802.1x Configure advanced identity management features Configure Cisco NAC Framework
Implement Control Plane and Management Plane SecurityImplement routing plane security features (protocol authentication, route filtering) Configure Control Plane Policing Configure CP protection and management protection Configure broadcast control and switchport security Configure additional CPU protection mechanisms (options drop, logging interval) Disable unnecessary services Control device access (Telnet, HTTP, SSH, Privilege levels) Configure SNMP, Syslog, AAA, NTP Configure service authentication (FTP, Telnet, HTTP, other) Configure RADIUS and TACACS+ security protocols Configure device management and security
Configure Advanced SecurityConfigure mitigation techniques to respond to network attacks Configure packet marking techniques Implement security RFCs (RFC1918/3330, RFC2827/3704) Configure Black Hole and Sink Hole solutions Configure RTBH filtering (Remote Triggered Black Hole) Configure Traffic Filtering using Access-Lists Configure IOS NAT Configure TCP Intercept Configure uRPF Configure CAR Configure NBAR Configure NetFlow Configure Anti-Spoofing solutions Configure Policing Capture and utilize packet captures Configure Transit Traffic Control and Congestion Management Configure Cisco Catalyst advanced security features
Identify and Mitigate Network AttacksIdentify and protect against fragmentation attacks Identify and protect against malicious IP option usage Identify and protect against network reconnaissance attacks Identify and protect against IP spoofing attacks Identify and protect against MAC spoofing attacks Identify and protect against ARP spoofing attacks Identify and protect against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks Identify and protect against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks Identify and protect against Man-in-the-Middle (MiM) attacks Identify and protect against port redirection attacks Identify and protect against DHCP attacks Identify and protect against DNS attacks Identify and protect against Smurf attacks Identify and protect against SYN attacks Identify and protect against MAC Flooding attacks Identify and protect against VLAN hopping attacks Identify and protect against various Layer2 and Layer3 attacks
电信运营商CCIE认证(以前被称为通信和服务)表示网络人士在IP原理和核心IP技术(例如单播IP路由、QoS、组播、MPLS、MPLS VPN、流量工程和多协议BGP)方面拥有专家级知识,并且在至少一项与电信运营商有关的网络领域具有专业知识。这些领域包括拨号、DSL有线网络光网、WAN交换、IP电话、内容网络和城域以太网。
MPLS VPN 体系结构卷一
MPLS VPN 体系结构卷二
MPLS 流量工程
Bridging and SwitchingVTP, VLAN, Trunk, Spanning tree Frame Relay, DLCI, FR multilink ATM PVC, SVC, FR/ATM interworking PPPoE
IGP RoutingIS-IS, Level 1/2, Metric OSPF, LSA, Area Redistribution, Summarization, Filtering Policy routing
EGP RoutingIBGP, EBGP BGP attributes Confederation, Route reflector Synchronization, Aggregation, Stability Redistribution, Filtering Multipath
SP MulticastPIM-SM, PIM-DM, SSM, PIM-BIDIR, IGMP Auto RP, Static RP, BSR, Anycast RP MP-BGP for multicast, MSDP
MPLSLabel distribution, LDP/ TDP Label filtering, Label merging, Multipath MPLS COS MPLS Netflow MPLS over ATM MPLS Traffic Engineering
L3/L2 VPNMPLS VPN, MP-iBGP PE-CE routing, RIPv2, OSPF, EIGRP, Static, ISIS, EBGP BGP Extended Community Inter AS MPLS VPN Carrier Supporting Carrier VRF-Lite, VRF Select Multicast MPLS VPN GRE, multipoint GRE AToM, L2TPv3 802.QinQ
SP QoS and SecurityDSCP/EXP, TOS, NBAR Marking, Shaping, Policing CAR, FRTS WRQ, CBWFQ, LLQ, PQ, CQ RED, WRED LFI, cRTP RSVP ACL, RPF, Filtering Routing update security Common attacks
High AvailabilityNSF, GLBP Fast reroute, Link/Node protection HSRP, VRRP
ManagementSNMP, SYSLOG, RMON Accounting Netflow NTP
书名:CCIE 2.0学习指南(附光盘)ISBN:711109535
作者:(美)Roosevelt Giles著//任宇飞
第1章 起步
第4章 桥接体系结构
第5章 NetBIOS体系结构
第6章 了解AppleTalk
第7章 掌握Novell NetWare
第8章 TCP/IP体系结构概述
第13章 数据链路交换
第14章 ATM结构
第15章 广域网
附录A CCNA考试题及答案
附录B CCNP考试题及答案
最新修订时间:2025-01-04 14:35